Book This! - General Discussion

Brilliant show, GCB. Especially Matt vs. Jeff and Undertaker vs. Kane! I've posted a review on your thread.

Cheers mate, would rep you but I've got to spread it round a bit first!

Interesting thoughts from you in that feedback - gave me something to think about really. I'm glad you're into the whole unpredictability of it all, I'm striving to ensure that happens TBH. The Chamber match for SMACKDOWN could get predictable with the knowledge that such a full-on heel as Cena is waiting at WrestleMania. What I've tried to do is sow seeds for Punk's face turn (doesn't mean he will, just means he could) and then give the faces as much chance as possible to get heat with Cena. Taker has issues with him now, Christian does, Punk does, Kofi has had them and I could build their story in a shot if I wanted to. The only one who's yet to have contact with Cena is Jeff (I'm sure you've worked out that the heel in the match, i.e. Mr. Show, is a longshot for the win) but I easily could do that too. Unpredictable - that's what I wanted.
Same old, Same old man.

Hey GCB, Are you the first person to do a Buried Alive Match in your BT? Cause that was a great match! About to go give you feedback on the whole show.

No idea, sir. If I am, it's because I'm a trendsetter of course. ;)

Thanks for the feedback. One thing I'd suggest though - don't let your personal thoughts about wrestlers from real life affect your judgement of them in BT's. Not sure which three of the four from Del Rio/Show vs. Kofi/Rey you don't care for but there's been a lot of development of them in my show. Kofi, in particular, has undergone changes.
CM Punk winning at Elimination Chamber? Don't be ridiculous. The guy that has constantly spoken to both Peep and Theo about getting away from current WWE storylines isn't going to put on Punk vs. Cena at the biggest show of the year.

You're a funny man GCB.
CM Punk winning at Elimination Chamber? Don't be ridiculous. The guy that has constantly spoken to both Peep and Theo about getting away from current WWE storylines isn't going to put on Punk vs. Cena at the biggest show of the year.

You're a funny man GCB.

Why? When has Punk vs. Cena ever happened before? Remember the date in my BT please ...

You sticking with Cena vs. Orton?
Why? When has Punk vs. Cena ever happened before? Remember the date in my BT please ...

You sticking with Cena vs. Orton?

I would be very surprised if you did Punk/Cena at WrestleMania because it's been done IRL before and it could be starting up again. I'm fully aware that it hasn't happened in your project yet but you've made it a point to try new things and going with Punk/Cena would be unusual from you.
No idea, sir. If I am, it's because I'm a trendsetter of course. ;)

Thanks for the feedback. One thing I'd suggest though - don't let your personal thoughts about wrestlers from real life affect your judgement of them in BT's. Not sure which three of the four from Del Rio/Show vs. Kofi/Rey you don't care for but there's been a lot of development of them in my show. Kofi, in particular, has undergone changes.

I think Kofi is a great talent so its the other three I mean Rey is okay but after awhile he bores me...Del Rio and Big Show I cant stand. But I know what your saying.

As for my show it's all finished up but I don't have time to post it right now but I will post it tonight in a few hours.
Been checking the section bi-regularly and it's been a somewhat interesting few weeks.

Had a very busy last few months so haven't had a lot of time/motivation to write my show. Nearly finished Smackdown now with one match to go.
2nd episode of WFE Overdrive has been posted!

Also hey Workhorse was wondering where you have been I thought maybe you just lost interest in your BT haha.
Nightmare, since I don't do a huge feedback I give you some of my thoughts. You havd improved a lot since your first BT. The match writing skill has gone 10% up.
Nightmare, since I don't do a huge feedback I give you some of my thoughts. You havd improved a lot since your first BT. The match writing skill has gone 10% up.

I feel match writing is where my best work is I do okay with promos but it depends on the person. But alright man sounds good looking forward to reading it (unless this was it and im misunderstanding your post)
Proph, sometimes you've got to trust people. If you don't, well then think what you want to, but I have a brother, he's the new GLOBAL ICON who's gone and I am the original one who's back. That's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
finally posted my first ppv, and it took a long time. now i have 8 more shows before the ppv after, hopefully can improve a lot before then
Just in the midst of writing my first of two main events, CM Punk and John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan. Probably the best match I've wrote in my BT, but I'm looking forward to writing my main event, Orton vs. Rock vs. HHH vs. Taker vs. DiBiase vs. Rhodes in a battle royal. Should be up in two hours or so. Maybe earlier.
Just finished the tag match, just a promo and a match to go before it's posted :) and thanks HeelZiggler, I'll review your SummerSlam once I've done.
Smackdown is finally done! Really happy with the mainevent. For those who will read, sorry for taking so long but it has been a very busy last 6-8 weeks and I just haven't had the time/motivation to write.

Any who Smackdown (+Superstars) will be posted and I'll start writing RAW asap!

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