Book This! - General Discussion

It was a great run, Theo was a hell of a partner but we both decided to end the thing now.

Maybe later I'll post some stuff about why I booked what I did, what I changed and what I was going to book.

Same here. I'm open to have anyone pick my mind on things that I was gonna do or things I ended up not doing.
Yeah, you guys should definitely post what would've been of this project. I'm gonna miss your show guys. Enjoyed what you guys came up with. Hope all is well for you guys, take a break from it all. Then hopefully comeback better than ever :D
Some of the stuff that I changed or would have done:

* The Corre was going to be massive but (even though I love Barrett) I didn't have anyone good for him to feud with as the head of the group.

* Hawkin's tag team partner was originally going to be a heel Zack Ryder.

* Alberto Del Rio was my champion because at the start of 2011 he was absolutely amazing but I started to loose interest in him over time as I watched him sink in real life. It became hard to book him as my central character as he had fell so far in real life; it became hard to make him seem interesting.

* The mystery man was originally going to be Peter Orlov then he turned into Bobby Lashley and then it settled on two people - The Kings of Wrestling. If you read back, they all kind of made sense.

* Even though I never wanted to put the belt on him - Christian was going to become the World Heavyweight Champion at Money in the Bank (the next PPV after Capitol Punishment) as it opened up a lot of story lines.

* Vince was going to take over as Smackdown GM and have a huge feud with Orton, Swagger would have played Vince's lackey.

* Cody Rhodes would have captured the IC title from Rey and held it for the rest of the year, taking on a crazy R-Truth, Justin Gabriel, Chris Masters and finally Goldust in the process. Sheamus would have battled Undertaker and then would have taken the WHC quickly from Christian.

I'll post anything more if I think of it.
Lets see here:

*Reason I started NXT was because I felt my roster lacked some star power and originally James Storm was slotted as my winner. Then I wrote my first episode and absolutely fell in love with Aries, thus claiming him the winner.

*NXT would have remained very WWE NXT like until Ted Dibiase called out McGillicutty and McGillicutty turning NXT into a wrestling show with a championship. It would have came down to Aries and Steamboat fighting in the final in which it ended in a draw. Aries entered champ and by default wins NXT.

*Kane was going to come back with a Bane like mask and would have entered into the title scene and was likely my top choice for Cena to face at Wrestlemania.

*Speaking of Cena, his attacker was constantly changing. Rock was a likely option, but I felt too obvious. I then went to Lesnar and Heyman, but they returned in real life and I dropped that. I then settled on the most likely option, CM Punk and the Voice of the Voiceless.

*Triple H would have been revealed as the anonymous GM. He would've given an explanation that the board didn't want an "active" wrestler. This would've led to a CM Punk/Triple H match at Summerslam. Punk would've retained and then Triple H would've disappeared.

*I bounced around the idea of Triple H winning the Rumble and never got around to proposing that to Peep. Thus giving Triple H the chance at a rematch at CM Punk's WWE title at Mania.

*Until Dolph Ziggler cashed in his briefcase in the middle of the Mania match, making it a triple threat and winning the title. Punk would've moved on and Ziggler and Triple H would've engaged in a feud over the title.

That's all I got for now. Other things may come to me, but right now that is all the big stuff I have off the top of my head.
Oh yeah, our Summerslam card was looking really good. I had:

- Edge vs. Christian (c) for the WHC in a TLC match.
- Sheamus vs. Undertaker
- Swagger vs. Orton
- Cody (c) vs. Truth for the IC

What about you Theo?
WWEC: CM Punk (c) vs. Triple H
John Cena, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, and John Morrison vs. Skip Sheffield, Mason Ryan, Tyler Reks, and Seth Rollins
US: Sin Cara (c) vs. Wade Barrett
Divas: Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Kharma

Cena's team would've won setting up a championship scramble at Night of Champions, also Kofi was begged to win the championship at Vengeance. I had also pegged Trish Stratus vs. Kharma at Mania.
Seeing everything you guys had planned makes me really wish you guys would keep going oh well...on a side note the great partnership you guys had is what inspired me to do a partner BT...just thought id say that.
Due to some help from me the last few days episode 2 of Underground is done so that should be up hopefully tomorrow or friday my guess would be friday when Mav will post it.

As for me I almost have Overdrive done just need to get to the main event but havent felt inspired to do any work on it for almost a week goal is to atleast finish the show by sunday night but no promises.

How's everybody else doing with their shows?
I'm trying to get a unique, fan-interactive Book This promotion going so I decided to hit up this thread to try and encourage participation. The promotion is called Fighting Spirit, and I think its a BT with a really interesting twist. I encourage you guys to check it out and throw me some ideas if you haven't done so already.
Just like to echo that it is a real shame that Peep and Theo have ended their project. Great stories, fellas, even if it was on the slow side at times! Whenever I'm writing my BT, I've always considered you two along with Proph to be the benchmark I need to attempt to match/exceed. Really enjoyed the show.

So, that is Peep and Theo gone. Proph hasn't posted for months. I've taken a backstep, might come back but am not motivated at all right now. Appears a few other regulars have taken their leave as well - JAM and GrandSword. I will get back to my BT some day but not right now - too much going on, time too precious to waste when I have an 8 month old little girl growing up quick. It's up to the rookies of the BT section to step up now. Challenge thrown out there folks.
GCB, I think GS is still around but working on writing BFG not sure though.

Hopefully with a bunch of new blood in this section it doesnt turn into total shit and die....either way I will probably keep up with my BT unless I just simply dont have the time for it anymore.
Wow, really unfortunate that Peep and Theo are ending their BT. Great run by you guys and congrats on having one of the best BT threads I've read. Life goes on though and sometimes stuff like this gets pushed to the back of the priority line.

I'm going to try and stick around here and continue to work on my show.
Judgement Day is posted :D, feel free to check it out and tell me what you think. Also Theo the Kane with Bane mask sounded awesome! Wonder how you could've incorparated that into match graphics. Seeing what you guys had planned has been great.
My first pay-per-view, Over The Limit, after 3 weeks of tiring writing, it's done. Thank god haha. But yeah, had alot of fun writing it, especially the three main events. Thank you to all who read and I hope you enjoy the show.
I pretty much gave up on IHW Mayhem too. It never really got off the ground. I had urges to bring it back time an time again over the past 2 months, But, with school and work an trying to live it up on the days im off, I never got around to it. I plan on posting the stuff I already had done. Like Punk vs. Hardy. I may wait until the section is so dead that people might actually read it. I just don't want to feel like it was all a waste. I know its not as much of a tragedy as Theo and Peep ending theirs. But, just thought I'd throw it out there to officially end it.

Great job Theo and Peep. I really enjoyed Raw. And, the one Smackdown I read was great. I remember reviewing it and Peep telling me my thoughts an opinions weren't needed. So, I never read SD again. Good times Peep, good times. Thanks for the recent red btw. You are the only person I have ever got it from. And, I have gotten it from you twice. Must mean I'm special. :rolleyes:

Hope you both can come back, though. Loved your work. Good luck with the real-life problems.
Just started up a new Book This! Really excited about it! Going to post it when I have more episodes done. Could be a week or so before it's posted.
GCB's gone? For good? Oh well, that means someone needs to replace him and who better than me, LOL. Just kidding. Nowhere near that guy but I'll try to do something around here once I get back my time which is currently absorbed by school. So maybe when I am a little free (that's later than sooner), I am going to start a new BT! post N.O.C 2012 where I'll be combining the RAW and SD! rosters. I've got huge ideas in mind till Mania so maybe I can post something up. Uhh, by the way, where's JAM? Bro, are you there?
GCB's gone? For good? Oh well, that means someone needs to replace him and who better than me, LOL. Just kidding. Nowhere near that guy but I'll try to do something around here once I get back my time which is currently absorbed by school. So maybe when I am a little free (that's later than sooner), I am going to start a new BT! post N.O.C 2012 where I'll be combining the RAW and SD! rosters. I've got huge ideas in mind till Mania so maybe I can post something up. Uhh, by the way, where's JAM? Bro, are you there?

Not gone, just not active. Too busy.

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