Book This! - General Discussion

That's right guys I'm back. This time I'm going to take it easy cause last time I really didn't know where I was going with my BT! This time I chose a time that just happened and I know of. So, expect a show in a good amount of time.:D
That's right guys I'm back. This time I'm going to take it easy cause last time I really didn't know where I was goin with my BT! This time I chose a time that just happened and I know of. So, expect a show in a good amount of time.:D

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SmackDown! is finished... FINALLY. Should be up this evening. And then, reviews for GCB and anyone else who wants it. Plus, the poll for who will go up first in my WWE: The Icon View thread under "BT! Mates" will be up in a moment. Remember to PM me with the votes.
SmackDown! is up. Check it out and leave a review if possible. 2 new matches announced for the Great American Bash. And umm, you may find it not so good, or even well below your expectations but is just rust that happened to settle during the break when I wasn't fine. Everything will be back to normal with the next show, that is RAW. I have planned the outline, just need to write it in detail. Thanks to JAM, Theo and workhorse for the votes. Others, do it quick!
OK, OK, OK. SMACKDOWN is done, I've gotten on a roll of late. I'll delay posting it for a day or two to give people chance to feedbac/read RAW and NXT first. Predictions can be posted in the thread although I guess some are waiting till after SMACKDOWN for any last little clues.

Happy Easter folks.
I owe you a few reviews but I want to get this PPV out of the way. I'll post predictions and a full review on the Rumble.
Somebody could make a new BT from that if they got enough gimmicks. I'd like to see Cena as an anti-American and just completely turn on the US Army a la Seargeant Slaughter!
I am actually thinking about putting a guy in my BT! that is made up and just building him from the bottom up. I'll give him a nice gimmick to go with and make him my own little character that I write for. I already have a promo package wrote out, but not sure if I am going to use him or not just yet.
I am actually thinking about putting a guy in my BT! that is made up and just building him from the bottom up. I'll give him a nice gimmick to go with and make him my own little character that I write for. I already have a promo package wrote out, but not sure if I am going to use him or not just yet.

That's a good idea but I reckon it'd be real tough to do. I thought of doing it for the next season of NXT but I'm not sure I could come up with enough gimmicks to make it work.
That's a good idea but I reckon it'd be real tough to do. I thought of doing it for the next season of NXT but I'm not sure I could come up with enough gimmicks to make it work.

I know it sounds odd, but I wrote for a Backyard Wrestling Fed for about 2 years and I am pretty good at coming up with things like gimmicks and storyline. In IHW Mayhem, I will only have one created dude, so it shouldn't be too hard to manage.
I know it sounds odd, but I wrote for a Backyard Wrestling Fed for about 2 years and I am pretty good at coming up with things like gimmicks and storyline. In IHW Mayhem, I will only have one created dude, so it shouldn't be too hard to manage.

PM me any spare gimmicks then!

Want to come up with eight new wrestlers and have at least three/four of them with gimmicks not used before.
Hey guys I was wondering how do you come up with feuds? I already have some feuds in planned but I don't know what'll happen after that.
Pick a point in the long term future of your BT and something major you want to happen at that point. My BT stemmed from me thinking to myself one day "Wouldn't it be great if at WrestleMania 27, ________________?" - obviously I'm not going to tell you what that thing is, but it is the whole premise of my BT. I then elaborated around that point about where else the WWE would be at WrestleMania 27 and other things came up - i.e. Cena's heel turn for example. The first PPV match card I came up with was WrestleMania 27 and although I have tweaked it as I've gone forward, the card is pretty much similar to what I first envisaged with the main thing I wanted to do still happening. Then, I worked back. Things like "Well if I want ______ to be champion then, I'll need him to win it first at _________ PPV" or "___________ will need a reason to get into that WrestleMania match so what will happen at the Rumble, what will happen at Survivor Series etc?"

From there, I had a rough outline of how I would get from PPV to PPV until I got to my goal, WrestleMania 27, where my big story would end. Then I could plan shorter term and think about how the feuds would happen on RAW and SMACKDOWN. Quick tip - plan how you will get to the next PPV before you write the one you're on. I've got the Rumble to write and I know the major things that will happen, i.e. matches and winners, but there could be other things I want to do, i.e. "to set that match for Elimination Chamber, I could have this happen in the Rumble match" etc ... So before I write the Rumble, I'm going to plan exactly what matches/results I will have at Elimination Chamber and the stories that will get me there. Then I know who to push, what to make a big deal of in the Rumble event ready for the Elimination Chamber build.

Thing is now that I am nearing my goal - WrestleMania 27 and the one incident that is the reason I wrote this BT. That means I have two options: (a) finish the BT or (b) come up with another big moment for Summerslam. I've got ideas in mind for Summerslam's OMG moment and Survivor Series' OMG moment so you can rest assured I won't be ending the BT. I think you've always got to have a long term plan (i.e. a WrestleMania card) as well as medium term plan (i.e. the next PPV) and a short term plan (i.e. the next show). Having these three things in mind makes the feuds easier to come up with, IMO.

I also like to watch PPV's from the past in the WWE whilst I'm writing my shows - right now, I'm watching Kevin Nash challenge for the World Championship of Triple H at Judgement Day 2003 for example. It throws ideas up and I get little kernels of ideas I can use in my show - there'll probably be nothing I can get from Nash and Triple H but I got an idea from watching La Resistance in an earlier match. Don't copy but think about how you can use the ideas you see. I always have a notebook at the side of my computer for scribbling ideas down for possible later use.

It's all fun!
I'm thinking of dipping my toe into this whole Book This! thing. Any advice? I'm thinking of using the WWE roster as of the end of WM28 and going from there.

How much time do you guys spend on your shows? A few hours or much less/more? I'd like to try and post two shows a week if I can - is that even feasible?

All advice would be appreciated BEFORE I make a start (After is good too, but I'd like to know what I'm gonna be getting myself into)
I say take your time and go with the flow. Don't rush your shows. Try to see what WWE is doing wrong or right and captivate on those pieces. Posting shows will come whenever you and your writing feel like it. Also, when you want to have a certain superstar be WWE or World champion build them up nice and easy that way the reader can get behind that wrestler.

Hope this helps and glad your taking an interest in BT! my fellow WZCW friend.
Shotaro start simple, that's the best advice you can get. Then when you bring people in, you are expand and go from there.

As for building storylines: you need to know where you are going so you can plan accordingly or drop little hints but without constantly thinking of maybe a storyline you want to jump into, it saps your motivation. I have an idea of the matches for the PPV after the one I am building up to, I know the matches exactly to the PPV I am building up to but the results may change rapidly, I know this has happened a lot to me. For each show, plan out each segment, match against a list of the feuds you are building, and the ones you want to build, so you can tick the boxes and know you are giving something enough time. i.e I give the world title feud maybe three segments, the next feud two, mid card two, other feuds/mini feuds/new stars one segment and just plug in stuff you want to book.

Question for Proph, GCB, Theo: what stuff did you have planned but scrapped or completely changed. I think I had the Corre being this huge dominant group, but Theo needed a star for RAW, I had nothing for Barrett to do (even though I would have loved to book him), and I wanted to play around with Slater and Gabriel.

This is my hobby, love booking this stuff.
Finally some discussion going on :D

Well, my advice to some new guys if ever there are any, is to first of all choose a promotion and time period that you really know. And ofcourse to plan ahead even if things can change later on. I know my problems with BT's is sticking with them and I apologize for that. Probably because I take it one show at a time and not plan ahead, usually. But anyway, that's probably the best advice I can give: Stick with it.

To get more discussion going on, who do you think on the current roster of either WWE or TNA or even ROH can give us a five-star match? It's gotta be two guys in the same promotion btw.

I'll go with probably John Cena and Daniel Bryan. Haha. I know what you're thinking, Cena right? But hey, look what he did with Punk at MITB.
Shotaro start simple, that's the best advice you can get. Then when you bring people in, you are expand and go from there.

As for building storylines: you need to know where you are going so you can plan accordingly or drop little hints but without constantly thinking of maybe a storyline you want to jump into, it saps your motivation. I have an idea of the matches for the PPV after the one I am building up to, I know the matches exactly to the PPV I am building up to but the results may change rapidly, I know this has happened a lot to me. For each show, plan out each segment, match against a list of the feuds you are building, and the ones you want to build, so you can tick the boxes and know you are giving something enough time. i.e I give the world title feud maybe three segments, the next feud two, mid card two, other feuds/mini feuds/new stars one segment and just plug in stuff you want to book.

Question for Proph, GCB, Theo: what stuff did you have planned but scrapped or completely changed. I think I had the Corre being this huge dominant group, but Theo needed a star for RAW, I had nothing for Barrett to do (even though I would have loved to book him), and I wanted to play around with Slater and Gabriel.

This is my hobby, love booking this stuff.

This will all be from WWE Unleashed.

1. Muhammad Hassan was going to win the WWE Championship at No Mercy.
2. Edge was going to cash in MitB on Justice and win.
3. JBL was going to be World Champion on Smackdown.
4. Angel was going to turn heel and break the ankle of Teddy Long
Finally some discussion going on :D

Well, my advice to some new guys if ever there are any, is to first of all choose a promotion and time period that you really know. And ofcourse to plan ahead even if things can change later on. I know my problems with BT's is sticking with them and I apologize for that. Probably because I take it one show at a time and not plan ahead, usually. But anyway, that's probably the best advice I can give: Stick with it.

To get more discussion going on, who do you think on the current roster of either WWE or TNA or even ROH can give us a five-star match? It's gotta be two guys in the same promotion btw.

I'll go with probably John Cena and Daniel Bryan. Haha. I know what you're thinking, Cena right? But hey, look what he did with Punk at MITB.

Cena and Taker. Yeah I said it.
Question for Proph, GCB, Theo: what stuff did you have planned but scrapped or completely changed. I think I had the Corre being this huge dominant group, but Theo needed a star for RAW, I had nothing for Barrett to do (even though I would have loved to book him), and I wanted to play around with Slater and Gabriel.

Hmm not really sure. I know in an old book this I was gonna book Swagger as this ultimate badass and calling Triple H on using his sources to get pushed, but the book this failed. Honestly besides that one I can't really think of any at the moment.
Thought I'd deliver a surprise tonight: go check out the new project! Feedback is welcome, and I'll get to you guys on feedback after I relax and catch up with all the progress I have missed!

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