Book This! - General Discussion

Hello fellow Book This members i would like to apologize for my absence i've been busy with topics other than wrestleing but i would like to inform you all that im back and i will be posting my next review sometime soon.

Jeepers creepers, he is back! :)

Right BT crew, how are things? I've got over my CM Punk promo block, think it is OK. Might get SMACKDOWN out this weekend - it might end up next weekend though if I haven't got the time to complete it. I'm finding the build to the Rumble a little difficult due to there being not many PPV blow off matches, I'm more setting up for matches later down the line on SMACKDOWN and RAW as well as for things to happen in the Royal Rumble match which will lead to Elimination Chamber and of course WrestleMania. Some more clues will appear in the Rumble as to who will feature in my main event match! In fact, I think people will be able to work quite a few WM matches out heading out of the Rumble PPV. Am really looking forward to writing the RR match - the structure of it is already written out with the entrances and eliminations. It's just the actual action that needs adding into it!

p.s. Having a little girl does not help with writing a BT show!
Last time all of Whostines post got deleted. I think we need to keep him around. All he is doing is bringing in views to our threads ;)

Thank WhoWho.
I'm afraid SmackDown! will get delayed due to health problems. I can't focus on a computer screen for more than 15 minutes and if I do, in the next moment, I'll be down with a headache. So, I won't start writing the show as I know it'll affect the product. So no SmackDown! for the next week, probably. But I'll try my best to make it possible before the given date. Cheers to everyone else.
When are you going to start writing your own stuff mate? Seems like you'd have the time to produce a couple of shows a day.
Hey, Whostine! When you gonna' review my show? I can't wait!

Got a feeling that Whostine will become a BT legend!
Global said it best.

Also, I have finished a debate in the debater league. Go read it and show me some support.
Thanks for the support I have plans for shows in the future i just need to do more posting before i can create my own thread. so maybe one day in the near future you will see a whostine show. :)
It would be nice Mr. WhoWho. Then you can learn how hard it is to produce them, and maybe you will respect them more.
Woop Woop! You're the man Whostine!

Thanks for your review. You're so bang on the money as usual my friend. What the f*** was I thinking?

One teeny criticism or two if I may: (1) Finlay is from Northern Ireland which is in Britain the last time I checked. You gave me a History lesson, thought I'd give you a Geography lesson! ;)

2. Correction: Divas are an excuse for sad, pathetic little boys to wank over - boys who will never ever see a real naked girl if they live to be 300. I'll let you guess who I'm referring to but you seem a clever chap so I'm sure it'll not take long.

Thanks again, mate! Legend!

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Whostine is always open to advice just as he gives advice to you. i would like to thank you for your comment and yes i knew you were referring to #1peep with that little boys comment, good one :)

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