Book This! - General Discussion

Thanks to JAM for the review on my show. Now, I am free to review or feedback anyone else who needs it. So just quote my this post and ask for one and I'll be more than happy to give it to you. And BTW, I wanted to know from GCB when his next batch of shows are coming up?
Almost got NXT done, should be up this weekend. SMACKDOWN will follow when it follows. All fun!
Thanks to JAM for the review on my show. Now, I am free to review or feedback anyone else who needs it. So just quote my this post and ask for one and I'll be more than happy to give it to you. And BTW, I wanted to know from GCB when his next batch of shows are coming up?

I would like some for my first Mayhem show.
I will try and get you one soon.

And it looks like all Whostines post have been deleted. Maybe he is done?
Hello Fellow book this members as you know i'm the critic whostine i'm looking forward to reading your guys shows. i only hope that you don't take my cruelty as an insult, i prefer you call in constructive criticism, i use this to better you in the way you write your shows so they are acceptable to my standard. this is just my PSA to you all about my presence on Wrestlezone and when im finished i plan to move to other forums(God knows you want me to:lmao:)
Did you post feedback in my thread? Did it get deleted? I would love to hear your thoughts so could you post it in here please?
yeah apparently someone didnt respect my review and reported me and got my posts deleted don't worry it wasnt horrible, i mean it was't great but it was the shit when compared to IHW
Anything wrong in particular, any advice a man of your caliber could provide?

I would really love to see some of your writing. I think I owe it to you to provide some quality feedback to some of your stuff.
Thanks to JAM for the review on my show. Now, I am free to review or feedback anyone else who needs it. So just quote my this post and ask for one and I'll be more than happy to give it to you. And BTW, I wanted to know from GCB when his next batch of shows are coming up?

I'll take some.
Kid Horror, I don't care if Whostine does or not, I am going to and I wish you would review mine too. Review for IH is done and I am waiting for some reviews for my show. Peep, are you there??? You and Kid are the only guys who haven't yet given me a review.
Do I have to give you a review? Sorry mate, I don't review shows I don't read regularly.

Waiting for Proph, LSN and GCB for reviews. Take your time guys, whenever you won't - I'm not fussy.
@whostine - Hiya mate, welcome to BT. When you review a show, do you read it all or just the one show? You see, I saw your feedback on other shows and I thought you had a point (didn't agree with the way you said it though, we're all open to constructive criticism but it seemed that you were posting for a reaction) if you were new to the show. I'm interested in the way you looked at the show - did you just go for the last one? I'd advise you to read the whole BT and make sure you have the full picture before you review. For example, a new reader of my show might think 'What the f***, Kofi Kingston in the main event?' but if you read the whole of the BT, it's a different situation.

Howdy rest of the BT 'crew' ... Gonna get my NXT posted later (got to watch the Mighty Blades vs. the not so mighty Oldham first) and should hit a few reviews. Peep is definitely on my list, I'll check who else I need to feedback to. What do you think of the Laurinitis/Long switch next week in WWE land? Could be fun. Who do you think will long term run the shows? Personally, I think it's got to be Laurinitis. In terms of storytelling, Johnny is far more interesting. T-Lo is just too clean cut and the idea of a 'babyface' GM just doesn't work for me. Unless it is HBK on RAW of course ... :)
Some feedback to some of you guys out there in BT land. Your shows can be absoltuley too long and therefore become unreadable. I would look at how much unnecessary work you are putting in becase at the end of the day, you want us to read your show, but I find I am constantly skipping over most things or just stop reading it.

My 2 cents.

Some feedback to some of you guys out there in BT land. Your shows can be absoltuley too long and therefore become unreadable. I would look at how much unnecessary work you are putting in becase at the end of the day, you want us to read your show, but I find I am constantly skipping over most things or just stop reading it.

My 2 cents.


Totally disagree with this.
Thank you GI for the review. I will rep you soon. I will also review you soon. Thanks again.

Awsome_Miz, where your show man?

I got a message from the third IHW GM's, The A, he will post his show soon as well. He said it may not be the best, but has had alot on his plate recently. Lets not be to ruff on him.

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