Book This! - General Discussion

Yeah, don't think it's just one person's fault. We all sort of just faded away as life just got busy. Kermit brought up a pretty interesting note that we should just do this WZCW style but then that would just leave us with ONE thing to read and I don't think we should do that. I tried my best to recruit guys so that this section would boom but then we all just got busy like I stated earlier.

Also, I think this section really needs a mod. Not just any mod but a mod that posts a thread himself. I would recommend Theo for this one. To clean up the threads that don't last very long, I think we should set up a 30, hell 60 day rule where you can't start another thread after that. That way, people will really think what they wanna do and plan for it better. Having an application thread for bookers would be great too as well as maybe a HOW TO BOOK THIS thread which can be done via private messaging or MSN maybe.

This section was pretty good last time I was in it so it's pretty sad to see it in the state that it is in. But I think it can still make a comeback.


It wasn't my fault the section died. (Choxy here.) I'll tell you who's fault it was... It was the fault of everyone. Everyone killed this section. It was the people who just got "fed up" of being here. People like GCB who dissapeared cause he was too busy... It's the fault of the writers who would always put other writers down. It was the fault of the idiotic bookings. Seriously, Kidnaps and things? Is this a wrestling show or are you taping the newest episode of Eastenders. Yeah ok, some people have better things to do then constantly post Book this threads (GCB) but then when they come on and blame other authors that's just BS.

We can make a come back... blah blah blah. So we get our big comeback, new authors join they get put down by the red neck authors who think they are The Stone Cold Steve Austin's of Book This. What happens after the new authors get put down and told their threads are crap? Here comes the second city saints Jammy and Greasy into save the Booking day! Then our savors go 'Cause they have better things to do... then the section dies again! I cant wait!

What's wrong Greasy? Have I touched a nerve? You know. I'm looking through some of the booking threads right now! Looking at some authors too.. T-Mays? Global Icon? Greasy_Chip_Butty? The Cult? Some good names there.. Then you get the ones who people like "Jam" and "GCB" think there better then... Names like Heel Ziggler. Heck, even good ol' Choxy!

Jammy Dogger over there wants a moderator for the section? Oooh! A moderator... Ban the new comers, ban the good threads to make sure he stays the best? Ahh that's nice isn't it? Seriously though.. What the flip is a mod going to do? REALLY.

Maybe I am being rude.. Why the hell should I care? YOU. YOU GUYS BLAMED ME. I am not to blame... You want some one to blame. The person you should blame is in the mirror that you next look at. Yourself.

Choxy out.
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It wasn't my fault the section died. (Choxy here.) I'll tell you who's fault it was... It was the fault of everyone. Everyone killed this section. It was the people who just got "fed up" of being here. People like GCB who dissapeared cause he was too busy... It's the fault of the writers who would always put other writers down. It was the fault of the idiotic bookings. Seriously, Kidnaps and things? Is this a wrestling show or are you taping the newest episode of Eastenders. Yeah ok, some people have better things to do then constantly post Book this threads (GCB) but then when they come on and blame other authors that's just BS.

We can make a come back... blah blah blah. So we get our big comeback, new authors join they get put down by the red neck authors who think they are The Stone Cold Steve Austin's of Book This. What happens after the new authors get put down and told their threads are crap? Here comes the second city saints Jammy and Greasy into save the Booking day! Then our savors go 'Cause they have better things to do... then the section dies again! I cant wait!

What's wrong Greasy? Have I touched a nerve? You know. I'm looking through some of the booking threads right now! Looking at some authors too.. T-Mays? Global Icon? Greasy_Chip_Butty? The Cult? Some good names there.. Then you get the ones who people like "Jam" and "GCB" think there better then... Names like Heel Ziggler. Heck, even good ol' Choxy!

Jammy Dogger over there wants a moderator for the section? Oooh! A moderator... Ban the new comers, ban the good threads to make sure he stays the best? Ahh that's nice isn't it? Seriously though.. What the flip is a mod going to do? REALLY.

Maybe I am being rude.. Why the hell should I care? YOU. YOU GUYS BLAMED ME. I am not to blame... You want some one to blame. The person you should blame is in the mirror that you next look at. Yourself.

Choxy out.

Who taught you to write coherently?

I said that I personally blamed you. You started the rot, in my opinion. You were the one who put me off - I've been busy before and managed to keep chugging along with my BT. Why couldn't I do that this time? If you pushed me for an answer, I'd say it was you. I can't think that BT was that appealing when your thread was the first thing anybody read - I've seen many a newbie show up here and start off crap/mediocre and then turn out to be a good booker because they take constructive criticism on board. You didn't do that and then, if you think back, performed your 'heel turn' on me when I was the only person trying to help you. Excuse me if you don't like it but I think you're an utter moron. Other people clearly felt the same way. Maybe you're not 100% to blame, you aren't, but for me, YOU started the rot. You drove people away because you acted the way you did and you showed no signs of disappearing.

Go back and read your first thread. I dare you. I'll post this again because it is completely relevant ...


Who was the one who was trying to help you? You seem to think I was telling you that your thread was crap when actually, go read that feedback, I was telling you how to improve the basics to make it a readable and decent show. The booking, that was all up to you, I gave my opinion but hey, you listen to that if you want. And you repaid that constructive criticism by acting like a tough nut - and then you wanted to complain that I was picking on you? I spend enough time sorting out 10-year olds on the playground without you acting like one as well. You seem to think that I don't have a right to tell you how to improve - check the views and the postings, my thread is way out in front. 42,000+ views says I know what I'm doing. Look, I've never said I know more about BT than anybody else but I would hope that any newbie to BT would see that and think "I'll listen to GCB, he seems to have the idea of BT and how it works." I don't think I am better than anybody else, not you or Heel Ziggler (apologies to him, not familiar with his work), but I do know that I have proved that I know what I'm doing here.

Your comments about me riding in to save the day are laughable. Every few days, I come in here to have a look, hoping to see a rejuvenated section springing back to life. If it takes off, I will be back, I'll catch my writing bug again. I'm busy but I do have the odd bit of spare time for BT if I am motivated. You seem to be implying that my comment of being busy is a bit false, my eleven month old daughter is all the proof you need that I have a busy time of it these days. Writing BT before she arrived was a lot easier and my time away from here coincides with her growing up. Don't take cheap shots about me leaving, you don't have a clue.

JAM's call for a moderator is a decent suggestion - not sure how it would increase the traffic though. He wouldn't want to close threads that weren't any good, he'd want to stop people opening multiple threads at the same time and then stopping because they got bored. I think you'd started at least 3 BT's at my last time of counting. Maybe a little bit more thought into them and they'd have got started? It isn't about a moderator keeping JAM or GCB or Theo or Peep or Proph top of the BT ladder, it's about making sure that things at the top of BT are readable and thought out. Seems a decent plan to me.

What's wrong Greasy? Have I touched a nerve? You know. I'm looking through some of the booking threads right now! Looking at some authors too.. T-Mays? Global Icon? Greasy_Chip_Butty? The Cult? Some good names there..

You have actually put up some form of an argument but that paragraph makes you look a tit. Just saying.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you (again) on here. I couldn't give a toss. If BT is going to get back up and running, it needs the big guns like me, Proph, Theo, Peep etc but it also needs newbies, including you, who can step up and become the next wave of top BT'ers. I've said before that it needs people to give constructive criticism but it also needs people to be open to constructive criticism as well and use it to improve their work. Prove me wrong and go and get a BT going that proves you are a good writer. I'd love to see it.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Been on another site a bit lately although I haven't been writing much. I've seen a really, really good competition done and I think it could work here. I'd organise it. Who would be up for it? I'd need an hour every couple of weeks from you if you wanted to take part, the tasks would be short ones.

Let me know if you're up for it. Chance for the old timers to get their writing juices flowing again and a chance for the newbies to prove themselves ...
If the competition is what I think you're referring to GCB... Yes, I'd definitely be up for participating. I'm with Jam though that the section could do with a mod, mainly to enforce a 30/60 day rule on thread making. I must take my share of the demise when I think of it though, around the time the big guys slowed down it was my chance to step up and I ultimately failed, hope though that if I post a new thread I'll be able to succeed.
If the competition is what I think you're referring to GCB... Yes, I'd definitely be up for participating. I'm with Jam though that the section could do with a mod, mainly to enforce a 30/60 day rule on thread making. I must take my share of the demise when I think of it though, around the time the big guys slowed down it was my chance to step up and I ultimately failed, hope though that if I post a new thread I'll be able to succeed.

I agree with having a mod for that. Completely.

Step up now then mate. Start a new show. I've always enjoyed your shows, they just never get going! :rolleyes:
I won't even reply to that. Won't waste my time since GCB pretty much covered it.

Anyway, a competition huh GCB? I probably know what you're talking about since I'm a judge over on that other place. If everyone would just come back, it'd be great. I'll probably come back and post my TNA thread. Yup, that's right, you heard it here folks. Also, a mod would be really good guys, I'm tellin' ya. Any idea how we can bring this up to the higher brass?

Peep, GCB, Theo, Proph, JAM, Cult are clearly the ones who know what they're doing. But I can tell you that if you guys PM either one of us with a question about BT, we'll be more than happy to answer your questions. Am I right guys?
I won't even reply to that. Won't waste my time since GCB pretty much covered it.

Anyway, a competition huh GCB? I probably know what you're talking about since I'm a judge over on that other place. If everyone would just come back, it'd be great. I'll probably come back and post my TNA thread. Yup, that's right, you heard it here folks. Also, a mod would be really good guys, I'm tellin' ya. Any idea how we can bring this up to the higher brass?

Peep, GCB, Theo, Proph, JAM, Cult are clearly the ones who know what they're doing. But I can tell you that if you guys PM either one of us with a question about BT, we'll be more than happy to answer your questions. Am I right guys?

I would say PMing either the mods or admin. I would go to the admin rather and bring up your case on why there should be a mod around this parts.
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As much as a mod would be nice, it ain't gonna happen. There isn't enough traffic around this joint and not enough people care about this section for it to warrant a mod. If it was brought up to the higher ups they'd just tell you no and then you move on from there.

As for the competition I'd consider it, depending on what it involves.

Now for my show, almost done. Would've got it finished but shit came up at work and real life shit. I got Monday night off so I'm going to finish it out. Only have a match or two and a segment left and its all finished. For warning it reads and looks like a current day Raw, but I wanted to get some stuff out of the way. I like my readers to see the end of feuds much like my other book this. Give me a show or two and things will be new and refreshing (hopefully).
Yeah, I tried requesting for a mod but got turned down. Any idea how to get traffic back in here guys? I know I'll do a little recruiting again. So yeah, if you see some new guys, I may have brought them in. So watch out for that one.

Anyway, hope to hear from Peep soon and Proph as well. Where are you guys?!
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As Theo said, a mod is pointless unless we have a lot of traffic and even then it's a bit of a stretch. Choxy isn't to blame at all, the main guys just faded away as life took over and the newer fellas like Cult and TWG did too. Even if you have one decent booker putting their stuff out, he will usually loose interest as there isn't much other activity. You need a few quality guys going at once. Because when you come back and the only person who is posting is Choxy, you instantly loose interest.

We just need a few good guys all posting at once, reviewing and such all together to sustain the section. It may not have been as big as some other forums but in our boom period of late last year, we had a good tight knit group who did exactly that. I was going to move to another forum but if we can get the band back together, with some added members also, it might flourish. I might try and get something going of my own in a couple if months.
It looks like the revival is back on, I got my new thread up, GCB is going once again, JAM is bringing his new thread, Theo's thread looks to be getting a kickstart to go on. Also Icon's show will be up in a few days I guess, all that leaves are the returns of Peep and Proph, also wondering what happened to Workhorse? I remember I enjoyed reading his thread too.
As Theo said, a mod is pointless unless we have a lot of traffic and even then it's a bit of a stretch. Choxy isn't to blame at all, the main guys just faded away as life took over and the newer fellas like Cult and TWG did too. Even if you have one decent booker putting their stuff out, he will usually loose interest as there isn't much other activity. You need a few quality guys going at once. Because when you come back and the only person who is posting is Choxy, you instantly loose interest.

We just need a few good guys all posting at once, reviewing and such all together to sustain the section. It may not have been as big as some other forums but in our boom period of late last year, we had a good tight knit group who did exactly that. I was going to move to another forum but if we can get the band back together, with some added members also, it might flourish. I might try and get something going of my own in a couple if months.

That is kinda what I meant when I blamed him. Like I said in the last post, he isn't 100% to blame but I personally fell away because I was busy and his attitude sapped my motivation.

So far, The Cult and JAM are up for the competition. Theo, it wouldn't take much - a promo, a match later on, some other small activities to get everybody back up and running. Peep, you up for joining in too? I reckon it might need an hour of your time every couple of weeks.

Anybody else up for it? Would love to see some new guys get involved and take it to the 'established old guard' ...

Also, a way to maybe hook people in would be through Twitter? I've tested it and if you send out a tweet with a link to this place, the number of people who visit soars (you can see a big increase in the number of guest visitors) if you use the #WWE or the #TNA hashtags. Could get more people visiting, more people visiting means more new people joining in etc ... Maybe if we have a thread for a competition and promote it via Twitter?

@GCB_WWE is the one I use, take a look - e.g.
I should be able to do the competition along with my current BT. I think I can fill the time now that I got an overnight shift back on my schedule.
I agree with the majority that say they would come back if there was more traffic. And I agree 110% with Cult when he said the motivation to write gets lost if your not getting feedback. I left this site for another one like JAM did and sure there's a ton more traffic there but people still (including myself) only read the threads they like.

I like the idea of the competition, I'd be down for that.

A mod would be nice but let's face it, It's not gonna happen but everybody should take it upon themselves to put thought into the thread they wanna do and try to stick with it, And if they kill their BT then have the patience to wait a couple weeks to a month before you start up another thread! All it takes is a little self control, I think we can all manage that...right?

Also maybe with the start of a new year I'll make my return here, Not that I ever did anything worth remembering anyway.
Who taught you to write coherently?
Everything I do I learned me self.

I said that I personally blamed you. You started the rot, in my opinion. You were the one who put me off - I've been busy before and managed to keep chugging along with my BT. Why couldn't I do that this time? If you pushed me for an answer, I'd say it was you. I can't think that BT was that appealing when your thread was the first thing anybody read - I've seen many a newbie show up here and start off crap/mediocre and then turn out to be a good booker because they take constructive criticism on board. You didn't do that and then, if you think back, performed your 'heel turn' on me when I was the only person trying to help you. Excuse me if you don't like it but I think you're an utter moron. Other people clearly felt the same way. Maybe you're not 100% to blame, you aren't, but for me, YOU started the rot. You drove people away because you acted the way you did and you showed no signs of disappearing.
LOL. The hell are you on about? Heel turn? Really? I just pointed out the things that made you a stupid hillbilly red neck.. That's all. You were not trying to "help me" you were trying to big yourself up in an effort to make me look stupid. I started a rot? Ha no I never. I'm not to blame. People left because they had better things to do... not just 'Cause I posted a thread..

Go back and read your first thread. I dare you. I'll post this again because it is completely relevant ...


Who was the one who was trying to help you? You seem to think I was telling you that your thread was crap when actually, go read that feedback, I was telling you how to improve the basics to make it a readable and decent show. The booking, that was all up to you, I gave my opinion but hey, you listen to that if you want. And you repaid that constructive criticism by acting like a tough nut - and then you wanted to complain that I was picking on you? I spend enough time sorting out 10-year olds on the playground without you acting like one as well. You seem to think that I don't have a right to tell you how to improve - check the views and the postings, my thread is way out in front. 42,000+ views says I know what I'm doing. Look, I've never said I know more about BT than anybody else but I would hope that any newbie to BT would see that and think "I'll listen to GCB, he seems to have the idea of BT and how it works." I don't think I am better than anybody else, not you or Heel Ziggler (apologies to him, not familiar with his work), but I do know that I have proved that I know what I'm doing here.
I don't give too craps about how many views your thread got. Your aloud you opinion and I appreciated the feedback. When you started talking to me like I was a little kid I got annoyed with you...

Your comments about me riding in to save the day are laughable. Every few days, I come in here to have a look, hoping to see a rejuvenated section springing back to life. If it takes off, I will be back, I'll catch my writing bug again. I'm busy but I do have the odd bit of spare time for BT if I am motivated. You seem to be implying that my comment of being busy is a bit false, my eleven month old daughter is all the proof you need that I have a busy time of it these days. Writing BT before she arrived was a lot easier and my time away from here coincides with her growing up. Don't take cheap shots about me leaving, you don't have a clue.
I couldn't care less about your 11 month old daughter... No offence. I'm not trying to say that your not busy... I'm just saying, that the reason this section died was because people were too busy. Not because of me.

JAM's call for a moderator is a decent suggestion - not sure how it would increase the traffic though. He wouldn't want to close threads that weren't any good, he'd want to stop people opening multiple threads at the same time and then stopping because they got bored. I think you'd started at least 3 BT's at my last time of counting. Maybe a little bit more thought into them and they'd have got started? It isn't about a moderator keeping JAM or GCB or Theo or Peep or Proph top of the BT ladder, it's about making sure that things at the top of BT are readable and thought out. Seems a decent plan to me.
Don't have a problem with this as long as your claims are true...

You have actually put up some form of an argument but that paragraph makes you look a tit. Just saying.
Your mom making you made here look like a tit in my eyes. Just saying.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you (again) on here. I couldn't give a toss. If BT is going to get back up and running, it needs the big guns like me, Proph, Theo, Peep etc but it also needs newbies, including you, who can step up and become the next wave of top BT'ers. I've said before that it needs people to give constructive criticism but it also needs people to be open to constructive criticism as well and use it to improve their work. Prove me wrong and go and get a BT going that proves you are a good writer. I'd love to see it.
THAT'S THE PROBLEM. You prats aren't letting me "step up and become the next wave of BT'ers" No one gives enough of a toss to actually help. When it comes to insulting me and putting me down, you lot are there. Bingo! We do need the big guns like you, Proph and Peep.. but tell me... were have you been for the last few months. Were have your threads been? Exactly. You've been too busy for the section which means the section dieing out is your fault.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Oooh Stars, Classy.

Been on another site a bit lately although I haven't been writing much. I've seen a really, really good competition done and I think it could work here. I'd organise it. Who would be up for it? I'd need an hour every couple of weeks from you if you wanted to take part, the tasks would be short ones.
I'd be all up for a contest. That would really help our, yes our... not just yours, section grow.

Let me know if you're up for it. Chance for the old timers to get their writing juices flowing again and a chance for the newbies to prove themselves ...
I might be up for it... Could you explain a bit more.

As Theo said, a mod is pointless unless we have a lot of traffic and even then it's a bit of a stretch. Choxy isn't to blame at all, the main guys just faded away as life took over and the newer fellas like Cult and TWG did too. Even if you have one decent booker putting their stuff out, he will usually loose interest as there isn't much other activity. You need a few quality guys going at once. Because when you come back and the only person who is posting is Choxy, you instantly loose interest.
Thats what I'm saying. I was trying to carry this section while everyone else was out playing.... I didn't kill the section, I tried to help it.

We just need a few good guys all posting at once, reviewing and such all together to sustain the section. It may not have been as big as some other forums but in our boom period of late last year, we had a good tight knit group who did exactly that. I was going to move to another forum but if we can get the band back together, with some added members also, it might flourish. I might try and get something going of my own in a couple if months.
Tottaly agree.

That is kinda what I meant when I blamed him. Like I said in the last post, he isn't 100% to blame but I personally fell away because I was busy and his attitude sapped my motivation.
Not 100% to blame? Your first post said I was... Might as well blame Homosexuals and 9/11 on me too! Ha Ha! It was me! Not Osama! MWAHAHAHA. Seriously, I'm not to blame for everything.

So far, The Cult and JAM are up for the competition. Theo, it wouldn't take much - a promo, a match later on, some other small activities to get everybody back up and running. Peep, you up for joining in too? I reckon it might need an hour of your time every couple of weeks.

Anybody else up for it? Would love to see some new guys get involved and take it to the 'established old guard' ...
Once again, I'll try it just explain it more please.

Also, a way to maybe hook people in would be through Twitter? I've tested it and if you send out a tweet with a link to this place, the number of people who visit soars (you can see a big increase in the number of guest visitors) if you use the #WWE or the #TNA hashtags. Could get more people visiting, more people visiting means more new people joining in etc ... Maybe if we have a thread for a competition and promote it via Twitter?

@GCB_WWE is the one I use, take a look - e.g.
Are you like 12? GCB gave you feedback when you complained that no one was helping you and you complained about that as well.

How is the fact that none of us are posting stopping you from doing so? The thing is no one reads your stuff because it isn't very good.
That's what I'm talking about. How is this section suppost to expand with bit*ches like this guy around... Instead of putting me down, why don't you try helping me..

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