Book This! - General Discussion

Sorry Theo, I think I'm going to take a little break. May be back in action (i.e. start writing) in a week or two.
Hey guys. The last show before Backlash is posted!!! :) The predictions contest is now on and you guys can go out there and predic. And you know what, the winner gets 5 back-to-back reviews. So, Peep, Theo, GCB, Proph and Grand Sword I'd like you to give me your predictions.
Hey BTers! Man, y'all are busy huh? Well, hope you guys are doing alright. Just a hello from your friendly graphic maker, Jam :D

Also, I was thinking of doing a joint BT. So if anyone wants to team up, shoot me a PM. I'll probably be doing Smackdown, but we'll sort out the details later. Might even be opened to doing a TNA thread. Just gotta get more familiar with it though so yeah. If you're interested, PM me. If not, then we'll see where I go from here.
Hey guys. The last show before Backlash is posted!!! :) The predictions contest is now on and you guys can go out there and predic. And you know what, the winner gets 5 back-to-back reviews. So, Peep, Theo, GCB, Proph and Grand Sword I'd like you to give me your predictions.

Reviews as a reward? :confused:

I thought that part of being involved with BT was reviewing and reading others work. Maybe I missed that one.
Or....what do you guys think of a Divas-only BT?

Falkon had some decent success with a female only book this. As long as it is well written and easy to follow, you can make anything work.

Sorry Theo, I think I'm going to take a little break. May be back in action (i.e. start writing) in a week or two.

No big broski. Working 3 night shifts a week gives me a lot of free time, so I pretty much just work on my show. It will allow me to get ahead of schedule and hopefully get me a nice break from action for a good chunk of time. At the rate I'm moving I'm looking to have my OTL matches finished sometime towards the end of October.
I'm back Haven't had access to a laptop in a few weeks, been busy with school before that. Not like I had time to post shows before that anyway. Between football, classes, and other personal stuff. Anyways, have I missed anything too important?
TNA Wrestling Matters latest episode of Impact is available. The fall out of the Sacrifice ppv will see just how Jarrett will handle the title situation.. or will he even have a chance as this show promises to be Total Non-Stop Action!
What are some dream matches you guys would like to see from different promotions mixed with other promotions? Example: Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe or Roderick Strong vs. CM Punk.
Welcome back Sign Guy.

I know I said the weekend, Jam, but I'm soooooo busy at moment. You don't need to keep reminding me though, man! I know you want it but it just isn't a priority for me right now. Maybe tomorrow, maybe. No promises though.

Thanks to WeJammmin'22 and Theo Mays for their predics. What about the other guys guys? GCB, Proph (I don't know where he's gone), HD, Sword, Sign Guy. Post yout predics in the main thread and you could win 5 reviews and 5 green reps (thanks to GCB).
The first cover should go to GCB. Nobody else has worked harder to make their Book This! the best then him. GCB puts so much time and effort into each show and it shows because he is the number 1 around here. We all know the great job he does with his shows and the helpful feedback he gives. If anyone is going to get the first cover it needs to be him. He is the best we have and I don't see anyone else that is going to take that from him.

It will be an injustice should GCB not be the main figure of this new BT magazine. I doubt anyone is going to argue that GCB shouldn't be on the cover of this magazine.


At this point I don't see why Jam shouldn't push my part of the magazine to the front and make that the cover instead.
LOL! Actually guys, in this edition of the magazine, it's like you all have your own covers along with a picture of the superstar you told me to put on your cover with a description. This'll be the last issue that I'll be doing in that format I think. Then the next one, I'll make some awesome graphics, or well, get some inspiration to do them. Haha. Don't worry guys, I got this! :D
LOL! Actually guys, in this edition of the magazine, it's like you all have your own covers along with a picture of the superstar you told me to put on your cover with a description. This'll be the last issue that I'll be doing in that format I think. Then the next one, I'll make some awesome graphics, or well, get some inspiration to do them. Haha. Don't worry guys, I got this! :D

So when will it be up?
Hmm, seems like everyone is taking a break from BT. I think I will too for a little bit, but you guys can always ask me for some graphic help. Maybe within a week or two my new thread can be up. We'll see.
I'm nearly done my next edition, but it will be on hold as to the posting since Peep is on break. I'll likely start the go home show next week and then take some time and work on the Over the Limit stuff and take a slight break. This gives Peep plenty of time to catch up and it gives me a nice break if I get burned out. Working night shifts continuously gives me the time to do all this, so I'm likely going to get ahead of schedule.
Sounds good Theo, I have written a couple of segments and will try and get some more done this weekend if I have some time.

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