Book This! - General Discussion

Hello BT Section! What would you guys think of a wrestling federation where all the young guys competed in? Notably the age limit being 32 or we'll see? So it'll have the young guys like Dolph, Swagger, Sheamus, Miz, and maybe Orton. Thoughts?
I killed off a majority of my show. All I need to do is type up Miz/Sheamus and do a little formatting and the bad boy will be up. It may be up tonight sometime, but more than likely it'll be up Friday sometime.
That's good news, can't wait to read it. Will get a start on the show in a weeks time, just too swamped at the moment.
Hey guys, what would be a good idea for a BT?

& would a future endeavored company be good? Who would be on it?
I just wrote something very similar ..sort of .. in the showcase thread guys if you wanted to have a look. Would love to hear what you think too :)
Delayed with my Vengeance PPV, had a shocker of a first week back at work. Wanted Vengeance by this weekend but am now unsure if I'll even make next weekend. So much other stuff to do. :(
As far as I know there is no rule against having more than one fed at a time. I know other forums frown upon it, but it doesn't seem to be in the recent line of rules. I wouldn't see a problem running another fed as long as you think you can handle the workload of both shows.
Hey BT section! How you all doing? Not much activity going on right now :( Everyone's busy with life and that's fine. And I'm hoping to post a new show on my ECW thread or start a new one, but I really can't think of anything. So if you got something in mind, shoot me a PM.

And I think I'll try and get reviews around to get the section going again coz I love this section! Hope you all are doing great, cheers.
Hey BT section! How you all doing? Not much activity going on right now :( Everyone's busy with life and that's fine. And I'm hoping to post a new show on my ECW thread or start a new one, but I really can't think of anything. So if you got something in mind, shoot me a PM.

And I think I'll try and get reviews around to get the section going again coz I love this section! Hope you all are doing great, cheers.

Great idea. :)

As for ideas for a new thread, sit back and wait for inspiration to hit. But I'd love to see someone re-write the WCW/ECW invasion from back in 2001. That had so much potential but the WWF(E) messed it up a bit even though I still thought it was fun. If somebody doesn't do it, then I will ... one day!
Jam, 2007 was my favorite year of WWE (in fact, it was the first full year that I was a true fan of it) and I saw Megatron have an old one were he started it, but didn't get too far. I would love to see someone re-write it, because that would be the one I would do next, but I don't plan on leaving my fed for a LONG time. I do agree with GCB though, just wait until inspiration hits.
As far as I know there is no rule against having more than one fed at a time. I know other forums frown upon it, but it doesn't seem to be in the recent line of rules. I wouldn't see a problem running another fed as long as you think you can handle the workload of both shows.

Thanks Theo! Yeah I put my PWGP idea in the Showcase thread because I ddin't know if it was allowed or not. Would love to know what you guys think of my idea. I think there alot of really great unsigned talent out there and have had this idea for awhile. Then when someone thought of a future endeavoured idea I thought I'd better post PWGP so it didn't seem like a rip-off haha..

In any case, if you guys like PWGP I was thinking of keeping itgoing, kind of like a pilot. If no one was going toread it then I would sit on it for awhile...

Latest episode of TNA - Wrestling Matters is now available...

What will be the fall out of Petey Williams' attack on Kurt Angle? Is the Olympic Gold medallist's career over?

Find out as wrestling matters ..again...
Guys, truly sorry for not being able to post my ppv. I've been very busy lately, but I still really enjoy my BT (this and WZCW are the only reasons why I'm still active here); I'm 13,730 words through my ppv so far, and I expect that I have about 9,000 words left. I really am looking forward to posting it, and sharing it with you guys. School is swamping me, as I am starting to look at colleges, so I might not be as active with posting shows, but I'm still around. I follow about everyone's active shows, and I enjoy reading all of them. HOPEFULLY Backlash will be up in another 2 weeks, or maybe earlier; I really want to share it, because I feel like it's the best writing I've done so far. Thanks guys.
Hey guys, deciding to do another ECW thread, this time it's under WWE. Idk, I just like that ECW didn't have big stars and that they had to be built up, and I wanna do that. Not sure about what time period though. Maybe around late 2010 when they were discussing the end of ECW. Would like someone to help me out with the roster though and the happenings during that time. Really wanna do this one right, finally. Lol. PM ME!
I've finally decided to let Jam do me some fancy graphics. Watch out for them coming to my thread soon. I'm just trying to eliminate any complaints from Peep really, I'm determined to make his describe my BT as 'perfect' one day!

Sent you a PM Jam on some suggestions for a WWECW fed.

And once again I just want to say thanks publicly to Jam who continues to hep me with graphics!! Thanks Jam you go out of your way to help the BT'ers around here.

Cheers mate!
I'm flying through the last episode of Impact before the Sacrifice ppv. It's got a bit of a surprise for Petey Williams that I think those who are reading will get a kick out of! I am writing it, so can't wait to post it.

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