Book This! - General Discussion

Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm tossing up using him yep, in my revisionist WCWF (I too would never use him in a current day story) late 90's thread. I have many ideas but I'm still torn. I guess we'll see, maybe another wrestler can fill that portion of the show.

Thanks again team!
Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm tossing up using him yep, in my revisionist WCWF (I too would never use him in a current day story) late 90's thread. I have many ideas but I'm still torn. I guess we'll see, maybe another wrestler can fill that portion of the show.

Thanks again team!

I don't know, it's a thorny one. I agree that using him past 2007 would be completely wrong. However, whilst a deceased wrestler being used I have no issue with (it's a compliment to their life's work IMO), Benoit is a bit of a different matter. What he did was evil and - however good a wrestler he was and IMO he was one of the very best - he should not be glorified for it. If I'm honest, I'd not hold it against a booker for using him but I would never do it, just personal opinion.
Yeah I agree - anything past his actual death would be a bit weird. If someone made a storyline where Benoit 'came back from the death' I would never, ever read their stuff, haha. It would be interesting to see him feud with some of the new generation, but only if you went from before his death into 2008. I was looking forward to Punk/Benoit but it never happened.

Over the Limit news - Theo, is the stuff in the PM I sent you ok? Just a yes or a no is cool. Everyone else, Theo already has his stuff done I have just started - I have just finished the intro and I am onto my first match.

Do you guys want a prediction comp? I am considering just putting it in here and you can post it here or just PM me? I can then add those to the points scored at Extreme Rules? Would it be better if we did a joint (RAW/SD) predics?
Hey guys, just a heads up, the fallout RAW show from WrestleMania should be up later on tonight. Just need to go through everything and finish up one segment. So be on the look out for it!

And if there's anybody I missed with getting reviews too, let me know and I'll hit you with one right away!
Hey guys, just a heads up, the fallout RAW show from WrestleMania should be up later on tonight. Just need to go through everything and finish up one segment. So be on the look out for it!

And if there's anybody I missed with getting reviews too, let me know and I'll hit you with one right away!

I'd like a review. Ill try to get you one soon.
Hey guys, just a heads up, the fallout RAW show from WrestleMania should be up later on tonight. Just need to go through everything and finish up one segment. So be on the look out for it!

And if there's anybody I missed with getting reviews too, let me know and I'll hit you with one right away!

I'd love a review, but seeing as I haven't posted in awhile it might be best to wait until we get Over the Limit posted.

And Peepers I just see you are using my old Ziggler avy, I confused you for myself lulz.
Over the Limit is steadily coming together - just about to start writing the first match on my part. Intro is done.

And yeah, it is a bit confusing Theo. Haha.
So i am putting together the pieces and it looks as if Theo and Peep are in the same WWE era. Are you two working together?
Review on my NBA thread? Lol. Hey Theo, I'll get you that poster soon.


Over the Limit is steadily coming together - just about to start writing the first match on my part. Intro is done.

And yeah, it is a bit confusing Theo. Haha.

Yay! :icon_mrgreen:

So i am putting together the pieces and it looks as if Theo and Peep are in the same WWE era. Are you two working together?

Indeed we are. Peepers for the blue brand, myself for the red brand.
Where is John Cena again? He had his match with Miz but why is the biggest name in wrestling not on tv?

Cena suffered a serious neck injury after an attack during his match with Miz at Extreme Rules. I haven't mentioned it so it is more of a "shock" whenever he returns.
Loved it, not so much for the swearing, just a fun promo. Me and Theo doing 2011 WWE - I think he's just copying me.

I was going to post a thread in the wrestling spam to see the reaction, but first - who are you guys supporting in the Cena/Rock match?

Theo, do you want to do a combined predictions thread, post it in here, and have people PM their predictions to one of us?
I would have to say I support Cena rather than The Rock. Not because he is going to win ,but for 2 reasons.

1) Cena is the era of wrestling when I got into wrestling. Hence, the reason I will support him.

2) I don't like The Rock.

What about you Peep?
I was going to post a thread in the wrestling spam to see the reaction, but first - who are you guys supporting in the Cena/Rock match?

Theo, do you want to do a combined predictions thread, post it in here, and have people PM their predictions to one of us?

I'm Cenation, but I don't mind Rock. I grew up with Rock and my wrestling mind has molded during the Cena era. I'll take Cena anyday over Rocky though, just my preference.

We can do a combined one. Maybe open a lounge thread to post our predictions or some jazz like that.
I'm Cenation, but I don't mind Rock. I grew up with Rock and my wrestling mind has molded during the Cena era. I'll take Cena anyday over Rocky though, just my preference.

We can do a combined one. Maybe open a lounge thread to post our predictions or some jazz like that.
I would say open up a thread would be better.
Ok, do you want to open up one just for ours, or we could do a general predictions thread in the lounge?

No, general predictions would be confusing. Seriously confusing. You might as well create an exclusive one for your BT! OR you can post your match-card here and ask us to PM anyone of you or for the RAW side of things, we PM Theo and for the SD! side of things, we PM you Peep.

Also, I am a huge Cena fan so it's Cena for me. I haven't watched The Rock live when he was in his primes. I started watching wrestling from 2006 when my cousin introduced me to it. And the first match that I saw was I think a battle royal which Cena won.
I don't care much for either Cena or Rocky.. more interested in Sheamus/ D-Bryan... and totally bummed that Wade is injured. Was hoping he was going to involved in Mania somewhere.
I think D-Bry and Sheamus will have a good match but it will be very-very under-rated considering Rock-Cena, Punk-Jericho, HHH-Taker in a Hell in a Cell with the possible involvement of HBK, the huge Hall of Fame class of 2012 and perhaps a celebrity are all on the card and will be present at WM. So, I think they WILL be overshadowed.

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