Book This! - General Discussion

I got some free time right now so i'll post up the BT I have going on another site and after I post the introduction I'll put up a summary of what happened in the 4 shows after since i'm in the process of my first PPV with the thread and don't feel like putting up 4 shows in a row.

EDIT: Depending on how ambitious I get maybe i'll post the 4 shows later tonight instead of the summary cause that came out like a giant wall of words and looks like crap.
I got some free time right now so i'll post up the BT I have going on another site and after I post the introduction I'll put up a summary of what happened in the 4 shows after since i'm in the process of my first PPV with the thread and don't feel like putting up 4 shows in a row.

EDIT: Depending on how ambitious I get maybe i'll post the 4 shows later tonight instead of the summary cause that came out like a giant wall of words and looks like crap.

Stagger it out and keep yourself a show or two in front. Then - if you get busy at some point - you've still got something you can post to keep the show going. Just a thought?
Stagger it out and keep yourself a show or two in front. Then - if you get busy at some point - you've still got something you can post to keep the show going. Just a thought?

Yeah maybe I'll do that. Cause this PPV will take me awhile to get done. I'll put up the first 2 shows tonight and then probably put up the other 2 on the first or second. Depending on how bad my hangover is on new years day :p
First two shows are up, Some feedback would be nice. I'll put up the other two sometime next week cause there done but figure i'll give people a chance to read whats up first.
SMACKDOWN before ELIMINATION CHAMBER is up, folks. Also posted a template for predictions.

I'm now ready to start writing the PPV. Woop! Last one before WrestleMania!
I'll add that to my list of things to do today. Sorry man I just can't get into your NXT and usually just skim it.

Hmmm. I suggest it will get better as we near the conclusion. Big plans for the three that survive. After WM, NXT will be a little different as well.
Hmmm. I suggest it will get better as we near the conclusion. Big plans for the three that survive. After WM, NXT will be a little different as well.

Yeah I think the problem is all the guys on there have been in WWE before this time. Khali was even a world champ before 2011 so it really confuses me as to why he's on NXT. Plus Rock is WAY too big for NXT. Personally I would like to see you make NXT into the way WWE did season 1 minus the stupid challenges. I can tell you have big plans for Dolph though.
GCB, For the tournament should we have a youtube preshow match or just focus on the main card? Considering normally WWE just throws a bunch of guys out there for a battle royal at mania.
Would be interesting if someone did a book this with 2013 Monday Night Wars between Impacr & RAW, with two writers.

It's hard to find a reliable partner in the first place to pull off a two person thread but usually a partnered thread is too take some of the workload off the other. I think a better idea would be to have two different threads and have a crossover events like if someone had a true ROH and true TNA thread with real-life rosters to have an invasion angle for a bit then go back to their own threads.
GCB, For the tournament should we have a youtube preshow match or just focus on the main card? Considering normally WWE just throws a bunch of guys out there for a battle royal at mania.

Up to you if you want to include it or not - if you're just going to use a Battle Royal then I wouldn't bother! :)
Don't think I'm going to enter the tournament, if I'm honest I just can't be bothered typing up the entry. I look forward to watching it unfold however :)
I still gotta type up how my matches came about and what happened in the matches for my tournament audition.

Happy new year everyody hopefully 2013 can be a great year for the BT section!

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