Book This! - General Discussion

Let's try and get some discussion going guys, how's everyone? How are your BTs coming along?

I am thinking about posting something once a week in my football thread, maybe every Thursday or something like that. It is a side project and I am putting most of my free time into writing the rest of my go home show (two matches and a couple of promos to go) and then finally the pay-per-view itself. Theo must be itching to post his sections out, and trust me as I have read them, they are incredible bits of writing.

Lulz not really itching as I just keep writing more. I just finished my Raw following OTL and I've had NXT done for awhile (speaking of, I'm gonna send to ya soon Peepers). And now I've started what would be the June 6th Raw. I was just writing it for a segment so I didn't forget, but I got the itch to continue on so I did. Night shift FTW!
Haha, looking forward to reading it mate. Hope the night shift is going well, hope it isn't too boring!

How do you guys think a go-home show should be structured? I don't think you want to overload heavy promo after heavy promo - I only have a few promos on the show with a couple being vital to the build-up. The majority are matches, random videos and hype up for the show.
Haha, looking forward to reading it mate. Hope the night shift is going well, hope it isn't too boring!

How do you guys think a go-home show should be structured? I don't think you want to overload heavy promo after heavy promo - I only have a few promos on the show with a couple being vital to the build-up. The majority are matches, random videos and hype up for the show.

If you hype the PPV the job will be done.
Hi folks. Almost got SMACKDOWN done - one match left to write, the main event. Matches are still a 'detailed recap' but I have returned to full promos apart from the commentary team. That's the middle ground for me to get shows moving quicker than they otherwise would. Some interesting little stories in it, Christian is Number 1 contender after a little help from Orton last week - Orton was suspended from the Rumble for those actions, Undertaker returned last week so the end of his feud with Kane is approaching soon, Cena is still a fledgling heel and there is some question about why Big Show hit Kofi with a TV monitor last week in their match. The World Champion CM Punk is also on the show but he's stuck in limbo a little till Christian finishes with Cena - expect a turn towards the Rumble title match this week.

Did people notice the prediction results from Vengeance?
For GCB.

Is Cena in the rumble?

Does Orton being suspended from the rumble stop him from showing up and not wrestling?

When will Wade Barrett get a clean victory and stop looking like such a girl?
For GCB.

Is Cena in the rumble?

Does Orton being suspended from the rumble stop him from showing up and not wrestling?

When will Wade Barrett get a clean victory and stop looking like such a girl?

1. You'll have to wait and see. But he isn't in the World Championship match. Read from that what you will.

2. More twists and turns to come. As of now, Randy Orton is banned from appearing at the Royal Rumble.

3. Wade Barrett is part of the Nexus so cheap, heel wins are the order of the day. Would Wade have become WWE Champion without Nexus? No. So it makes sense that he is holding onto the title with their help. He's facing Triple H at the Rumble by the looks of it - would you put him over clean? Heel win?

EDIT: Just realised that the name has changed and you're actually Proph! Why the change?
You know that Smackdown I said was coming? Well guess what... I still haven't finished it. Pretty cool isn't it? Not to worry because I have a plan that will see this show posted soon.
The first IHW Show will be posted by me. I'm representing IHW Mayhem. It will be up Wednesday, February 2nd.

Just thought i would update yall on that. Didn't wanna seem to disappear.
Looking forward to the SD Proph and the debut of IHW. You guys keep me busy on my night shifts after I get all my work done. Keep churning out shows boys!
Book This! allows us to write our own shows etc. Would it be worthwhile in this thread or making another thread on how we would have booked certain big moments in Wrestling?

Sorry I'm getting Wrestlemania fever and I'm thinking we could have a little discussion on how we would have booked moments... Like I said we can put it in another thread but I'll give you examples...

How would you have booked WM 2000, if Stone Cold was healthy? Would he have won the Rumble 3 in a row? Would he have faced Triple H or the Rock? Or would he have been in the semi main event not the title match?

What about Jericho vs. Michaels at WM 19? Would you have had Michaels pass the torch to Jericho on that event?

So on and so forth... let me know what you guys think...
I actually think Rattlesnake posted a thread like that rebooking the Iron Man match between HBK and Bret at Mania. I definitely would be interested in seeing how others would book some of the biggest wrestling moments or flops. Would be a nice change of pace around here.
JAM won the predictions contest. Thanks to the others for participating.

Here is an important note for the next PPV:

Now, throughout the period of this PPV to the next, which is Great American Bash, I will make a table consisting of all the above listed users and #1Peep, workhorse, GrandSword and Mr. HD (because they are the other regulars) and their points. Now how will the points be distributed.

1 Review - 2 points
3 Back-to-Back reviews - 5 points
1 Right Prediction in the Predictions contest for the next PPV - 1 point
Any extra effort to help - 2 points

At the end of the prediction contest, the user with most points will win a green rep from me! So be sure to do all those things!!
Hey guys, i was halfway through posting my first PPV ( Which I'm hugely stoked about ) but due to circumstances I've had to leave the house for a while, meaning that only half the show is posted. I was hoping either if a mod could delete it or just give me a couple of hours and I'll post the rest when I can get home.
Hey guys, i was halfway through posting my first PPV ( Which I'm hugely stoked about ) but due to circumstances I've had to leave the house for a while, meaning that only half the show is posted. I was hoping either if a mod could delete it or just give me a couple of hours and I'll post the rest when I can get home.

Disregard this.

TLC IS POSTED!!!! Check it out!
Sweet babies. I'll likely churn out reviews for your TLC PPV, GI's Judgement Day PPV, and GCB's recent episode of SD. Plenty of material to keep me going on night shifts.
The penultimate RAW before the Royal Rumble is almost complete for GCB's WWE. I'm going to try and get a round of feedback in for most people as I've lost track of who I owe and such - Baby GCB takes a lot of time and effort at the moment! I'll be interested to hear your thoughts over the direction I'm going as the Rumble and the RTWM comes into view. Anyone brave enough to predict the Rumble winner and the WrestleMania main event yet? There are enough clues now for people to predict several of the WM matches and there are others that are beginning to become clearer - Royal Rumble should confirm these ideas! :)

I like the idea of a discussion thread around how we would have booked things differently - I've not got time to do my show properly and a few reviews never mind rebooking an event from the past. However, a discussion based thread around it would be good.

WrestleMania 2000 (or WM16 if you prefer) was a very odd one - the Attitude Era was jolly good entertainment but both WM15 (apart from the ME) and WM2000 sucked big time. Of course, they were sandwiched between WM14 and WM17 which were excellent shows, IMO. The first ever Four Way main event - Triple H vs. Rock vs. Foley vs. Big Show with McMahon's in every corner - was a major mistake for me. First of all, whilst Vince and, to an extent, Shane were involved big time in the big storylines, the match just seemed too focused on the McMahon's and we lost track of what was important - the Royal Rumble winner going after the WWE Champion. That main event should have been Rock challenging Triple H one on one - as it ended. What was even more strange for me was that after extending to a four man match, they had the heel champion retain. It was like they felt that babyface Rock couldn't be trusted with the match! Obviously, Stone Cold's injury meant that their plans went a bit off course (I'm guessing Triple H vs. Austin was the first idea with Rock vs. Big Show as a secondary main event) but once they decided on Rock to win, IMO they needed to follow through and have him win the title. And then thrown into the mix, Foley's retirement (sic) too? Too much was going on, too much detail when it didn't need to be anything more than Rock vs. Trips. All in all, a very strange main event.

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