Book This! - General Discussion

I'm with Proph on this one, GS, more detail is a winner every time. Like I said, I get what you're saying and I think a few people head into recap mode partly for that reason. However, there is nothing better than a BT with plenty of detail for you to infer ideas and make your own conclusions from. Proph needs to keep the detail because it makes his BT a superb read - I loved the Justice character in his first show and even though I'd never seen the guy IRL, I had a picture of him in mind and I built him in my head as a real dark badass. You can't do that with recaps or short shows and the longer, more detailed stuff of mine, Proph's, Peep's and Theo's have constantly pulled in viewers for well over a year now. Sure, some people will like the short stuff but I can't get into it at all - and that will stop me from opening it.

There are some instances where a recap show can be just as good as a full one. But gotta agree with you GCB, details are pretty good. Adding stuff like 'ju in the way people like Del Rio talk can be a real good detail and is a very underrated move. However, the point is, if people like what you have going on in your thread, people will read no matter what.
There are some instances where a recap show can be just as good as a full one. But gotta agree with you GCB, details are pretty good. Adding stuff like 'ju in the way people like Del Rio talk can be a real good detail and is a very underrated move. However, the point is, if people like what you have going on in your thread, people will read no matter what.


What JAM said! :shrug:
There are some instances where a recap show can be just as good as a full one. But gotta agree with you GCB, details are pretty good. Adding stuff like 'ju in the way people like Del Rio talk can be a real good detail and is a very underrated move. However, the point is, if people like what you have going on in your thread, people will read no matter what.

But I've just been saying that I want to read WWF 2001. I think the WWF really dropped the ball on what could have been the most epic couple of years in the history of the business, and was really looking forward to what a gun booker like "Kid Horror" was going to do with it. I'm not singling him out at all, as I couldn't really be bothered reading the other long BTs because I'm not interested in their timeframes, however I am genuinely wanting to read his BT, and am just providing some feedback which is from my point of view.

That's the thing about feedback, you can take it on borad or you don't, but don't get butt hurt and start ranting and raving and saying that someone's opinion is wrong, when that person is letting you know how they perceive soemthing could be a more easier read. Just like others saying to new guys like IHW that he needs to format his show better, which is simply to help him get better readership. I'm saying that the veterans need to maybe make it a little shorter and little more inviting for someone to read your story, especially if it's been going for awhile. Fresh eyes people, that's all it is.
Guys, let's just end this thing. GCB, JAM, Proph, Peep and me we all like full shows.

GS likes recap.

Theo is nowhere to be seen in all of this.

So that's that. Isn't everyone supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Just end this thing and let's move on to something else. Speaking of which, how are everyone's next shows going?
Guys, let's just end this thing. GCB, JAM, Proph, Peep and me we all like full shows.

GS likes recap.

Theo is nowhere to be seen in all of this.

So that's that. Isn't everyone supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Just end this thing and let's move on to something else. Speaking of which, how are everyone's next shows going?

Lol nah, this was just showing the positives and negatives of full and recap shows. I write in recap, therefore, I actually like recap more. But anyway, like I said, if people like what you got going on in your thread, they'll read it nonetheless.

Also, really haven't started writing the next episode of PWC. Being a senior in high school has finally caught up to me :confused:
Guys, let's just end this thing. GCB, JAM, Proph, Peep and me we all like full shows.

GS likes recap.

Theo is nowhere to be seen in all of this.

So that's that. Isn't everyone supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Just end this thing and let's move on to something else. Speaking of which, how are everyone's next shows going?

That's how it usually goes. I'm here, just see no reason to throw in any input.
Guys, let's just end this thing. GCB, JAM, Proph, Peep and me we all like full shows.

GS likes recap.

Theo is nowhere to be seen in all of this.

So that's that. Isn't everyone supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Just end this thing and let's move on to something else. Speaking of which, how are everyone's next shows going?

Isn't the point of the forums to drive discussion? Why stop when this is getting people talking?

Starting Raw tonight and in a surprise turn of events will be in some form of recap. :p
Things have been hectic, I really want to pump this show out but I don't feel like writing when I am tired and I know the quality will drop. I might push the Chelsea project, if anyone was even reading it, to the side for a bit but I do want to continue it in the near future. A new prediction thread will be up tomorrow.
How did you kn- what do you mean?

Making his return to the Smackdown roster -

I'd mark for that all week. Plus for anyone who hasn't already go give WZCW Lethal Lottery a read if you have some time to kill.
But I've just been saying that I want to read WWF 2001. I think the WWF really dropped the ball on what could have been the most epic couple of years in the history of the business, and was really looking forward to what a gun booker like "Kid Horror" was going to do with it. I'm not singling him out at all, as I couldn't really be bothered reading the other long BTs because I'm not interested in their timeframes, however I am genuinely wanting to read his BT, and am just providing some feedback which is from my point of view.

But you're asking Proph (Kid Horror) to completely change the way he writes, mate. Clearly, you're entitled to an opinion but look at his writing so far - why would he write a short show? The one thing that seems to get lambasted more than anything with new shows is that there isn't enough detail in them. Short shows rarely get going because they don't have enough 'meat on the bones' to hook people in on here. You might like them but I think you're in a minority and that is what people are saying back to you.

That's the thing about feedback, you can take it on borad or you don't, but don't get butt hurt and start ranting and raving and saying that someone's opinion is wrong, when that person is letting you know how they perceive soemthing could be a more easier read. Just like others saying to new guys like IHW that he needs to format his show better, which is simply to help him get better readership. I'm saying that the veterans need to maybe make it a little shorter and little more inviting for someone to read your story, especially if it's been going for awhile. Fresh eyes people, that's all it is.

Now, I'm guessing this one is aimed at me in part. You are entitled to your opinion but you are clearly in a minority on this one as the 'veterans' - as you term us - are saying similar things. I need detail, I like what Proph is writing. I can get into the storylines more. I'd hate him to cut back - even if it meant he moved faster with the shows - and not give me that insight into the characters and the development. Match detail and promo detail seem to be a desirable characteristic in successful BT's which is why the 'veterans' have long running and popular threads. Like I said the other day, there will be people who like to skim through it (which they can still do) but I don't think I'd get as many views if I did that. It also doesn't challenge me in the slightest as a writer - and let's face it, what point is there to writing these shows if it isn't to fulfill a writing passion of some sort? Fresh eyes you may have but they're like green eyes - not as common as others.

Guys, let's just end this thing. GCB, JAM, Proph, Peep and me we all like full shows.

GS likes recap.

Theo is nowhere to be seen in all of this.

So that's that. Isn't everyone supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Just end this thing and let's move on to something else. Speaking of which, how are everyone's next shows going?

Err, why? Nobody (GS, Proph or myself) has said that anybody isn't entitled to an opinion. We're discussing the need for detail - nobody is falling out, it's a BT discussion. We need these kind of discussions to get the pros and cons of of writing in different ways - even if GS is wrong!!! :D

As for my show, SMACKDOWN is planned out but not started writing it. Should be a good one too as we move close to the final week before the Royal Rumble. I also must feedback to Mr. HD before SMACKDOWN appears. He keeps posting feedback for my show and I still haven't fed back on WrestleMania. I will eventually, my friend, I will!

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