Book This! - General Discussion

Whostine is always open to advice just as he gives advice to you. i would like to thank you for your comment and yes i knew you were referring to #1peep with that little boys comment, good one :)

I loved your advice, it was so constructive. Do you know what? I might even change my whole show based on your advice!

Sorry Peeps, you've been outed, mate!
TNA -Wrestling Matters Hard Justcie ppv is now available. Thanks for the review IHW. All the titles are defended, a major star returns and of course the big main event World Champion Samoa Joe defends against the seven foot out of control giant Matt Morgan...

Morgan has vowed to win the title and then continue his feud with TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett, using the power that comes with the title to shape TNA Wrestling around him...

Joe, being a fighting Champion and taking on all comers, is carrying some injuries into the match. Morgan knows this and has chosen this time to strike.. How will win? Find out at Hard Justice...
Hello... Hello..... Hello... Hello

Book This is like a desert these days. Lets get some discussion going!

How is everybody's next show?

Who is keeping up with the NCAA Tournament?

What are everyone WM predictions?

Who joins team Teddy and Team Long?

What match will steal the show at 'Mania?

Who is Bringing It more, Cena or Rock?

How is the family GCB?

What you up to Theo?

Whats going on Whostine? Proph? Peep? Grandsword? A? Aeosome_Miz? Workhorse? JAM? HD? Arcade? Global Icon?
IHW, briefly, I think Kevin Nash should be the final member of Team Johnny to close the loop off from last year's conspiracy stuff.

I think the Rock is bringing it more than Cena is, he has been given more mic time and is taking full advantage of it.

Who steals the show? Daniel Bryan. I've got this feeling he is going to pull out some big WM moment spot... Crowd dive perhaps.
How is everybody's next show?

My "next" show is stuck. Like I've mentioned I'm ahead of the game but I'm stuck on my main event for the June 6th edition of Raw. Maybe I'm overworked or just can't get the two to mesh. Who knows.

Who is keeping up with the NCAA Tournament?

This guy right here. I just lost one of my final 4 in Vandy, but I'm still kicking with UNC and MSU (my finals) with UNC winning.

What are everyone WM predictions?

Pretty stoked for Mania. I expect a great show. You'll see my predictions in the WZPC.

Who joins team Teddy and Team Long?

Zack Ryder has to be obvious with the whole campaign he is putting on. Big Zeke is another likely option, though doubtful. Maybe a returning Mysterio or a freshly turned Miz.

What match will steal the show at 'Mania?

Would Punk/Jericho be too easy of a pick? Cause that is what is likely to happen.

Who is Bringing It more, Cena or Rock?

Cena, no doubt. Haven't been thrilled with Rocky, but he hasn't been as bad as people proclaim.

What you up to Theo?

Hmm I warrant a shoutout separate from the group. What did I do to deserve the honor haha. Real life man, that's what I've been up to. It's kicking my ass as well. Been working 50 hours a week, I seem to get a mini illness once or twice a week, I'm alone, etc. I'm not bitching though, I have a nice life for the most part with great family and friends. Went to Raw on Monday, that kicked some ass. Wish I was around these parts more with shows and reviews and what not. I'm gonna post up a preview for OTL just to get my show back up towards the top as it is at the bottom of page 1 or on page 2, haven't checked. Gonna try and get some feedback and reviews out to everyone as well tonight and tomorrow hopefully.
I ingled you out Theo because you are one of the reasons i right BT. And because you have been silent as of late.

My Brackets got f'ed up by Duke and Mizz. for the most part. Vandy didn't help none. I am from Kentucky, so I have to love the team! Kentucky vs. UNC with UK winning it. Even if anyone can shut down Davi, we got guys like Miller, Teague, and Jones ready to drop the numbers on you. This is Coach Cal's year.

I agree with DBD stealing the show GS. This is his Mania moment.
Whostine, have a look at my SMACKDOWN preview, lad. Tell me how shit you think it will be? :D

p.s. SMACKDOWN preview up, folks. Just need to finish writing the matches. SHould be up this weekend!
Hello again BT members i just had a question, i was looking at the debater league and wondered if there was a way to get into something like that?

Oh and i was thinking and thought maybe when i get 10 post that i could make a Whostine show, where i offer my wrestling views and talk about fellow members and even get asked questions.

Well, thats about it have a great day. :)
So I'm gonna work with something new that I just posted. Prior to every PPV I'll write a column as if I were a member of the front page and discuss things going on in my book this. Also my thread had disappeared and it gave me a reason to get it back up on the first page. Just something different really.
Guess what? I'm ready to go and probably I'll be doing a thread in the Lounge where I will discuss the things going on in the real-life WWE and sometimes, a major angle from my BT! and a few minor times, something from the other sports too will be discussed. I've just thought the title for it: "WWE: The Icon View".

P.S. Warning: Don't mistake it for my BT! folks.
I planned to have OtL posted this year...

Theo, love the new column idea, working on the show right now as I tune in to Smackdown.
Doesn't really matter because I plan on recapping all of the time between Backlash and Judgment in one hit so I can get right into the build for King of the Ring.
Hello again BT members i just had a question, i was looking at the debater league and wondered if there was a way to get into something like that?

Oh and i was thinking and thought maybe when i get 10 post that i could make a Whostine show, where i offer my wrestling views and talk about fellow members and even get asked questions.

Well, thats about it have a great day. :)

WhoWho, The Debtor League is already full. But, maybe we all could do something like that here in the BT section.

And the Whostine Show sounds great. It would probibly need to go in the BT Lounge instead of the main BT Page. Update us when ever you figure something out.

I have been working on matches for No Fear. The whole IHW Schedule will probibly be thrown out the window because it is fairly hard to follow. I have a lot of planed changes for IHW in general. Now that I am a few shows in, I might change a couple of things.

P.S.- Awesome_Miz, figure something out soon man. I have some new ideas on how you can be involved that I will PM you because you writing your own show isn't working.
Got a question guys; but it's a little hard to word. Do you find it hard to change a character's perception (either in the reader's mind or the even your own) from something they have become since you started writing for them in real life. For example when I first started my BT, Del Rio was on fire, I rightfully thought he should be crowned the new World Heavyweight Champion and I enjoyed writing for him in every aspect. However, when he moved to RAW his ring time was cut in half, he was given awful feuds and material and then he was instantly hot-shotted back to the top when he was at his most boring. I can kind of still envision his old, awesome self but I feel it is hard to make that come across to many of you. Anyone else notice this in other, or your own thread?
I had a Book This here back in 2007, when it was Wotdoiput, Showtyme27, Lalakerz, and I just writing and and reviewing shows. I still check out this section from time to time and I am glad to see so many people are still interested in writing shows. Keep up the good work gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen, the first editorial in WWE: The Icon View is posted! Check it out and leave your feedback and opinions. Please.
Got a question guys; but it's a little hard to word. Do you find it hard to change a character's perception (either in the reader's mind or the even your own) from something they have become since you started writing for them in real life. For example when I first started my BT, Del Rio was on fire, I rightfully thought he should be crowned the new World Heavyweight Champion and I enjoyed writing for him in every aspect. However, when he moved to RAW his ring time was cut in half, he was given awful feuds and material and then he was instantly hot-shotted back to the top when he was at his most boring. I can kind of still envision his old, awesome self but I feel it is hard to make that come across to many of you. Anyone else notice this in other, or your own thread?

If your booking is strong enough it shouldn't matter about how the "real" WWE is handling their talent.

Samoa Joe is my champion. I am booking him the way he was over 4 years ago when he was dominant not the way he is treated these days. Regular reviewers of my show Theo and Jam have stated that he is extremely dominant and Jam has said he doesn't know who can beat him.

It's all in the booking. Look at Mark Henry 18 months ago, every man and his dog was pinning him. Now you think there isn't anyone who has a chance against him.

If you book Del Rio strong, and you do it well. Then he will be how you want him to be. Book him strong and he will be Peep.
Yeah, just wondering if people noticed it, not how they would do it. I think Del Rio has been booked strong so far, just wondering what people think of the original question. Cheers though.
I have similar issues in that my show is now over a year behind (similar to you, Peep) and some of the characters have changed so much. Mark Henry is still that guy who gets pinned by every man and his dog, Alberto Del Rio is still the newcomer that is on a major roll, Sheamus is still the dominant heel he should be and CM Punk is still heel. I agree with GrandSword, book them the way they are and the readers will go with it. The odd sentence to remind the reader also helps, i.e. I always have the comment from the commentators or the other guy in the feud that mentions their current status, i.e. if Del Rio is facing Matt Hardy, I make Matt Hardy mention that 'You might have come in here as the new big thing, Del Rio, you might be winning matches left and right but I am the man to put a stop to it!' - that way, you've developed the feud but reminded the reader of the situation with Del Rio in your BT, not in real life.
Question fellow BT'ers. Would you guys watch a crusierweight only show that the WWE Network is rumored to be airing?

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