Boo Boo Boo, WWE Will Blow It

You 15 year old and your insant gratification bullshit. I'm convinced that 95% of you couldn't remember what happened 2 months ago ... yet you continually bitch for the same shit with different people ... and then complain that the WWE isn't listening to you.

You want Ryder to get a major push in his first 5 minutes on Raw.

...You bitch when Shaemus is given the World Title in his first month on the brand ...

You think that a major win in their first appearance propels someone forget about Shelton Benjamin beating Triple H twice in his first two appearances on Raw...

You think Ryder should have lasted longer than a minute in the Rumble. You say that he'll never be taken seriously becuase of it. forget that HBK lasted a minute in the 92 Rumble, his first appearance as a singles wrestler.

You know why people don't care about Zack Ryder? Because he hasn't done anything. You know why he hasn't done anything? Because he hasn't been around long enough to have done anything. He hasn't earned shit. You little fucking kids just want him handed a spot in the World Title picture because he can do a few spots.
Or, the WWE missed a golden opportunity to push a guy right out of the gate that has the potential to be a major player in the WWE years from now. Most of the guys in the MITB are filler to begin with. Ryder has earned the chance for a Wrestlemania payday with how much he improved this year, whereas MVP has continued to regress and has gotten very lazy. He doesn't care as much as he used to. That's for damn sure.

A major player? WOW. Are you serious? Ryder is a joke. What the hell is he? A jukebox? he's not great in the ring and his gimmick is messed up beyond all belief. His look is average at best as anyone in that costume would have a good look. he's not that good and having MVP in the match as well as winning is 100% the right thing to do.
Full disclosure: I am a huge fan of Zack Ryder, but I will try to be objective.

What happened on monday was a disgrace. I will not argue that Zack Ryder should have won, but I think the match should have been at least somewhat competitive. Zack Ryder got over in ECW, and in 1 week all of that was undone, because they refused to give him any offense in a 2 minute squash. MVP has been a midcarder for years now, and as a face has not really been all that effective.

If WWE wanted MVP to squash his way into the Money In The Bank, then there is a perfect candidate for doing this J.O.B. that isn't Zack Ryder. Chavo Guerrero. Chavo Guerrero has not gotten a win, nor has done anything to get over with the WWE crowd in years, and most recently was the jobber to a midget (Leprechaun). Why is he not doing this job over someone who has been doing something to get over, and who has a future in the wrestling business?

Now lets say that WWE wanted the match to be competitive, but had time restraints, which made the match go quick. There are plenty of ways to have a quick match. Let MVP win the match in 90 seconds because of a rollup or some other form of surprise pinfall. Let Zack Ryder get DQed because of interference from Rosa Mendez. Anything but a squash could have made MVP look good, and not completely destroy Zack Ryder.

Oh wait... don't forget about all the rivalries that got stopped short...

Ryder vs. Benjamin = DUD
Ryder vs. Tatsu = DUD
Ryder vs. Hurricane = DUD (well that one was Helms' fault)

3 reasons why your arguement is total garbage, I'll let you pick one:
1. Name an ECW midcard rivalry that DIDN'T "stop short." Go ahead, I'm waiting........Oh, you can't. Why is that? Because none of them did.
2. What you call "stopped short," I (and people who use their brain) call "SHORT FEUDS." Not all feuds need to last 3 or 4 months. Sometimes they only last a month or less.
3. Because ECW was only 64 minutes long (and WWE needs to have a RAW rebound, SD rebound, PPV build, and commercials, there are really only about 25 minutes of feud-building), they were only able to get in 2-3 feuds in an episode. Obviously 1 of those is the championship feud (which takes up the bulk of the time), which means that midcard feuds didn't get aired on TV every week, due to time restraints. If a feud isn't aired on TV, fans don't care about it. When the fans don't care about it, WWE ends the feud.

Ryder vs. Dreamer is the only one that got to finish, and wasn't that great. Not to mention, it's Tommy Dreamer in WWE. At this point he was nothing but a jobber anyway.

The Tommy Dreamer feud was a big deal, he retired a former ECW Champion, who was recognized as the "Heart and Soul" of ECW. Tommy Dreamer may have been losing matches, but he was losing high profile ECW matches, usually in the Main Event.

I mean for everyone who does like him, it's either because of the theme song or the tights...
The music is Epic, the tights are cool, but I enjoy watching him wrestle. is that a problem?
I agree that Ryder and MVP should of received more time in their match since both MITB matches were shorter then the Diva's pillow match, which didn't contribute anything. I think WWE did a poor job of promoting all of their new ECW stars on Raw. It would of been interesting I guess to see Ryder win instead of MVP, but the guy hasn't broke out yet.

Just because a few people like Yoshi Tatsu or Ryder doesn't mean they should be main eventing or just handed a spot on the card at Wrestle Mania. WWE wants their semi big stars in the MITB every year. Kane is in it because he is the monster and veteran. Shelton is the spot monkey which is given the spot every year. Christian was ECW Champion, along with Swagger, and Ziggler has been wrestling high profile matches with Mysterio and Morrison.

Ryder had a few matches with Christian which he lost, and he beat Tommy Dreamer. So he deserves a spot at Wrestle Mania? I don't think it's the end of the world or that he will be released because he lost one match. Maybe Ryder will be a decent talent if he isn't lost in the Raw shuffle. He has a good cocky character, but they need to repackage his look and music because no one takes him serious.
Come on, you had to see this coming. I mean as soon as they announced that Ryder was the newest additon to the Raw roster on Superstars, I knew his fate. I mean really, the Raw creative team just doesn't have it in them to make the right decisions when it comes to something like this. It's like they only work well with the main event, and definitely not the midcard.

Ryder "ended" Tommy Dreamer's career!!! That's a huge-ass rub, and they're not going to take advantage of that??? WTF!!! His only hope now is that he gets sent to Smackdown in the draft, and have a chance to shine there. If he stays on Raw, he'll end up like Haas.........
Ryder has a great entrance song, I love it, listen to it all the time, and he has one great assest, a great trademarked phrase. But he isn't that big of a superstar in many ways. He might HAVE talent, he doesn't show it, or doesn't get to show it, and as WWE has near 70 superstars, meaning each wrestler only gets a few minutes a night on their shows, He should be happy he is getting jobbed.

Give him some time, as MVP gave, MVP the guy who had a massive lose streak, and there might be a shot down the line for him to get over.
I am a huge fan of Ryder. They way he plays his persona is unreal. You honestly can't tell that he is playing a role. As far as wwe gimmicks go it's fresh and convincing, something no one else seems to be able to pull off in the wwe atm. His matches in ECW were quite good but his feuds always seemed to get pulled before they went anywhere. MVP probably deserves the MITB match more because I guess he has paid his dues but it sucks that they had to just squash Ryder soo pointlessly.
Compton, I too was concerned about Ryder getting lost in the shuffle if he got moved to Raw. I was hoping Ryder would have gone to Smackdown instead of Raw. MVP shouldn't have gotten the MITB spot, Ryder would benefit more from being in the MITB match than MVP. Ryder's momentum from ECW might be lost at this rate, but hopefully things can improve for him. He's become more successful since reinventing his character this summer, just ended up on the wrong brand. Ryder should be on Smackdown, it's a better place to be for a midcarder looking to establish themselves. It was bad enough that he lost to MVP, but I knew that he was in danger of not getting pushed when he didn't get his entrance on tv. I'd like to hope that there's still hope for Zack Ryder. I think that he can still do alright on Raw because they picked him as the guy to end Dreamer's career, he just got off to a bad start on the bigger brand, that's all. I think he'll make it.
i find it funny how if someone on the board likes someone, then if they are not pushed immediately, the wwe is doing something wrong.

seriously you guys are jokes if you think ryder should have gone over mvp.

no one knows who he is, is gimmick is tired and has been done before many times (hell its like a modified version of dolph's gimmick, who is way bigger than him and not that big to begin with,) he is very boring in the ring and really has not gotten the crowd to really care about him at all. did you watch him vs christian? the crowd didnt give a shit about him

i felt bad for the guy for loosing so quickly as it is usually a sign of leaving the company soon, unless your funny, but really, i think he should be let go because his character is going to be in the undercard the rest of his career.

and no one remembers sheamus's reign? keep telling yourself that if you dont like someone, the wwe audience doesnt remember him. cause you know its not like he doesnt get a way bigger reaction from the crowd than ryder (sarcasm)

im normally not so blunt, but with the rudeness in some posters' posts, i do believe that their little daydreaming and thinking that they actually know anything about pushes and who should be pushed over wwe creative is quite funny.
This thread is cracking me up. I can't believe how much energy is going into this thread in regards to love and hatred of Zack Ryder. Just that statement alone should be enough to explain the impact this guy has made in the WWE.

Do I feel Zack Ryder is good? He's alright, but doesn't deserve any more than he is getting right now. Yes, he was moved to Raw and not Smackdown. But do you see any difference in what "could have been" if he was moved to Smackdown?

The fact of the matter is that ECW was the perfect fit for him. He was a former tag team champion on a team that was only given the titles as a prop to get over with the fans. His team was also given a rub from the world champion and top heel on the show in Edge, and the team STILL didn't get over. So what did they do? In typical WWE fashion, they took him off TV for a while, gave him a funky pair of tights, hair gel, and a little more freedom with his character to shine on the developmental show, ECW.

Granted, he was making a few things happen in ECW, but since they've become defunct, there was really nowhere else to put Ryder except for one of the top shows, where he would be lost in a shuffle no matter how hard he tried. And why? Because he's not ready for Raw or Smackdown.

Like I said earlier, he's ok in the ring and has a memorable gimmick, but Ryder has not been making an impact on ANYONE. Sorry, but his matches, mic work, and ring attire doesn't "jump off the page" for me. The only good thing they did for him was pair him with Rosa Mendez... until she spoke. Then she became a bigger joke than him with her ghetto-Spanish BS. As a pair, they are both a lump of fail.

Sorry to all of you Zack Ryder die-hards out there, but the guy can't even lace up anyone's boots right now. His moveset, attire, gimmick, and star power is mediocre at best. For all of you that see him as the next messiah, I think you're aiming a bit too high with this one. Maybe, in time, Ryder might make an impact in the midcard scene by feuding for the US title, but with the Miz currently holding it (and probably not dropping it anytime soon), I see no way for Ryder to be of any importance to Raw or the WWE. There is no one around to give him the rub that he desperately needs in order to become relevant with the fans.
I love Zack Ryder and would love to see him pushed, but like D-Man said ECW was the perfect place for him and with that gone he isn't going to be at the bottom of Raw or even SD's cards. Ryder is a great entrance theme with goofy ass tights that is pretty much it. Don't get me wrong Zack is a guy who I thoroughly enjoyed over on ECW and I will continue to enjoy his work even if he is jobbing. Ryder is awesome, but anyone that thinks he would have gotten a push outside of ECW was thinking rather wishfully. Maybe in time Ryder will get this push, but for right now at least he still has a job, even if it is jobbing to the midcard stars.
Not only that, but keep in mind here guys, this is WRESTLEMANIA! The biggest event in WWE history. Ryder has no PPV experience that's even worth mentioning. MVP, on the other hand, has been in PPVs since his debut. Zack Ryder (despite what you all may think) is nowhere near ready for a PPV match, let alone a match on the biggest event of the year.

As for the squash on raw, as RVD said, it's been a while since you could distinguish a jobber from a put over guy. I think Ryder fits the bar for flat out jobber... just like Evan Bourne and Primo.
Zack Ryder is a good wrestler, and his mic skills are passable
the only problem is his gimmick is too.... childish

I found the whole Woo Woo Woo thing amusing at first, but now it's just getting stale to me.. If the gimmick continues, or if its at least not toned down, I can see him being in a feud with Hornswoggle or something degrading of that nature.. It's just hard to take someone seriously when they have a fluro blue headband, tights with one long side and one short side, an annoying valet & a catchphrase that just isn't serious at all..

It's nothing personal, like i said he's a good wrestler.. but I think WWE should really tone down his character if they want him to get a push..
Rhyder just got on the brand, so chill out! Give him some time to grow on the brand. Raw does kill off all the talent that isn't a star yet, but something has to give and change eventually. That said, Rhyder is an excellent character in and out of the ring and hopefully he won't get buried. He could work with a partner for now, but his singles run should continue with him so hot going out of ECW.

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