What's up Book This! Lounge? For those who stay within the boundaries of this section, I'm The Dragon Saga and I've decided to dip my toes in the creative writing aspect of the forum. I've decided to start with a hypothetical story in-which Kurt Angle returns to the WWE. Instead of booking entire shows I'll be simply writing Kurt's parts of the show. I may suck at this, but time shall tell.
Welcome to BT mate. I like the look of what you've done so far and setting it in the future is an interesting ploy. There is enough in your first post to suggest you won't 'suck at this' but I'm just wondering why you posted it in the Lounge and not the main forum?
To GCB and IHW: Thanks for the votes.
To IHW: Thanks for the review
To GCB: Man, I read your SmackDown! and it seems you're truly pumped up for Mania. Each show is better than the previous one and I think by the time WM comes around, every show will be worth five stars. Good job mate and I'm seriously pumped up for the Rumble. Hope you post it soon.
Thanks man. Everything is building up nicely to a mind-blowing WrestleMania - I know the card and let me tell you I would love to see it for real. Hoping to post Rumble as soon as I can but the last PPV (Vengeance) took me 6 weeks to post and when I go back to work next week, that'll cause me some problems to writing the Rumble. Hoping for next couple of weeks but no promises I'm afraid.
So CM Punk vs. Taker at Mania 27 from GCB? I think so.
Punk vs. Taker and Cena vs. Orton yeah?

All will be revealed in due course. You might be right, you're probably wrong.
Hey guys, so I've been watching a lot of Marvel and DC Comics cartoons. What would you all think of a BT with villains and superheroes? Haha.
It could be cool, I don't see why you couldn't do it. You'd have to keep the movesets realistic, they can't all be high fliers! I'd pay to see Superman vs. Spiderman! And the Incredible Hulk would have to be in there - could be a monster heel or a face!