Book This! - General Discussion

I haven't ever bought a PPV, but I caught Elimination Chamber. The WWE is really slipping, I hope they can build up 'Mania to be a good event.
Elimination Chamber

EC was an okay PPV. Cena standing tall at the end was nice, this shows his strength going into Rock/Cena match. Kane is looking weaker i my eyes though. The Raw and SD! EC matches were nice. They are not even close to as good as they used to be though. Other matches were okay. I feel Santino stole the show! 3.5 outta 5 stars for me.
I got a Live Stream of the ppv, so I'm glad I didn't have to pay.

Either way, I rather enjoyed the ppv. It's funny how people said the RAW Chamber match was going to be way better than the SmackDown Chamber and it was the SmackDown Chamber, IMO that stole the show.

Overall the show was pretty well done. I don't see what the gripe people had with it. My only complaint with the show is that the crowd SUCKED. MAJOR. Other than that, everything else was fine. If last night showed me anything is that Milwaukee doesn't deserve another WWE show there for a while.
I'm not a fan of the Chamber ppv being before Mania.. it dilutes the Rumble even more than WWE already have, as the top guys from each brand.. (the ones that we consider possiblities to win the rumble, the other 20 are really just filler) basically getting another chance at the World titles before Mania...
Hey guys - the go home show to Over the Limit is complete, go check it out! I will post a predictions thread later, so if you don't want to give the show a review - just PM me your predics, don't fill up my thread! Hope you guys enjoy!
One more day until IHW Mayhem. The first post of the IHW federation. I have the writing complete just need to edit things and add last minute details. I hope i can get them done on time.
Exactly. No deadline needed. That way, you can post your show whenever you want without time affecting the quality of the product.
Well I put a deadline because there are 3 shows and it would get a little crazy if we were just posting any time. We each have 3 weeks between shows to complete them. I guess its just me being over organized.

I do have it finished. It will be up sometimes today. It will be under a thread in the BT! section, not lounge. Reviews are appreciated. I need to know what i am doing right, and what is wrong. That way i can change things up to make it a better read for everyone.
Well, the last three days of WWE ... sucked. Apart from Bryan vs. Punk on SMACKDOWN.

Hoping they step it up a gear or two heading for WM28.

NXT preview up in GCB's WWE (where WM27 is being built far better than WM28 or WM27 ever was) - check it out and see if you fancy it. Heading for 20,000 views now - that's impressive! Thanks for reading it.

When will your show be posted IHWrestling?
Want to say thanks to Theo. First review i've had! I like the points you hit, thanks for giving me a direction. I will Rep you ASAP, i have giving out to much.

Other reviews please?
Anytime IHW. Don't take what I said too harshly as it is just my opinion and nothing helps like a little constructive criticism.

Anywho I believe GCB is the only remaining person on my review list. I'll squeeze that in when I'm on break from filing papers here at work.
This question probably has been asked before.... so apologies. I just can't go through 400 pages. What is everyone's thoughts when it comes to putting Chris Beniot in a BT?
This question probably has been asked before.... so apologies. I just can't go through 400 pages. What is everyone's thoughts when it comes to putting Chris Beniot in a BT?

When i think of Beniot, I think of his wrestling not outside life. I say put him in you BT! if you want to. I would love to read it.
This question probably has been asked before.... so apologies. I just can't go through 400 pages. What is everyone's thoughts when it comes to putting Chris Beniot in a BT?

He'll be a main event guy in my thread with a huge chance of winning the title. He did terrible things and I have no respect for him but he was a star when he wrestled. It would be a waste for me not to use him. Of course I would never use him past 2007.
This question probably has been asked before.... so apologies. I just can't go through 400 pages. What is everyone's thoughts when it comes to putting Chris Beniot in a BT?

If it is a modern day BT I think it would be wrong to put in Benoit (or any deceased wrestler for that matter). However if it was a BT that occurred during the time of Benoit's existence then I'm ok with it. I'll assume you are talking about your WCWF fantasy league and if that is the case I wouldn't have a problem with Benoit's inclusion.

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