Book This! - General Discussion

Hey BT crew, I'm going to try to start a new BT, and try to get back in to this. I'm going to probably do it Peep's way, and just write summarized matches for Raw's/Smackdown's and full matches for PPV's,because I'm pretty sure that's what brought my previous project down. Just a question, is there any way I can find out what the WWE roster was at a certain point (for example what the roster was after the 2004 Royal Rumble). Thanks.

Other tabs at the top of the page for other times.
Agree about 'Mania GCB, as for your Rumble I can PM a link to one I have which was structured well, just about to go out.
Over the last few shows I've been messing around with my format and I've gotten some cool feedback from some of you. Cheers for that.

So what I've done is I've applied the very, very summarised format I trialed on a new BT which I'll post now. Due to the quick and easy format I've already written six shows. I've gone back and done a revisionist history on the WWF circa 2000, starting with the last two shows of 1999.

The twist, Austin and the Undertaker are fit and healthy. And I'm bringing in some legends to push towards Wrestlemania 2000 which to many was a poor show for the wrestleing superbowl. So please check it out, give me some feedback, and I hope you like it.


Hmm, the Lounge - like an old home. Let's see if I can cook something up in my brain and get back into the swing of things..
Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3812207 said:
Hmm, the Lounge - like an old home. Let's see if I can cook something up in my brain and get back into the swing of things..

Nice one, he's back! :D

Over the last few shows I've been messing around with my format and I've gotten some cool feedback from some of you. Cheers for that.

So what I've done is I've applied the very, very summarised format I trialed on a new BT which I'll post now. Due to the quick and easy format I've already written six shows. I've gone back and done a revisionist history on the WWF circa 2000, starting with the last two shows of 1999.

The twist, Austin and the Undertaker are fit and healthy. And I'm bringing in some legends to push towards Wrestlemania 2000 which to many was a poor show for the wrestleing superbowl. So please check it out, give me some feedback, and I hope you like it.



Sounds a good idea, GS. Will look forward to reading it.
Pretty good review GCB. Oh boy, if I was at 'Mania, I would've been spent with those three big matches following each other. Now it's time to see the aftermath on Raw.

Whoa, a Sign Guy and Best sighting!
Welcome back, Signy, hope to see you produce some quality soon.

GCB, link is coming soon. Haha, I remember thinking after the end of the first hour of 'Mania - 'this is one of the worst Wrestlemanias ever' - to probably one of my favourites.
So annoyed I ruined RAW for myself, looks so bloody good. Going to start watching it now, the fans are just so good, makes the show hundreds times better. WWE is picking themselves up so well, if they work on the undercard - it could be perfect.
There's something I would like to share with the entire BT! crew:


Gimme a "HELL YEAH!" if you agree.

Oh and BTW, caps for emphasis. I am *NOT* Whostine i.e I am not in need of grammar and punctuation lessons. *(emphasis again).
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What is very clear from the RAW crowd - Daniel Bryan is over NOW. I reckon the WWE doing what they did at WM28 has actually finished the job in getting him over in a weird way. Now, the fans appear to be feeling sorry for him and are rallying behind him. WWE cannot ignore this and they must use it to their advantage. What it also shows - and I called this ages ago - is that Sheamus will not get far as a face. Whilst being a face and getting booed is OK for John Cena, it's not for anybody else - the fans took out their frustration over DB's treatment on Sheamus however much him and Del Rio tried to ignore it during their segment.
YES! YES! YES! In other news, did you guys notice that Punk and Henry actually work good together in a match? But man, that segment with Jericho was epic.
Just concerning the Cena should have won, and the Lesnar is back so it's fine...

My take on it was, why would Lesnar attack Cena. He lost, he's not the big dog, therefore in my mind to make Lesnar's attack more effective he should have attacked Rock, or Cena should have won... what does attacking a loser achieve?

Is Miami the new NY/Toronto? The crowd really turned on Cena and DBryan got huge cheers. Will this be the same elsewhere? It will be interesting to see.

On BT news the very last Raw and Smackdown of 1999 has been posted in my new threaad WWF 2000. I'm going to try and post a week (Raw and Smackdown) each time. Let me know what you guys think. I've already written 3 weeks worth, so I'll try and bash out another episode of TNA for those who are reading. Cheers for the review Jame too mate appreciate it.

OK guys, final RAW before ROYAL RUMBLE is up. One more match added to the PPV, one more still to come. When that is confirmed soon, I will post a prediction contest - with Survivor Series and Vengeance prediction scores already done, Rumble should start to show who knows my mind best. Might also include a couple of fun prediction questions about WM27 in there, see if people can work out where I'm heading yet! For the Rumble, I'm going to let people nominate five guys who they think might win, in order. If first choice wins, five points, second choice = 4 points etc ...

Not sure it is the best RAW ever, bit promo heavy. Like I've said, I'm finding the Rumble build difficult as it is harder to spark feuds when there isn't a PPV match coming. I'm at the point now with my BT where I just want to get going towards WM27 and the RR>Elimination Chamber shows might be more recapped so I speed through them.
OK guys, final RAW before ROYAL RUMBLE is up. One more match added to the PPV, one more still to come. When that is confirmed soon, I will post a prediction contest - with Survivor Series and Vengeance prediction scores already done, Rumble should start to show who knows my mind best. Might also include a couple of fun prediction questions about WM27 in there, see if people can work out where I'm heading yet! For the Rumble, I'm going to let people nominate five guys who they think might win, in order. If first choice wins, five points, second choice = 4 points etc ...

Not sure it is the best RAW ever, bit promo heavy. Like I've said, I'm finding the Rumble build difficult as it is harder to spark feuds when there isn't a PPV match coming. I'm at the point now with my BT where I just want to get going towards WM27 and the RR>Elimination Chamber shows might be more recapped so I speed through them.

That was awesome. By far my favourite episode because of the promo stuff that was great. I loved the ending of the show, truly exciting to see. Really pumped for the Rumble at the moment. You couldn't be writing Barrett any better.
Ahh, its good to be back.

I have been camping since Sunday Night after 'Mania. Loved the freaking how. Didn't expect Kane, Show, or Rock to win. Plenty of feel good moments. Best 'Mania in a while.
Raw the following night was intense. Best crowd for TV in a LONG time.

Glad to be back and will be getting IHW things together soon.

I guess all thats left to say is. . .
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
Third match is nearly out of the way and damn, the BT section is taking over WZCW. Even GC - Mr Teacher - B is giving it a go.
So that's your angle huh? Well the WZCW belongs the Kings of Hates! Mwahahahahahahaha!

But in all seriousness, the more the better so tell everyone to join.

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