Book This! - General Discussion

Can we do some real BT! stuff now guys? I've got a thread in the Lounge which will be helped if you all, well, at least some of you check and leave your feedback and thoughts. Thanks to GCB and IHW.
Nearly done on my second out of five matches for OtL, I have all the spots organised, now I just need to write. I owe feedback to GCB and Proph, those might come after this match. Anyone who hasn't put in predictions yet?
The pitfalls of writing shows with other people! We've seen a lot of attempted joint shows in BT and none of them - with the exception of one - have ever made a PPV. As a load of newcomers, you're not Peep and Theo either. I'd suggest that you run it as two shows now and hope that both you and the other guy whose name escapes me right now can both stick with it.

It's why I like writing my own show. My show, my time limits, no pressure.

This needs to be told to every new booker that comes into the section.
The latest TNA- Wrestling Matters episode is now available.

The aftermath from the Hard Justice ppv will see two new debuts for the company, the iMPACT return of the Canadian Destroyer, two #1 contender matches and much more.

Check it out....
Anybody suggest me a helpful mod who might edit me a post?

LSN is the mod that most frequents the section, but KB (klunderbunker) can help you as well. Those two would be the best options to pursue.

Speaking of pursuing options, have you fellas ever wanted to branch out and post in my second favorite section? That of course being the prediction contest. It is a new year (wrestling wise) and Wrestlemania is posted and ready to be predicted. Over the course of time you can earn a variety of championship matches (World, IC (WWE exclusive), X-Division (TNA exclusive), and Tag Team). Plus it is good fun and ran by yours truly. Take a look by clicking my sig if you ever want to test the waters.
LSN is the mod that most frequents the section, but KB (klunderbunker) can help you as well. Those two would be the best options to pursue.

Speaking of pursuing options, have you fellas ever wanted to branch out and post in my second favorite section? That of course being the prediction contest. It is a new year (wrestling wise) and Wrestlemania is posted and ready to be predicted. Over the course of time you can earn a variety of championship matches (World, IC (WWE exclusive), X-Division (TNA exclusive), and Tag Team). Plus it is good fun and ran by yours truly. Take a look by clicking my sig if you ever want to test the waters.

You don't have to sign up anymore do you?
Theo, the results would be a good addition though. I had to do all the math myself in the money in the bank match the other day to see if I had won or not.
Ladies and gentlemen, you may now check out the second editorial in WWE: The Icon View as it is posted. It's titled "Forget the payoff, remember the moment" and it is about a WrestleMania storyline. So go read it. And leave your feedback.
Theo, the results would be a good addition though. I had to do all the math myself in the money in the bank match the other day to see if I had won or not.

I posted the results and stuff on Tuesday along with the updated standings. At least I'm positive I did. Work and stuff has my mind shot, I'll need to check up on that.
I have been doing it for a while, and at WrestleMania I plan to take Theo's Tag Titles. ;)

But seriously, if you ever need help with running it Theo, I would be glad to chip in. It seems like you got it pretty well down, but thought I'd just throw that out there.
Last year I was thinking of doing a Book This involving top name indy guys and ex-WWE and TNA guys. I had a little bit of a show written, but it kind of fizzled out with life getting in the way. I'm thinking about trying it once again once this semester is over. Would anyone be interested reading it?
Last year I was thinking of doing a Book This involving top name indy guys and ex-WWE and TNA guys. I had a little bit of a show written, but it kind of fizzled out with life getting in the way. I'm thinking about trying it once again once this semester is over. Would anyone be interested reading it?

Me for sure. Not many indy guys are being showcased.
Me for sure. Not many indy guys are being showcased.

Okay. I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to use a slightly different roster than the one I was going to use since indy guys have been signed to the WWE and TNA and guys from those promotions have been released. I'm going to put the roster together and announce the roster members in the thread for the wrestling company.

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