Book This! - General Discussion

Eh not really, WWE is in a bit of a mess at the moment. Don't get me wrong, Wrestlemania is looking really, really good but aside from that it has been very weak lately, and honestly, I don't think it should be as bad as it is. They just aren't featuring the right talent I don't think, the titles are in the shitter etc.
Whats up everyone. I received a PM from the oh so loved Whostine. He told me he had been banned from the entire BT section. I don't know about y'all but I kinda liked his stuff. Plus, WhoWho was an active user and he was going to start a Whostine Show. And we need more active users here.

So, I think we should talk to KB or Slyfox and see if they will unbanned him.
I don't think they should unbanned him, he was annoying.

Although I do reckon his writing would have been better than anyone here.
2 no's.

Come on. The guy was funny as hell. I watched GS's view count after WhoWho posted. It went up almost by 100. And this was a few days after GS posted the show.

He was interesting.
2 no's.

Come on. The guy was funny as hell. I watched GS's view count after WhoWho posted. It went up almost by 100. And this was a few days after GS posted the show.

He was interesting.

I don't need him to make people read my show.
I don't need him to make people read my show.

I hope nobody does. All I am saying is that he was funny. I liked his stuff. But maybe it was just me. I think a Whostine show would be a brilliant thing to read when I need a laugh or two.
A Whostine show. Maybe we'll need some special glasses to read it. You know, he needs grammar and punctuation classes. GCB, are you there?
I was looking forward to reading his show - I reckon quite a few people were so that they could rip him to shreds over it. Having said that, don't be fooled by my sarcastic comments, he's a Grade A two-hat wearer - if you catch my drift. A two-hat. As for grammar and punctuation classes, I have a saying: You can't polish a shit.
IHW don't tell me you were one of those kids in school who sucked up the dumb bully's ass and did his home work for him so you were "cool" by association were you?

And yeah I don't need this guy to bump up my views either. Don't be using me as your example.
GS, in no way am I sucking up to WhoWho, I just thought he was funny. Hell, he seemed to hate the IHW shows the most.

Huge Update added in the IHW: News and Updates thread. Go check it out.
IHW don't tell me you were one of those kids in school who sucked up the dumb bully's ass and did his home work for him so you were "cool" by association were you?

And yeah I don't need this guy to bump up my views either. Don't be using me as your example.


IHW says he was interesting. Everybody else says he was a knob. Sorry, IHW, you're in a minority mate! Won't be missed.
Oh well. :shrug:

Anybody stuck on their shows? Or want to write another? I am looking for a new IHW Justice writer.

The pitfalls of writing shows with other people! We've seen a lot of attempted joint shows in BT and none of them - with the exception of one - have ever made a PPV. As a load of newcomers, you're not Peep and Theo either. I'd suggest that you run it as two shows now and hope that both you and the other guy whose name escapes me right now can both stick with it.

It's why I like writing my own show. My show, my time limits, no pressure.

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