Book This! - General Discussion

blimey, just finished writing the Miz/Morrison vs Styles/Bryan match, ended up being one of the longest raw matches i've written so far. and my longest promo (impressed with myself on it cos i suck at promos). now just another 4 odd matches and a good few more promos to go!
blimey, just finished writing the Miz/Morrison vs Styles/Bryan match, ended up being one of the longest raw matches i've written so far. and my longest promo (impressed with myself on it cos i suck at promos). now just another 4 odd matches and a good few more promos to go!

Darn, that is a match I'd defo pay to see IRL! Morrison, Styles and Bryan are all fantastic in-ring competitors and Miz is decent and adds a little bit to the match. But seeing Styles and Bryan team up would be awesome!
Darn, that is a match I'd defo pay to see IRL! Morrison, Styles and Bryan are all fantastic in-ring competitors and Miz is decent and adds a little bit to the match. But seeing Styles and Bryan team up would be awesome!

I though i was gonna do something else with it with someone attacking Styles ad making it a handicap match but i changed it before i wrote the match

only just finished doing the second match, now working on a short promo, then got an interesting match to do
Well he said 'Yes' is his word and he goes all crazy when the fans use it, and Punk and Cena kept saying 'No' and that's the word Bryan uses now.
sorry guys, but the next edition of monday night raw probs wont be up before i go on holiday. im out for the afternoon 2moro, then out for mosst of the day on friday and saturday, then hols. i lost all my writing cos my computer shut down and i had to revert it to factory defaults. so really annoyed cos it was quite a hefty lot for me :(
sorry guys, but the next edition of monday night raw probs wont be up before i go on holiday. im out for the afternoon 2moro, then out for mosst of the day on friday and saturday, then hols. i lost all my writing cos my computer shut down and i had to revert it to factory defaults. so really annoyed cos it was quite a hefty lot for me :(

Ever thought of saving your progress of the current show your on under a note on your facebook page? That's what I do and just save it as a draft just in case something happens and I lose everything on my computer.
Well, contemplating continuing to do IHW Mayhem/RIOT. If not, I will at least post the two matches I have done for the No Fear PPV. Going to go ahead and update the IHW News Page just to kind of get back in it.
slowly piecing together the go home show before Hell's Judgement have decided what matches need to take place on the show but not feeling inspired to begin writing anything for it yet.
@JAM 'De La Cruz' : Predictable? In what way?!! That's the opposite of what I'm aiming to do!

Thanks for the feedback Peep and JAM, good stuff as always. I enjoy getting feedback but I often wanna have you right there so I can scream at you about why I've done something. I know what you mean re: Jeff Hardy but bear with me on this one. If I tell you that I also think that Matt vs. Jeff has been done too much, will you forgive me? It's part of a story I'm telling so it is needed but I guarantee it won't be a WrestleMania match. I've always had Matt Hardy on the backburner in my thread - if you look back to the first couple of shows I did, Matt was having troubles all the way back then, it's just taken me this long to get to a situation where I can start to move Matt a little.

Like I said before, Hawkins and Ryder are too firmly entrenched in people's imaginations as heel and face now. I want Ryder into singles competition anyway so they were always splitting up. I've got no plans for Swagger right now so he might as well join Hawkins as a Tag for now. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, Swag will have to find something else - or I release him.

I'm trying to bring out the tweener in Punk - you'll have to wait and see how it works out with him.
Next episode of Overdrive wont be up probably for over a week, Going to post a preview to the next episode right now though sense its going to be a big episode.

EDIT: Preview has been posted!
Hi everyone, I've been flat out lately... All your BT's are great and sorry I've been slack on the feedback lately. Let me know if you want some of the old GS Express!

Will start work on my go home show to my (planned to be) epic Bound For Glory show. The WM equivalent for TNA. I want to put together like a preview show as well, with interviews and all sorts of stuff to hype it up outside of an Impact episode. So I'll be working on 1 and a half shows this week and probably sleep on a lot of it as I want to make sure it is a great lead into the show of shows when it comes to my thread.

If anyone has any feedback on the matches or anything like that, I would love that as I guess BFG is what I've been leading towards since I joined here. Cheers guys,

LOWO and I will be taking a short hiatus. Nothing too long, nothing personal came up, just need a little while to adjust to my newfound college/dorm life. Whenever I get my weekly schedule together, I'll return to post up my 3rd show and work on my first PPV from there. Cheers from this Irish soccer player for now. :p
Maybe I can start some discussion... if you were to book The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels.

1. Around what year would you have them collide?
2. Would it be tweener vs tweener? Face vs face? or Heel vs. face?
3. Who would be your face who your heel?
4. Who would win?
5. Where would you go from there...
Maybe I can start some discussion... if you were to book The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels.

1. Around what year would you have them collide?
2. Would it be tweener vs tweener? Face vs face? or Heel vs. face?
3. Who would be your face who your heel?
4. Who would win?
5. Where would you go from there...

1. I would have them collide either current time (last match for both men) or maybe 2002.
2. I would do face vs face
3. see #2
4. I would have HBK win without a doubt.
5. It depends really on if it was the last match for both men or back awhile cause Rock might have been heading to Hollywood either way after the match.
Maybe I can start some discussion... if you were to book The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels.

1. Around what year would you have them collide?
I would say around WrestleMania 26. We didn't really need a second Taker vs. Micheals.

2. Would it be tweener vs tweener? Face vs face? or Heel vs. face?
A heel vs. face would be nice, but if it was to date- then F v F.

3. Who would be your face who your heel?
If Rock was in it for the long run, then him being a heel would be interesting. But like I said, face vs. face is the best way to go.

4. Who would win?
HBK should win. It can be billed as his last match against the only man he hasn't faced. Or something like that.

5. Where would you go from there...
Have Shawn retire on a good note, with Rock cutting a promo on respect and then maybe work his way into something with Cena.
The go home show to the biggest event in TNA history has been posted. Jeff Jarrett announces the last two matches of the card and sets up triple threats for each of the competitors going into the main event. All that and much more... As the Road to Bound For Glory concludes!
The go home show to the biggest event in TNA history has been posted. Jeff Jarrett announces the last two matches of the card and sets up triple threats for each of the competitors going into the main event. All that and much more... As the Road to Bound For Glory concludes!

Sounds good man I will try to give you some feedback later tonight hope BFG turns out great like I think it will!

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