Bocaj/Choxy/whatever the f*** you're called:
Yet again, you fail to understand my point. I'm not going round in circles. If you're not interested in constructive criticism (which I did to help you, not to big myself up), nothing prevents you posting. Post away. My point is that while you're posting, that is the first thing people are seeing on BT. Now, if you spurn everybody's help, how on earth can you expect to get better? Answer - you won't. And when people come to BT, see your thread with their/there/they're and your/you're issues all over the place, are they going to take it serious? Answer - no. People got busy but people got busy before and the section didn't die a death. How much coincidence is it that you showed up, arguments broke out all over the place and then the section died? Hence, my opinion, your fault. Not 100% but it was your fault with me. Like I said, I have less time (due to my little girl) but I still have some time. I was demotivated to come on because of ... you. Hence, for me, your fault. My opinion, in no way does that constitute fact.
Personally, I blame you.
As for your comment about not being bothered about my 42000+ views (43000 now

), I despair. 43000 views shows that people like my show. 43000 views shows that there are many people who aren't BT writers that come on and read my show. 43000 views means I know what I'm doing on BT. 43000 views means that you ought to listen to my advice. It's not speaking to you like you're a kid, it's advice because I know how to write a good show. Same as the other guys who've racked up similar numbers to me (although over two or three threads) in the same time period who you accuse of picking on you.
I'm not going round in circles, mate. Petty insults are not why I'm here. Either take on board what I've said or don't. If you want to build some bridges on here, you need to change your attitude a little and try to get people onside. Your feedback on my show was unexpected but a step in the right direction. I'm not going to bitch about your comment about Gabriel/DiBiase, in fact, I think you have a point that I haven't hyped it enough. See? Constructive criticism taken on board by GCB from Choxy. Even I - with my 43000+ views

- know I can still improve. Get involved with this competition I'm going to run, prove you can take some feedback (no show is ever perfect - apart from my WrestleMania when I get to it!) and act on it. And stop being such a drama queen all the time.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
I'm using stars to be classy by the way, not to separate my comment to Choxy from everybody else ...
This competition - I'm planning to make it as easy as I can and so that it takes up very little time. I'm thinking the tasks might take you an hour and there'd be a task every 2/3 weeks. Each task, we eliminate one person (more if we get a good response numbers wise) and then we crown the BT champion. Seeing as I am already the "Undisputed King of BT" - I have 43,000+ views, did I mention that? - then I will organise it but I won't take part. My idea is that we all vote for who we think performs best in each round and then I will take PM's to eliminate somebody.
I'm planning to test your abilities to write different aspects of BT - storylines and plot, promo writing ability, match writing ability, PPV creation (I won't expect you to write a full PPV) etc ... I have some ideas in mind. My inspiration is this - - where you can see I finished 3rd. I pulled out in the Final due to time constraints otherwise I would have won obviously. I am, after all, the "Undisputed King of BT" with 43000+ views.
p.s. Choxy - When I keep mentioning 43000+ views, I'm being sarcastic, mate.