Book This! - General Discussion

If I don't care about anyone reviewing my shit, can I still post it without reviewing other peoples shit?

Go ahead. Referring to other people's stuff as 'shit' isn't going to get you many readers though.

is this the thread to advertise stuff? if so SMACKDOWN IS UP on my BTB. Link in the signature. Weirdest show i've ever written, my apologizes if someone doesn't like it.

Not particularly an advertising thread, it's more a place to just discuss stuff. That often includes advertising a show! :)
Hello Bookers. I've created an account and am looking to start a Book This! I'm still throwing around some ideas, with one of my main ideas is very similar to heartbreaking's. Now having read his thread it's probably better for me to chose something else.
Anyway I look forward to reading and booking !
40,000 and counting ... :D

And I've rediscovered my writing bug. Started the go-home RAW before Elimination Chamber.
Is it just me, or can you not edit your posts in the main Book This forum? I realized I kinda muffed up editing my last show because I was so tired, I just need to make a small fix but I can't seem to do it.
Hey guys, it's been a long time. I haven't been around for a while because of Hurricane Sandy. I was without power for a while, but I got it back.

But, my laptop is broken. So, I won't be posting until I get a new one, or at least get it fixed. So, hold down the fort until I get back! :)
Hate to double post, but I'm just here to say that I just posted Friday Night SmackDown and check it out when you get a chance!

Happy Thanksgiving you guys!
I am stopping my current Book This, as I really didn't think to much into the future, and do not have enough jobbers. I will be starting a new Book This, but I will not post anything until I complete a couple of shows first.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
This section really is dead, but talking to myself doesn't hurt haha.

Tinkering with a new writing style and it is making me enjoy the BT a bit more. Pretty much what I'm working with is a brief summary of the beginning of the match and then I'll write out the end in full. However come PPV's I'll be going to the full in-depth style that I use to use during my BT with Peep. Hopefully to have the show up by week's end if all goes to plan. Next week at the latest.
This section really is dead, but talking to myself doesn't hurt haha.

Tinkering with a new writing style and it is making me enjoy the BT a bit more. Pretty much what I'm working with is a brief summary of the beginning of the match and then I'll write out the end in full. However come PPV's I'll be going to the full in-depth style that I use to use during my BT with Peep. Hopefully to have the show up by week's end if all goes to plan. Next week at the latest.
Looking forward to it mate (Y). I think the section needs a complete revamp, I was considering starting a new BT but at the end of the day the sites that dead I doubt it would really liven things up. Eitherway looking forward to your show.
What do you guys think it would take to get some life back into this section. I just made an account here because I was interested in writing for this section but from what I can tell noone will read anything I write as it currently stands. The top two most recent posts are a thread with no replys where a guy is writing shows but getting no responses. I don't know how to judge that, does that mean they have nothing for him to improve on or does that mean they just aren't caring to read. The second one the guy hasn't even written his first show yet and he started it last month. Just not sure if its a lack of interest from the readers or a lack of effort on the writers part. But we should figure out what it is and do what we can to breathe some life into this section because it is the most interesting section on these forums in my opinion.
What do you guys think it would take to get some life back into this section. I just made an account here because I was interested in writing for this section but from what I can tell noone will read anything I write as it currently stands. The top two most recent posts are a thread with no replys where a guy is writing shows but getting no responses. I don't know how to judge that, does that mean they have nothing for him to improve on or does that mean they just aren't caring to read. The second one the guy hasn't even written his first show yet and he started it last month. Just not sure if its a lack of interest from the readers or a lack of effort on the writers part. But we should figure out what it is and do what we can to breathe some life into this section because it is the most interesting section on these forums in my opinion.

That's the $64000 question, mate. It's really died in 2012, I blame Choxy but I would ... If Whostine comes back, the section will explode back into life but he's showing no sign of a return ...

It's a shame because in 2011, it was doing really well. I think the more consistent writers all seemed to run into other issues around the same time - jobs, lives, work and babies. When the main guys slowed right down, the whole section seemed to grind to a halt, the newer guys didn't really step up to the plate and it died off. Add in the issues with a couple of idiots and it wrecked it all in a few short months.

If it takes back off, I will be back like a shot. But I'm not posting a show which nobody will read. :shrug:
The problem isn't the reading factor though, it's all about feedback. If no one feeds back you don't know how to improve, I write because I like to, I book because I like to. However it's nice to know people are reading, I'd love to start my new thread but I'm with GCB, Choxy really killed the section off.
This is from an outsider's perspective, but I think it is absurd to say that one person, even if it was Choxy, killed off the entire section. I browse the section from time to time, and to be quite honest it is boring. There are a few dedicated ones that will read each other's work fully, but who honestly has the additional time to read some of the work posted up here? Most of the stuff is too long and is just a rehash of something else. It doesn't help that some people start multiple projects and just leave them to go on to the next. Because of that, they leave behind a trail of failed threads on the first page of the section.

Don't get me wrong. If you want to write a piece of work that is long and relatively unappetizing to most, go ahead. However, do not be surprised when the section does not churn in much traffic from the outside.

I would love to tune into a consistent Book This! show that was unique and the matches were relatively short, but why would I want to read about someone like Ziggler having a match when I can just watch him having one on TV every now and then.

I do not know why people don't go the route that WZCW is doing. Have a group of people do a fiction WWE and another do TNA. From there you can pick up match writers and creative members for that certain brand. With that, the load of the show is shared and people can still be a part of something unique.

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