Book This! - General Discussion

No issue with you writing so quick but store some and it'll give you something to post when you go through unmotivated times. You have to give people chance to read. If the reader has to read 3-4 shows to catch up, they probably won't. You'll not get feedback or chance to improve and adapt. Quality > Quantity.
Thanks for the advice mate, im probably gonna do that. im going on holiday in a week so i wnt be able to post any, so i might post a special longer episode of some sort after i get back.

RAW is probably going to go up in a couple of days time because ive been a bit busy tday so ive only written the first part, so itll probably be stretched out a bit
PPV's are difficult, really don't know who to pick to win my Main Events, especially Punk vs Ziggler as they can both make good champion's, I just don't know how to book the ending as Laurinaitis is ref and the owner is enforcer :confused:

IMO, you need to plan the PPV before you write the build. In fact, I'd suggest planning to the next big PPV. Then, because you've planned ahead, you know who needs to win and you know who to push in advance and you can start building feuds before the readers realise you're even building one. My WM main event has been in place since the start of my BT and I've been building it for ages. There were things happening in my first PPV that impact on WM.

So, advice, plan ahead. Not too far but enough so you know the PPV results before you write the build. The only results for a PPV that I don't know are WM - but after EC, I'm going to plan the draft and up to Summerslam so I'll know before I start the first RAW after.

IMO, you need to plan the PPV before you write the build. In fact, I'd suggest planning to the next big PPV. Then, because you've planned ahead, you know who needs to win and you know who to push in advance and you can start building feuds before the readers realise you're even building one. My WM main event has been in place since the start of my BT and I've been building it for ages. There were things happening in my first PPV that impact on WM.

So, advice, plan ahead. Not too far but enough so you know the PPV results before you write the build. The only results for a PPV that I don't know are WM - but after EC, I'm going to plan the draft and up to Summerslam so I'll know before I start the first RAW after.

Sting or nWo right now!
Sting or nWo right now!

I've never really watched much of Sting, couldn't tell you anything about him really. Something to do with a scorpion? I didn't watch WCW and I don't watch TNA. Until he comes to the WWE, which I guess he isn't going to do, I won't know him so therefore there is little chance of me being able to use him right. As for nWo, ditto. Their best run was WCW. The WWE one I saw the start of but then didn't watch as much at the time. I much preferred the red and yellow Hogan, Razor Ramon and Diesel to use Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash as the nWo.

In other words ... No.

Planning to do a Hall of Fame for 2011. Shawn Michaels is still active in my WWE so he doesn't go into the HOF yet. Just trying to work out who I want to put in. My HOF entrants are going to be guys that I personally feel deserve to be in because I liked them even if they are a tad unrealistic. Trying to be objective though - would have Macho Man in like a shot but he was still alive at this point so I doubt he'd have been included. So, some realism. Resisting the urge to induct Doink the Clown - even though I loved him!!!!

IMO, you need to plan the PPV before you write the build. In fact, I'd suggest planning to the next big PPV. Then, because you've planned ahead, you know who needs to win and you know who to push in advance and you can start building feuds before the readers realise you're even building one. My WM main event has been in place since the start of my BT and I've been building it for ages. There were things happening in my first PPV that impact on WM.

So, advice, plan ahead. Not too far but enough so you know the PPV results before you write the build. The only results for a PPV that I don't know are WM - but after EC, I'm going to plan the draft and up to Summerslam so I'll know before I start the first RAW after.

I have got my WrestleMania Main Event's planned also (If I get that far), plus I've thought out all my results for OTL but I just keep changing my mind over Ziggler vs Punk as I keep thinking of better idea's, but cheers for the advice pal :)
ive just gone up to mania, and just doing the hall of fame. anyone that read summerslam can probs have a guess at one or two or survivor series and maybe one of wm but ive got an idea for my king of the ring winner hich is a yeay away so it could take a while
I've been thinking about doing a Book This based on an independent promotion with a small roster of created wrestlers. Rather than having weekly TV shows building up to a PPV each month as is the typical format, this promotion wouldn't having a TV or PPV deal and would run a few live events a month, that would be "sold as DVDs". I'm just looking for general feedback on the idea. Is this something you would be interested in reading? I think a completely unique roster of characters, if the characters are effectively introduced to the reader, would do a lot to set it apart from the other Book This threads out there. Let me know.
For me I do better when I don't have everything planned out months ahead. I know who will win for my matches at Hell's Judgement and I have a general idea on when I plan to end my current feuds but I make a match card and weekly winners as I go it works better for me that way.
I've been thinking about doing a Book This based on an independent promotion with a small roster of created wrestlers. Rather than having weekly TV shows building up to a PPV each month as is the typical format, this promotion wouldn't having a TV or PPV deal and would run a few live events a month, that would be "sold as DVDs". I'm just looking for general feedback on the idea. Is this something you would be interested in reading? I think a completely unique roster of characters, if the characters are effectively introduced to the reader, would do a lot to set it apart from the other Book This threads out there. Let me know.

The hardest part is the bit bolded - if you can do that really, really well, it'd be good. It's been tried before but the characters weren't known well enough from the introductions and they die off. There is an example on here already (LOWO by Joe Mason: but I've struggled with it because I don't know the characters well. Modern day WWE BT's work well because we already know the characters. Look forward to seeing what you do though, mate.

For me I do better when I don't have everything planned out months ahead. I know who will win for my matches at Hell's Judgement and I have a general idea on when I plan to end my current feuds but I make a match card and weekly winners as I go it works better for me that way.

At the least, the next PPV needs to be planned before you start writing. You need to know who will face each other and who will win/lose. Then you can make the weekly shows be relevant and make whoever needs to look strong, look strong! After that, it's your call about how far in advance you're planned. Some people plan monthly, some people plan well in advance. I'll plan to WrestleMania, then Summerslam, then Survivor Series with an eye on WrestleMania again.
I will start writing SmackDown tomorrow and get it up on Wednesday on Thursday so I can focus on writing Over The Limit. I've got a stacked card of nine matches so it will take a while for me to write it. Just a question as this is my first PPV I'm writing, how long did it take you guys to write a full PPV? Just so I know.
I will start writing SmackDown tomorrow and get it up on Wednesday on Thursday so I can focus on writing Over The Limit. I've got a stacked card of nine matches so it will take a while for me to write it. Just a question as this is my first PPV I'm writing, how long did it take you guys to write a full PPV? Just so I know.

Erm, Proph? Peep? Theo?

We're not exactly fast at PPV's around here!

I've varied from a week to 2 months. Survivor Series, Vengeance and Rumble (my last three) took at least a month apiece. I was quicker in the earlier ones but I wasn't as good. I'd take a look at the PPV's us guys have done, we expect big things in PPV's. For me, I need to see every match in full detail as if it were the main event of RAW. And the big matches on the PPV need to be even more detailed, even better. PPV's are where you go from being a decent writer in BT to being a good, well respected writer in BT. Not many people get to them and then get them done.

Advice for it - take your time and don't rush it. Post it when it is ready and finished, don't post it with a rush job ending or poorly written matches just so you can get it posted quick. I'd rather wait and read a good show. I'm enjoying your show so far but I wanna see what you're really like now. I've made a vow that I won't feedback to every newcomer on BT, many of them disappear quickly, I'll offer short advice and then feedback at the first PPV. This is your big chance to really impress folk. Don't rush it! :)
At the least, the next PPV needs to be planned before you start writing. You need to know who will face each other and who will win/lose. Then you can make the weekly shows be relevant and make whoever needs to look strong, look strong! After that, it's your call about how far in advance you're planned. Some people plan monthly, some people plan well in advance. I'll plan to WrestleMania, then Summerslam, then Survivor Series with an eye on WrestleMania again.

Oh yeah I know my PPV main events for the first 4 PPV's already and I have 1 match set for WFE's biggest PPV of the year at the very end but with that one im just not sure who will compete in it yet because of how far away it is.
Preview for Smackdown should be up soon.

Then I will hand out some reviews to Jam, GCB, Cult and whoever else.

Great preview, sir. So many questions to be answered. Should be a great show. Looking forward to Christian, Swagger and the Peep Show. :)

Currently watching Summerslam 2001 in the corner of my screen - JR nearly having a coronary over Kurt Angle winning vs. Stone Cold via DQ so he didn't get the title! :lmao: I loved the Invasion angle, I didn't know enough about the stars in WCW that weren't there. Now I appreciate they messed up a great angle potentially but I loved it when I was a lad. Rocky and Booker T too!

"Who ... in the blue hell ... are you?"

"My name is Booker T ..."

"It doesn't matter what your name is!"

Love it!!! The first use of the Spinneroony!!!

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