Book This! - General Discussion

Last year I was thinking of doing a Book This involving top name indy guys and ex-WWE and TNA guys. I had a little bit of a show written, but it kind of fizzled out with life getting in the way. I'm thinking about trying it once again once this semester is over. Would anyone be interested reading it?

I'd be interested. I'm not much into the indy scene, but I'd love to see what you could do and it would help me learn some more about the indy guys and their tendencies.
Okay. I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to use a slightly different roster than the one I was going to use since indy guys have been signed to the WWE and TNA and guys from those promotions have been released. I'm going to put the roster together and announce the roster members in the thread for the wrestling company.

I did something late last year which had Goldberg vs. Batista as the headline
I've finally restarted writing SmackDown! so it should be up this weekend (at least I hope so)...

And feedback on WWE: The Icon View will be welcomed with open arms.
Thinking about going solo. Haven't heard from The A since the first Glory was posted. Aweome_Miz just don't seem reliable at all so I may as well just do IHW on my own.
Really happy with this one, reminiscent of a certain former famous feud. I'll send it to you later today when I'm free, just gotta type up the post match as well. But that will take five minutes.
Well, going to start fresh with IHW. Just going to be me writing the show(s).
Will have a new thread explaining everything with new roster and all that good stuff up soon. This whole working with other people thing just ain't working.

I do hope The A and Aweome_Miz can continue writing and have their own show. Good luck guys.
Honestly mate, I wouldn't start out with a created fed. They are really hard to write well, and for people to get into. I would suggest a company and a time period which you are familiar with and work on basics like grammar, spelling and basic promo and match work. If you really need help, feel free to PM me.
Thanks for offering help Peep. But, I do think I am going to stick with the one IHW Mayhem show. I will have a normal sized roster. Not a super roster with like 80 people. I think I can handle a created thread. It will be my own little side thing to do when I am bored, and I get bored a lot.
Hey, I am planning on buying wrestlemania 28 on PPV I am on virgin and have a virgin box etc and was wondering wether or not it will be in HD or not and if it is on standard definition does anybody no wether it is a decent picture or not

any help appreciated
My predictions are in the predictions thread, haha. I have today free so I want to try and watch it, I don't know how though as I don't intend on buying it.
Hey, who wants to watch a stream of WM? PM me. I think that if I post it here, I'll probably get infracted.
Hello BT dudes. Long time huh? Well, WM28 has just passed us by and it looks to be a new wrestling year. I bet some new threads are gonna be popping out soon so yeah. Hope y'all have been doing great!
Hey BT crew, I'm going to try to start a new BT, and try to get back in to this. I'm going to probably do it Peep's way, and just write summarized matches for Raw's/Smackdown's and full matches for PPV's,because I'm pretty sure that's what brought my previous project down. Just a question, is there any way I can find out what the WWE roster was at a certain point (for example what the roster was after the 2004 Royal Rumble). Thanks.
OK, BT, are we ready for the influx of new BT's?! Always happens about now after people watch WM!

My thoughts:

Bryan and Sheamus killed the first hour of the show. Why oh why oh why did they do that? For me, if you needed time and you needed to end one in seconds, do it with the obvious SMACKDOWN guy that can knock people cold in a heartbeat, err, Big Show? It makes me wonder if this was the plan all along because there has been - IMO - a poor build for Sheamus vs. Bryan all along. They have to bounce back strong with Bryan this Friday or even tonight - if they use it as a way to further build his heel character, fine. If they let him fade away, dreadful booking.

Like I say, the Bryan-Sheamus thing spoilt WM until HIAC for me. Orton vs. Kane was actually OK but lacked a feud to interest me, add in some anger over Bryan and you have a recipe for someone not interested in Kane-Orton. If I'd been there, I'd have been chanting 'Daniel Bryan' with the rest of them! Cody and Show was a letdown for me, I think that Cody's year has now taken him backwards and he is in danger of becoming a Kofi Kingston - always in the midcard. They pushed him well last year and he beat Mysterio, he has a win over Orton and now he's losing to Big Show easily? Not for me. Divas Match went as expected and Maria getting the pin on Beth was predictable.

Enter Hell in a Cell. Wow. I've posted on another forum about how the use of the cell was perfect - whilst people will say "Why was the cell not used?" understandably in some ways, if you focus on the figurative use of it, it was epic. The cell wasn't a weapon for me, it wasn't something to jump, fall or be thrown off/from, it wasn't the HIAC that Taker, HHH, Foley and HBK have made famous, it was a cell that seperated those three men, the last three men of an era, from everything else. As a metaphor, the cell added so much to the atmosphere, it screamed a finality, the end, one way or another. Add in a good wrestling match and a near faultless performance from HBK, the emotion and the story made it one of the greatest ever IMO. Kudos to both. I think UT at Mania is done, I see him finishing at Survivor Series where it all began.

Team Johnny and Team Teddy wasn't too bad for a 12-man match if I'm honest. Problem is that it followed HIAC and the crowd were spent at that point. In hindsight, Divas there would have been better and the GM match before HIAC. Logical move having John L winning, a heel GM is always better. Eve turning on Ryder (again) was predictable but I didn't see it been used to end the match.

Punk and Jericho - for sure, a great match but there was something not quite right for me though I can't tell you what. It just didn't live up to the incredibly high standards I have of these two - on any other PPV, fine, WrestleMania, I don't know. I just expected something bigger somewhere but I'm guessing they weren't supposed to put on an absolute clinic ahead of Cena/Rock!

Cena and Rock - didn't see that finish coming. Wow. Cena didn't seem himself to me but well done WWE for shocking us all - if there was going to be a clean win, you'd not have had many calling Rock to win it. Rock did a great job of making Cena look good so that the loss doesn't hurt him too much but this should, please, should lead to some kind of development to Cena's character. Not necessarily a heel turn but a different edge, side of him that people can get behind again. I said to my missus last night as we were watching the Cena/Rock documentary before that he comes across as such a nice fella, a guy you'd be happy for your kid to idolise, he says all the right things and he acts in the right way - he's just not very entertaining no more. Until he develops, he will not become one of the greats that he should do - Rock proves that he can come back and blow Cena away in terms of reaction. You know that Austin can too, Cena can't get near Undertaker, HHH and HBK ... he needs to develop now and hopefully this is the catalyst. RAW tonight could be interesting.

Anywho, on to my BT and I have a question: How shall I write the Rumble? I've not seen one done on here and I was hoping for some ideas about structure and organisation as well as how much detail I need to include. My biggest BT challenge yet I think.

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