Book This! - General Discussion

It seemed like the matches and the formatting were my trouble.

Questions for all-
What are some formatting techniques i should use? (things like color, quote, sp tags etc.)
What are some changes with my formatting I need?
@IHW - You just gotta look around at other people's threads and you'll be fine for formatting, it's really not that hard. Also, I don't recommend entrance videos. If you do, put them in spoiler tags, but really, they're unnecessary.
@GrandSword - I understand what you're saying about show length, some people will skip things. However, if your show is good enough, people will read it. I have to be honest, I rarely read TV matches in any show, I go straight to the last paragraph and read from there. But then at PPV, I read the lot. I think Proph and Peep are right though, detail is good. I guess it just needs a level of succinctness and believability (is that a word?!)

@Awesome Miz / IH Wrestling - No, no, no, no, no. Entrance videos are not the way. That will not improve your show. Trust me, I tried them, people don't watch them, they just clog up your thread. I think the key with formatting is to be consistent and don't let it detract from the writing. Make the parts you need to stand out, stand out. But don't just use italics, bold etc for the sake of it. Learn the code tags as well - then you can format as you go. I also find having a blank template is useful so that I can then just copy it and edit the speaker/words etc ...
You two, just make it simple. The most important thing though is what you actually write, practice promos and matches - jumping right into a thread isn't for everyone. Things like poor grammer and spelling put people off too, it's important. Three lines for an opening promo is just lame and I'll probably just stop reading. Feel free to ask more guys.
Hey guys, heard of the WWFX showcase that Morrison was in? It looked to be an impressive show especially for it being in my hometown, Philippines, I woulda loved to watch it. What you guys think of events like these? Which is also similar to what Shane Douglas is doing coordinating an 'Extreme Reunion'.
Umm, no YT videos for me. They just use space. Also, use paras that can consist of 5-7 or maybe even 8 lines and seperate the paras effectively. Use bold and italic well. Like bold when you want to highlight who is speaking and italic when the crowd reaction is highlighted. I do that. And GS, I just replied to JAM saying that I like every bit of detail you can provide. Maybe people don't read it. But when they do, they feel better. And I enjoy doing so personally. That's writing and reading all the details. Even the little ones.
Wahay! GCB finally posts a new show - NXT is up and there to read, folks. Would appreciate your thoughts on NXT and how it is shaping up - not full feedback but just what you think so far about the competition, the storylines, the inclusion of the Tag Teams and Divas etc ... I think it could be quite useful in establishing some new mid-card talent whilst allowing me to get rid of some guys. There is a twist coming soon as well with NXT, then another twist with the Divas after Elimination Chamber.

Next up, SMACKDOWN. Quite a busy show nowadays, really hard to decide who should open the show. Do I go with Punk and Christian? Cena's reaction to Orton? Kofi and Big Show? I've also got to get in an Intercontinental Title match and some recap stuff for Divas and Tag Teams. Jam packed show coming.
Thing is I really want to read WWF 2001, but I just can't.. the formatting and the length puts me off. And if it's the matter of views that speak for themselves... well.. that could be just someone like me, opening it everytime, and then closing it again straight away, because I couldn't be bothered going through all of it... each time a post is put up. Just because someone "views" it, doesn't mean some one is reading it.
Latest SmackDown has been posted. Reviews are welcome :)

I'm gonna try and get reviews to GCB and Icon sometime this week.

If anybody else needs some, let me know.

-Mr. HD
A lot of Updates in the IHW: News and Update thread.

Some new people hired, fired , and the first IHW Trade.
Thing is I really want to read WWF 2001, but I just can't.. the formatting and the length puts me off. And if it's the matter of views that speak for themselves... well.. that could be just someone like me, opening it everytime, and then closing it again straight away, because I couldn't be bothered going through all of it... each time a post is put up. Just because someone "views" it, doesn't mean some one is reading it.

Or the more likely reason for the views is that people enjoy it. To say that people only click my thread and exit is ridiculous. You would have some support if I only got a small amount of views on the first day but the fact is the views have been going up since I posted the show.

If you don't like my show then fine because I don't read your project at all. I think the promo work is boring and if I don't enjoy what the characters are saying then I have no reason to read. Same goes for the formatting for the thread with the wrestlezone reporter. That concept puts me off and I can't stand to read it.

Basically until my views stop going up then I'm not changing a thing. My shows are usually just over 10,000 which isn't that much considering most people use 200 words = 1 minute.
Wasn't a personal attack chief, just feedback on why I really want to read about one of the most intriguing times and the most stacked roster in WWF history, but find it hard to do so. I said that I have opened that particluar thread numerous upon numerous times only to not read it after one segment. And hey, thanks for finally providing some feedback on my project.
Thanks to IHW for the review. He wanted me to fill him in on the Barrett-Show feud. So here you go buddy:

Barrett wasn't given a No.1 contender's match and he complained to the GM. The GM then put him in a match with the Big Show. Barrett chose to escape the match with a swift kick to the groin and continued to attack his groin until he did so much damage, that Show had to take a week off and Barrett was suspended as a result. Show came out the week after that, had a squash with JTG and called out Barrett. Barrett did come out but attacked Show's groin again. This time, the GM made another match between Show and Barrett. They were in the main-event of the previous RAW which ended in a DQ when Barrett kicked Show's groin again! And, the fall-out you read on RAW this week.

And Kid Horror, a review is coming for you soon.
Wasn't a personal attack chief, just feedback on why I really want to read about one of the most intriguing times and the most stacked roster in WWF history, but find it hard to do so. I said that I have opened that particluar thread numerous upon numerous times only to not read it after one segment. And hey, thanks for finally providing some feedback on my project.

Why would you open it if you know that you don't like the format?
Thanks GI.

BT! is moving. When i opened the forum, there were 5 bold Shows. Looks like i have a lot of reading to do.
Why would you open it if you know that you don't like the format?

Like I said, I really want to read it. I'll go a few weeks, and try again, hoping the next time I could perserve through the length and format to get to the story. I don't care for the current day WWE roster so when I see a BT that is too long, like GCB's for example, I'll skim it because I don't have time or the patience to read such a long show. WWF 2001's roster, I want to read a revisionist BT on that time.
I'm with Proph on this one, GS, more detail is a winner every time. Like I said, I get what you're saying and I think a few people head into recap mode partly for that reason. However, there is nothing better than a BT with plenty of detail for you to infer ideas and make your own conclusions from. Proph needs to keep the detail because it makes his BT a superb read - I loved the Justice character in his first show and even though I'd never seen the guy IRL, I had a picture of him in mind and I built him in my head as a real dark badass. You can't do that with recaps or short shows and the longer, more detailed stuff of mine, Proph's, Peep's and Theo's have constantly pulled in viewers for well over a year now. Sure, some people will like the short stuff but I can't get into it at all - and that will stop me from opening it.

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