Book This! - General Discussion

Alright. Looks like I'll be doing a BT magazine. Question is, who should be the cover? Tell me why you should be the cover in a PM or do it right here. All comers are welcome! :D
Alright. Looks like I'll be doing a BT magazine. Question is, who should be the cover? Tell me why you should be the cover in a PM or do it right here. All comers are welcome! :D

The first cover should go to GCB. Nobody else has worked harder to make their Book This! the best then him. GCB puts so much time and effort into each show and it shows because he is the number 1 around here. We all know the great job he does with his shows and the helpful feedback he gives. If anyone is going to get the first cover it needs to be him. He is the best we have and I don't see anyone else that is going to take that from him.

It will be an injustice should GCB not be the main figure of this new BT magazine. I doubt anyone is going to argue that GCB shouldn't be on the cover of this magazine.
Sounds about right Proph. I was gonna go with GCB in the first place. So everyone doesn't mind right? However, you all may be getting a PM from me soon for a little description of your BT on the magazine. Alright? Sounds cool!
Good to hear you were going to make the right decision without any help Jam. As I said, you can't go with anyone other then GCB for the first edition.
Any suggestions for the name of the magazine? Can't be WWE Magazine because the BT's aren't all WWE. Something like Time Magazine, People Magazine, and whatever so I can make a logo as well.
Sup Proph, long time no... talk?

How's it going buddy?

We haven't spoken for ages man. I'm going good at the moment. Not much time for writing my project but hopefully I get something done over the next couple of days.

Any suggestions for the name of the magazine? Can't be WWE Magazine because the BT's aren't all WWE. Something like Time Magazine, People Magazine, and whatever so I can make a logo as well.

Something simple like Booker Magazine, Wrestling Scoop Magazine or WZ Bookers Magazine.
Book This Chronicles?

That's good man, same here. Going to get going on my next show over the next couple of days.
GCB deserves the cover spot.

Looking forward to the magizine Jam; remember I'm still here;) school is just wrecking me and I really dont have much time or inspiration to write.
Cheers Proph, love you too ... :P

Unfortunately, I'm having to work hard on other things right now so my BT is suffering. Cannot wait to post Vengeance but if I'm honest, I'm about 20% done and I haven't touched it for a week and a half. Hoping to have some free time this weekend to work at it.

Jam - Will PM you back soon.
Hey guys, decided to go with a new format for the magazine. This is how it will go:

>Insert Poster<


(The real image I'll use will probably be bigger than this one)​
>Insert featured story, commentary, interview with superstar, special letter from the BT owner, ETC.<

I went with this because it was pretty hard for me to get anything really going. A magazine is usually more words than pictures and as you can tell, I think I do pictures better.

So yeah, BT'ers that I PM'd please send me:
1. The superstar that you want your cover to be of.
2. Your special story or whatever you have planned for it.

Don't worry guys, I'll make this one awesome!
Hey Jam. Thanks and good luck for what you're doing. GCB on the cover of the first magazine is the perfect choice. He's the real deal around here (don't mind other writers). Umm, as for the name of the magazine, can it be called "The Book!" Just a suggestion. Thanks again to Jam. And I've sent you a PM Jam, just check it out.
Agreed GCB! I'm half way through Sacrifice so hopefully I'll have it posted by tommorrow. I've got the next phase all planned out and ppvs seem to get in the way haha... Almost like a necessary evil in BT'ing. But I'm having fun with this one now that I've got cracking and it will continue with the direction I want to go with. Funny thing is, I had an ending palnned for wone of my matches but when I wrote it, it just made sense to make the other guy win, just the way I wrote it.. Which is great. and means I'll have to make a few adjustments to some up coming stories, but i think that's all of the fun of BT.
Will try and start writing some more of my show later, but I think I will just do matches in recap bar the main event. That ok?
I wouldn't see a problem in that. Other guys have used the recap format to a success around these joints. I wish I could write in a recap form, but looking at my Superstars results you'll see that it is not a strong point.
TNA Sacrifice will be available in about an hour... here's the card

World Championship Match
Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam

World Tag Team Championship Match
Motor City Machine Guns vs. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

X Division Championship Match
Low Ki vs. Austin Aries vs. Frankie Kazarian

Knockout&#8217;s Championship Match
Tara vs. Hamada

#1 Contender&#8217;s Match
James Storm vs. Robert Roode

Canadian Destroyer VS. American Dragon
Petey Williams vs. Bryan Danielson

Last Man Standing Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Morgan

The Pope vs. Desmond Wolfe

All reviews or comments no matter how large or small are very much appreciated
I got overexcited and wrote my next Impact show...

When do you think I should post it guys? Should I let the dust settle on my ppv for a few days to let everyone read it? Or swing right in with the next episode? What's the norm? Thoughts?

Oh and Theo, awaiting your next show as I'm upto date man with your fed and am looking fwd to giving it a big review.
I'd give it a bit for posting the next show. Moving too quick can damage the quality of the show. If you move to fast it tarnishes the importance of everything. I'd say give at least a week or so before posting the next show. As for my show I'm about 1/4 done, but cruising nonetheless. If I finish before Peep posts his show it'll be up after his next show.

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