Book This! - General Discussion

Just don't think it is 'Mania worthy, I would love to see Bryan vs. Orton and then see Bryan move onto Sheamus at Extreme Rules.
I'd like a review. Ill try to get you one soon.

Review on my NBA thread?

Done and Done :)

I'd love a review, but seeing as I haven't posted in awhile it might be best to wait until we get Over the Limit posted.

Sure thing man.

Also, I ran into a little snag with RAW. Expect it to be posted later on today.

And one last thing, I will forever be a Rocky Fan. I grew up watching The Attitude Era and I'm Team Bring It over Cenation.

Instead of going on a long tirade as of why, simply put The Rock is better in every aspect. Unlike some people on the forums, I like Cena a lot. But as good as he is, he's not touching The Rock.
I think Cena is looked down on by so many because he has so few guys who realistically could beat him. This is down to (a) poor booking for sure, i.e. the SuperCena thing, but also (b) not enough talent being booked properly. Cena became interesting over the summer because there was a guy who rose up and seemed to have been made, via booking or via chance, a legitimate threat to Cena - that man was CM Punk. When that happened, I was far more interested in Cena's feud than I'd ever been. Punk is getting the love right now but only because he rose up and became the first man to legitimately threaten Cena's reign. Unpredictability = ratings. Look at Punk now - questions now being raised over whether he is as good as we thought due to a lack of legitimate contenders with Cena out of the picture and hence the love for Jericho as a legitimate rival to Punk. That's been the problem with Cena for so long - he was forced down our throat (to an extent) a few years ago and he continually defeated the likes of Jericho, Batista and Orton until they no longer felt like a threat to him and therefore Cena's feuds became boring and predictable. When new guys did beat him, it was never clean (Sheamus for example, four way and tables) and meant that we kinda knew what was coming - Cena would win in the end, predictable, boring, Cena gets the hate.

Brings me to Rock. His reign in the WWE was far less predictable. If we compare Cena and Punk now to Rock and Austin back in the day - fair enough comparison as the two genuine biggest stars. However, Rock and Austin rarely held the title for a long time - Austin had one long run (WM17 > December 01 with Kurt holding the title for two weeks in the summer), Rock rarely had more than a couple of months. It was the other guys on the roster that made Austin and Rock the stars they are - you always felt like Rock and/or Austin could lose their titles, good booking. With McMahon on Austin's case and guys like Triple H, Kurt Angle, Mankind, Undertaker, Kane, HBK, Jericho and the late Benoit to name but a few, their feuds were always interesting because you felt like they could lose. How often do you watch a PPV and think it's 50/50 here with Cena in a one on one match? Apart from his matches with Punk last summer, when has it happened? It doesn't, it's predictable - if Cena loses, he loses in a cheap, unclean way and then he'll get revenge down the line, predictable and boring. Hence the reason Cena generates so much hate (escalated by his cheesy, goofy, kiddy friendly style as well).

The likes of Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett and Miz are not a threat to Cena because they've not been built properly. Look at Miz' title run - he beat Orton with the MITB, beat him in a rematch at the Rumble in a dirty way, struggled to overcome Lawler and then did it in a Ladder match, needed Rock to beat Cena at WM27 and then lost to Cena at Extreme Rules. Where did Miz ever get the big win in that title run? Answer: he didn't. I can accept he is a heel and should get heel wins but he also needs big wins that cement him as a legitimate threat in his own right. He never got one. Heading into Extreme Rules, Cena was the clear winner because Miz was a weak champion. It happened again with ADR over the autumn of last year. It happened with Barrett when he led Nexus - he needed a big win over Cena in that white-hot run he had, it happened with Sheamus when he burst out, won the title but then Cena overcame him without taking a clean loss. The WWE books Cena and his opponents wrong, the fans turn on Cena. Which is why he'll never ever be as respected as Rock - wrongly because Cena is more committed and loyal to the WWE than Rock was/is (no slight on Rock but Cena's loyalty is unbelievable).

At WM28, I will cheer for Rock but I hope Cena can have a great match with him. I can sense a Cena heel turn at WM28 and it would breathe new life into his 'stale' character (stale with the adult audience, anyway). I hope people will learn to respect Cena in time and realise that the booking him and his opponents have received is what has made the product predictable - it's not Cena's fault.

So, to sum up, Rock > Cena - but it isn't Cena's fault!
Seems like the majority of us is pulling for Cena.
I have NEVER been a Cena fan. I started watching in 2005, and the first week or so of seeing Cena, and how much everyone else loved him at the time, i just couldn't stand him. Now, with all the Cena hate, i was starting to like him. The promo topped it off for me and now i am a fan of Cena heading into Mania. I'm not going to state my feeling toward Dwayne, but i say Cena over Rock.

But the real question is, who wins and how? Do they let Cena go over Rock? Or do they let The Rock defeat their biggest star?
Trying to attempt at creating Raw again.

On the topic of Wrestlemaina, hopefully WWE does something like creating a 6 man Ladder Match for the US or Intercontinetal tiltles.
Raw is up for my BT as well. About 3,000-4,000 words. Probably needs some improvments, but I'll get better over time. Please review.
I really don't know where to go with Beer Money. I'm not sure weather i should make them a Heel or Face team.
Any opinions or options of things i could do?
Beer Money before they broke up was the best tag team in the business and they easily can play heel or face .. see what other teams you have and who you want to be the heroes or the villains of the division. Then use Beer Money as their foil, as they are the best in the biz...
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Beer Money before they broke up was the best tag team in the business and they easily can play heel or face .. see what other teams you have and who you want to be the heroes or the villains of the division. Then use Beer Money as their foil, as they are the best in the biz...

The problem right now is i have MCMG as Faces and Worlds Greates Tag Team as heels. I think i have an idea for Storm and Roode, that will set up for a future feud.
Got a promotion two weeks ago and been flat out. Haven't had a chance to get anything down in ages... :(

However I've been looking at maybe summarising my format even more (if that is possible) so I can continue putting out shows. I'll experiment a bit with it soon, post one and hopefully get feedback on it, in terms of its readability etc.

Got a promotion two weeks ago and been flat out. Haven't had a chance to get anything down in ages... :(

However I've been looking at maybe summarising my format even more (if that is possible) so I can continue putting out shows. I'll experiment a bit with it soon, post one and hopefully get feedback on it, in terms of its readability etc.


I haven't read anything from you yet. I'm ready to see what you come up with. I will Review it when/if you post.

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