Boo Boo Boo, WWE Will Blow It

Turd Ferguson

I was nervous about Zack Ryder getting added to the Raw Roster. The Raw writers don't seem like they care about building new talent. Basically, unless you're already a star, or a high profile second generation wrestler, chances are you're going to be lost in the shuffle. Look at Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne. They had a lot of momentum going over to Raw, and their careers have been stuck in reverse ever since.

The latest case for the WWE to blow it on? Zack Ryder.

Zack Ryder has come a long way since being Edge's crony. He reinvented his character and has gotten a huge push on the ECW brand over the last 8 or 9 months. During this time, he was one of the best characters in the WWE, with some awesome music, and showcased that he's a really good wrestler. He's got some great offense, and has put on some really good matches... most notably with guys like Christian and Yoshi Tatsu. He even got a huge push as ECW ended, ending Tommy Dreamer's career. He was an integral piece of the ECW brand, and showed that he can get over as a douchebag heel.

Last night on Raw, he was placed in a MITB Qualifier against MVP. This was a great opportunity to get Ryder over with the Raw audience. MVP is basically the midcard jobber at this point, and a win over MVP would have instantly allowed Ryder to get a huge win over an established wrestler (who quite frankly, doesn't care and hasn't for awhile), and gotten him a spot in MITB, where he at the very least would have been able to do something cool. Furthermore, ShowMiz are headed for a tag title match at Wrestlemania, and MVP/Henry would have been the easiest choice for opponents.

Not only did Ryder lose, he got jobbed, HARD. He got no entrance and literally lost in one minute. This is not promising for his future off of ECW, and the WWE is about to blow it with him. As much as I hate to say it, I don't think he'll make it to July at this point.

The Raw writing staff has been allowed to be lazy for far too long now. The only new star they've created that has any momentum is The Miz. Kofi Kingston lost his momentum. Legacy have been the go-to jobbers for awhile. Mark Henry had a lot of momentum and went over Orton clean the night he debuted on Raw and is an afterthought. Sheamus was WWE Champion and had a terrible run, never even main eventing once. Christian didn't even appear last night, and Yoshi Tatsu is going to be comedy fodder. Swagger and Bourne's careers are potentially forever damaged.

Is there any hope for Zack Ryder? Or is he going to be wasted by the Raw writers as well?
There is one saving grace for Zach Ryder, if you want to call it that.

NOw i know he has been a tag champ before, but there are several personalities in the WWE that would mix and match interestingly with each other that could possibly help revive the Tag Team division. And i think Zach Ryder would be great for that.

One of the more interesting things about The Miz and Morrison being tag champs for awhile is that they were two guys with "diffrent ingredients" (dont know how else to put it) that when they got together, just made something kinda unique and enjoyable. If they can find someone else on the roster to put with the appeal of Ryder, I think he could be around for a while. Maybe not jump to insane heights, but still be around ( look how long Haas was around).

As someone who is a fan of Ryder im sure thats not what you want to hear. But there is a bright side to this. Maybe a Ryder-Swagger team could be interesting. Leading to fued over Rosa......has promise. I like both guys. and Superstars is sort of a platform for guys in limbo like Ryder to see what he's got. I smell a match against Primo in the next month.

So keep your head up....jobbing to some one who is going MITB isnt the worst thing in the world. I mean, Santino isnt going anywhere anytime soon.
:wtf: do u ever think tna will have competition with raw a 2 star show i will rather watch ring of honer because getting a 4 post ring because hogan,dixie and flair want to show competition but they aint succseeding so there trying to say no we just want raitings:banghead: christian cage brang tnma up but since hes gon it just like watching disney channel a lot of people who hate each other and fight

Erh.. where did you see anything about TNA in the original post?

Anyway, back to topic.
Somehow I actually hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle too, I haven't taken alot of time to watch him on ECW sadly, but the few times I did, he came across fairly well, he seems rather charismatic and something tells me this little job to MVP was purely for the fact that they somehow don't see Zack Ryder as either Wrestlemania ready, or because they just figured MVP would make a much better position for the MITB match.

And somehow I actually must admit I would rather see MVP in the MITB than Zack Ryder at this point, perhaps cause MVP could use a slight push or actually allow him to have a match with some meaning to things, besides MVP is like a MITB "veteran" having been in 3, it's obvious their putting him in a 4th.
Yes, WWE is going to blow what they have with Zack Ryder. If you'll notice, he was being made to look weak even before last night's RAW. At the Royal Rumble he was unceremoniously dumped out of the ring in less than a minute in order for Punk to continue his promo. Sure, it was awesome as a Punk fan to see that, but the Ryder-loving part of me was upset that he didn't even get a good showing.

Last night was a disgrace. Zack Ryder is one of the few real characters - wait, scratch that, the only real character - the WWE has left. He plays his gimmick both in and outside of the ring and it sucks that he was jobbed to a generic face in MVP. I Like MVP, but this was ridiculous.

I guess WWE doesn't like interesting wrestlers. Let's push someone who has been basically a jobber stuck in midcard hell over a hot young prospect. Terrible decision.

I think it's safe to say that unless a miracle occurs, Ryder isn't going to be employed for much longer.
I actually have to agree with you GuyCompton. I dont normally agree with this kind of rant but this is a good one.

Ryder should of gotten that spot in the MITB but as i see it now he is headed straight to the end of his WWE career by June or July, maybe even earlier. but i just gotta say that he is a great talent and will be valued somewhere else
I am going to be the one who plays devil's assistant, because I for one am tired of the double standard the IWC has.

First of all, Zack Ryder has nothing different going for him except for his attire, which isn't that great. And it hasn't been that great since Jimmy Jacobs stopped wearing those type of tights. His ring ability is very limited, and his work rate is slow. He can only work short matches, and has no business being on Raw or Smackdown. He should totally be getting the boot back to FCW.

Second, just because Zack Ryder isn't getting a push doesn't mean that other stars aren't as well. Have you all not paid attention to The Miz and Kofi Kingston? Or hell, how about Sheamus who is the former WWE champion? All three of them have been in the main event picture for a while now, and are obviously receiving a push (on raw).

Third, Raw alone has 23 superstars. That's not counting the divas. Thus, it's not like everybody can have a push at one time. Hell, it's not even possible for that to happen with a 15 person roster. So Zack Ryder or Evan Bourne aren't getting pushed right now. That doesn't mean WWE isn't trying to do something with them.

Fourth thing, MVP is a hell of a lot more deserving of a world title run than anybody in the MITB match except for Shelton Benjamin. The guy has been a hit ever since his debut, and he's got excellent match skills. He's been used great as of late, and he has a lot of momentum as my pick for MITB winner.

Fifth thing, of course WWE is going to use established talent, but it's not like said talent doesn't deserve it. Orton, Cena, Batista, Legacy, and DX have been in the exact same position that Zack Ryder is. Hell, anybody remember the two minute squash against Ultimate Warrior anybody? The people in the main event nowadays are there because they can bring in ratings. WWE doesn't know about the other mid-carders, which is why they're still mid-carders. And every now and then, they'll throw a mid-carder into the main event picture. Much like Kofi Kingston and The Miz. Two people who deserve a world title 300000 times more than that piece of shit wrestler Zack Ryder.

I'm sorry but I just can't find any reason to agree with this topic.
You're so wrong as usual.

First of all, Zack Ryder has nothing different going for him except for his attire, which isn't that great. And it hasn't been that great since Jimmy Jacobs stopped wearing those type of tights. His ring ability is very limited, and his work rate is slow. He can only work short matches, and has no business being on Raw or Smackdown. He should totally be getting the boot back to FCW.

"Nothing different going for him?" How about his gimmick which he came up with? He's got some very cool and innovate offense, and I haven't seen any evidence of a "slow work rate". "He can only work short matches"? Is that why he's gone 10-15 minutes quite a few times during his ECW run? He's shown he can hang with the likes of Christian and Shelton Benjamin and put on good matches. Explain to me why he should be going to FCW.

Second, just because Zack Ryder isn't getting a push doesn't mean that other stars aren't as well. Have you all not paid attention to The Miz and Kofi Kingston? Or hell, how about Sheamus who is the former WWE champion? All three of them have been in the main event picture for a while now, and are obviously receiving a push (on raw).

If you read my post, you would have seen that I said The Miz is the only new star pushed on Raw that has any kind of momentum. Kofi lost everything he had going for him when he continually lost to Orton and lost in THREE MINUTES, CLEANLY to Ted Dibiase. Sheamus was WWE Champion, sure, and rarely main-evented Raw.

Third, Raw alone has 23 superstars. That's not counting the divas. Thus, it's not like everybody can have a push at one time. Hell, it's not even possible for that to happen with a 15 person roster. So Zack Ryder or Evan Bourne aren't getting pushed right now. That doesn't mean WWE isn't trying to do something with them.

Establishing those younger guys and throwing them a few wins here and there, or at the very least putting them in competitive matches, will go a long way. With ECW ending, maybe they'll start to feature more wrestling with more additions to the roster.

Fourth thing, MVP is a hell of a lot more deserving of a world title run than anybody in the MITB match except for Shelton Benjamin. The guy has been a hit ever since his debut, and he's got excellent match skills. He's been used great as of late, and he has a lot of momentum as my pick for MITB winner.

MVP hasn't cared in quite some time. I don't think he's really that deserving at all of a World Title opportunity. Shelton needs to gain more traction, which he was doing on ECW, before earning a World Title shot. I think Christian, who worked to keep ECW afloat in its dying days, and has continually put on great matches since coming back, is most deserving.

Fifth thing, of course WWE is going to use established talent, but it's not like said talent doesn't deserve it. Orton, Cena, Batista, Legacy, and DX have been in the exact same position that Zack Ryder is. Hell, anybody remember the two minute squash against Ultimate Warrior anybody? The people in the main event nowadays are there because they can bring in ratings. WWE doesn't know about the other mid-carders, which is why they're still mid-carders. And every now and then, they'll throw a mid-carder into the main event picture. Much like Kofi Kingston and The Miz. Two people who deserve a world title 300000 times more than that piece of shit wrestler Zack Ryder.

I'm sorry but I just can't find any reason to agree with this topic.

And look what happens when guys like Kofi and The Miz get an opportunity to shine. I think that with how much improvement Ryder's shown in the last year, he deserves to be the next guy to start winning some matches and see if he can get over with the WWE audience. A win over MVP last night would have been a good opportunity to see how he can connect with the crowd.
I am going to be the one who plays devil's assistant,

because I for one am tired of the double standard the IWC has.
Let's hear it...

First of all, Zack Ryder has nothing different going for him except for his attire, which isn't that great.

What, you mean he doesn't have youth, charisma, decent wrestling skills, and an actual character that makes him standout? Shit, I must be thinking of his brother Knight Ryder! Silly me!

And it hasn't been that great since Jimmy Jacobs stopped wearing those type of tights.
News flash: The casual fan doesn't give a shit about ROH. No one cares if Ryder "stole" those tights or not.

His ring ability is very limited, and his work rate is slow. He can only work short matches, and has no business being on Raw or Smackdown. He should totally be getting the boot back to FCW.
Psychology? What's that?
I will say he needs a little work in making his offense look better, but the man put on some decent-length matches in ECW, some very entertaining ones at that.

Second, just because Zack Ryder isn't getting a push doesn't mean that other stars aren't as well.
Did you READ the opening post?

Have you all not paid attention to The Miz
Doing very well.

and Kofi Kingston?
His push has cooled down immensely.

Or hell, how about Sheamus who is the former WWE champion?
Who? Oh, you mean the guy who was booked like shit, so that people could barely remember he was champion?

All three of them have been in the main event picture for a while now, and are obviously receiving a push (on raw).

No. They haven't. Miz and Kofi are solidly midcard, while Sheamus...I don't even know what you would call that.

That doesn't mean WWE isn't trying to do something with them.
You mean, make them jobbers and then release them?

Fourth thing, MVP is a hell of a lot more deserving of a world title run than anybody in the MITB match except for Shelton Benjamin.
Do you realize you just said that former world champions Christian and Kane are less-deserving than Shelton FUCKING Benjamin?!

The guy has been a hit ever since his debut,
He fucking failed his last US Championship reign. No reaction from anyone. Ever.

and he's got excellent match skills. He's been used great as of late, and he has a lot of momentum as my pick for MITB winner.
Just like the last five times, amirite?

Fifth thing, of course WWE is going to use established talent, but it's not like said talent doesn't deserve it. Orton, Cena, Batista, Legacy

...Did- Did you just mention Legacy in the same breath as Cena? LEGACY, who has spent the last year jobbing like hell, Legacy who contains Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes, men who were thrown onto RAW and never had to pay their dues in ECW? THAT Legacy?!

I'm sorry but I just can't find any reason to agree with this topic.
I'm sorry, but you're a terrible poster and should leave.
I love you GC and Doc but you both need to calm down on Ryder. He's only been on RAW for one week and after his loss to MVP, an established midcarder, you are acting like this is the end of the world. An example of this is the main problem I had with ECW being gone is that RAW and Smackdown's rosters are bigger which means less people are going to be pushed. There aren't too many tag teams in the WWE, especially face ones now that DX seem to be no more. It would be a good opportunity for Ryder to turn face and either form a tag team or challenge for the U.S. Title because there are way too many midcard heels on RAW. Just give it time and hopefully everything would work for the best.
I love you GC and Doc but you both need to calm down on Ryder. He's only been on RAW for one week and after his loss to MVP, an established midcarder, you are acting like this is the end of the world. An example of this is the main problem I had with ECW being gone is that RAW and Smackdown's rosters are bigger which means less people are going to be pushed. There aren't too many tag teams in the WWE, especially face ones now that DX seem to be no more. It would be a good opportunity for Ryder to turn face and either form a tag team or challenge for the U.S. Title because there are way too many midcard heels on RAW. Just give it time and hopefully everything would work for the best.

Thing is, man, that Ryder jobbed in less than one minute to a man who has been stuck in midcard hell and has been a little more than a jobber himself for a while. A young hot talent jobbed to a jobber. Think about that.

It wouldn't have been too hard for WWE to have a small, competitive match between the two men. Ten to fifteen minutes maybe, making them both look competitive. I wouldn't have had a problem with MVP's victory then. But they did not. They made it a squash. And that's what makes me worry for Ryder's future.

However, I agree that going into the tag division would help him immensely. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I see that happening after that ridiculous "match" last night.
Unfortunately OP, I am gonna have to agree with King on this. Ryder is a decent talent, but honestly, I found his schtik on ECW quite bland...

1. While I commend him for coming up with a gimmick on his own, let's examine said gimmick...Jersey Shore Douche Bag.. Is that really a character that can be taken seriously, let alone be martketed in the main event type picture? This isn't the Attitude Era where shit like that was the norm. Fans don't buy into that.
2. Tommy Dreamer wanted out of WWE and Zack Ryder happened to be the one booked against him in his final match. I wouldn't put that one the same level as, lets say, HBK/Flair where it could be looked at sort of a torch passing.
3. Yes he had decent length matches on ECW against people like Christian. Reality is, Christian made Ezekial Jackson look passable in the ring and he is god awful. You also have to realize that is a taped show. On Raw, to give him a 10-15 minute match means they are trusting he will entertain the fans enough for them not to turn on them. His workrate is very methodical and slow, which doesn't translate to live tv. The crowd would eat him up. ECW crowds were usually dead for his matches, so a RAW crowd would destroy him.
4. I personally like Ryder, and wouldn't mind him going to Smackdown. He does have personality, but I don't see him moving past Jack Swagger level on Raw. Swagger wrestles better, has a better overall look, but can't get over. Ryder doesnt have those advantages, so he is dead to rights.
5. To say MVP/Benjamin are the most 2 deserving people of a title in the MITB match is ludacris, that I agree with you on. While both of them DO deserve some kind of main level push, Christian is easily the wrestler in need of this title the most. One of the top 5 over people in the company right now. Him in the main event, and being successful would be a step towards Vince pushing fresh face wrestlers into the main event scene.
It's not the end of the world but it's a sign of things to come for Ryder.. let's put it this way. The Raw writers saw it more important to have a midget throw around cereal then to at least showcase him a little bit.. hell even give him his awesome entrance.
1. While I commend him for coming up with a gimmick on his own, let's examine said gimmick...Jersey Shore Douche Bag.. Is that really a character that can be taken seriously, let alone be martketed in the main event type picture? This isn't the Attitude Era where shit like that was the norm. Fans don't buy into that.

Each gimmick evolves though. John Morrison's come a long way from what he was back when he won the ECW Title. MVP you could say has devolved from having a great persona to being a generic face. Even The Miz has come a long way, as has Kofi. I think Ryder has the in-ring ability to at the very least be a US Title contender, and he has a gimmick that is over because of how campy it is. Of course everything comes to an end and adjustments need to be made, but Ryder has a lot in place for him to get over for now.

2. Tommy Dreamer wanted out of WWE and Zack Ryder happened to be the one booked against him in his final match. I wouldn't put that one the same level as, lets say, HBK/Flair where it could be looked at sort of a torch passing.

Oh, it's nowhere close to HBK/Flair, but its still a huge honor for Ryder. I'm sure Ryder grew up looking up to Tommy Dreamer, with them being New Yorkers, and he was trained by Mikey Whipwreck. I'm sure Tommy chose Ryder to be the one to "retire" him.

3. Yes he had decent length matches on ECW against people like Christian. Reality is, Christian made Ezekial Jackson look passable in the ring and he is god awful. You also have to realize that is a taped show. On Raw, to give him a 10-15 minute match means they are trusting he will entertain the fans enough for them not to turn on them. His workrate is very methodical and slow, which doesn't translate to live tv. The crowd would eat him up. ECW crowds were usually dead for his matches, so a RAW crowd would destroy him.

I don't think the MVP match should have been 10-15 minutes, but it shouldn't have been an outright squash either. A nice five-six minute competitive match would have even left me content. I think that a 30 second squash shows that he's not long for the Raw roster. Santino's excuse is that he's Santino. It's expected.

4. I personally like Ryder, and wouldn't mind him going to Smackdown. He does have personality, but I don't see him moving past Jack Swagger level on Raw. Swagger wrestles better, has a better overall look, but can't get over. Ryder doesnt have those advantages, so he is dead to rights.

100% agreeance with you there. I was hoping he'd wind up on Smackdown to have a chance.
Unfortunately OP, I am gonna have to agree with King on this. Ryder is a decent talent, but honestly, I found his schtik on ECW quite bland...
I will try this one.

1. While I commend him for coming up with a gimmick on his own, let's examine said gimmick...Jersey Shore Douche Bag.. Is that really a character that can be taken seriously, let alone be martketed in the main event type picture? This isn't the Attitude Era where shit like that was the norm. Fans don't buy into that.
Yes people can take this gimmick seriously because he is one of the few in the WWE currently who can make it work. I do agree that it is not a main event level character but it should at least be solid mid card level and not a jobber. Really? They don't buy into this? I could have sworn that this guy was maybe second in ECW at drawing heat towards the end. He probably would have been at the top if it had not been for Regal taking over the microphone from Ezekiel Jackson.

2. Tommy Dreamer wanted out of WWE and Zack Ryder happened to be the one booked against him in his final match. I wouldn't put that one the same level as, lets say, HBK/Flair where it could be looked at sort of a torch passing.
This goes back to one of my previous points. Why did they book Zack Ryder to be the one to take Tommy Dreamer out of ECW? Simple. He needed to get heat and what a better way then to take out the person who got the second biggest pop on ECW consistently. Sure, it wasn't a passing of the torch, but it actually meant something to the ECW fans.

3. Yes he had decent length matches on ECW against people like Christian. Reality is, Christian made Ezekial Jackson look passable in the ring and he is god awful. You also have to realize that is a taped show. On Raw, to give him a 10-15 minute match means they are trusting he will entertain the fans enough for them not to turn on them. His workrate is very methodical and slow, which doesn't translate to live tv. The crowd would eat him up. ECW crowds were usually dead for his matches, so a RAW crowd would destroy him.
Slow and methodical won't work with the fans on a live show? There is another guy who also works a very slow and methodical match. You know, that one guy who has been World Champion several times. What you are saying is that Randy Orton gets eaten up by the crowd. That is ridiculous. Sure, Ryder is no Orton, but he is certainly more entertaining then MVP is at the moment.

4. I personally like Ryder, and wouldn't mind him going to Smackdown. He does have personality, but I don't see him moving past Jack Swagger level on Raw. Swagger wrestles better, has a better overall look, but can't get over. Ryder doesnt have those advantages, so he is dead to rights.
I like Zack Ryder as well and wished he had gone to Smackdown as well. But isn't him not being able to move past Jack Swagger the point of the thread to begin with? Jack Swagger doesn't get over because he has a lisp. Zack Ryder wasn't over in his first week because he had no mic time, no backstage promo time, and hell...the guy didn't even have a televised entrance. If he would have had some of that, people would have known that he was on Raw. There was no buildup to him being on the show.

5. To say MVP/Benjamin are the most 2 deserving people of a title in the MITB match is ludacris, that I agree with you on. While both of them DO deserve some kind of main level push, Christian is easily the wrestler in need of this title the most. One of the top 5 over people in the company right now. Him in the main event, and being successful would be a step towards Vince pushing fresh face wrestlers into the main event scene.
People will dislike what I have to say here, but I feel that Benjamin needs to stay in the mid card until he improves on his mic skills. Right now he just doesn't have what it takes on the mic to be Main Event caliber. MVP needs to stay as far away from the Main Event as possible until he does a variety of things. First being get a new finisher. That Playmaker is not even good enough to be a set up move to someone like MVP. Second, he needs to separate himself from Mark Henry. Henry is a man who is destined to spend the rest of his life in mid card purgatory as well as anyone who associates themselves with him. Lastly, he needs to return to being a heel. When he is a heel, he excels. He had a heel look with his wrestling attire, suits, and over the top jewelery. He is just bland as a face, where his only character is a reformed criminal. At least as a heel, he was "Better then you" and was able to draw a ton of heat.

Christian may not ever win the World Title, but the man needs to at least have a shot to see if he is Main Event caliber material. As stated, he is insanely over with the crowd, and I'm sure with some World Title matches that he merchandise sales will double or even triple. Vince may not be a big fan of this guys, but even Vince has to realize that moving Christian up in the card is a smart business choice.
Im a big fan of Ryder & I wish he woulda got the "W" over MVP lastnight. But- I think Ryder getting beat by MVP last night is being overblown a bit.

Granted: I thought it was moronic to have him get squashed like that. They coulda had a close match that lasted 7 or 8 minutes. Maybe even having Rosa getting caught "cheating" & have Ryder get DQ'd. That would be showing the fans- not only Ryder put up a fight in the ring. But also the fact that "his girl" is willing to cheat to help him win.

I remember a thread yesterday talking about if Ziggler and Swagger- & which one would be pushed back up quicker. Everyone was saying it was Ziggler- just cuz he already had qualified for MITB & Swagger hadnt. Well- now Swagger has qualified for MITB- so that basically makes almost everyones "predictions" meaningless- no? I havent went & checked- but I wonder if that thread has changed at all since last night.

My point is: Things change on a dime in WWE. We all know that. Lets just let things play out. I dont think theres any way Ryder is on his way out of WWE. Vince is too smart of a business man to do that. Ryder is a "up-n-comer" Vince knows this.

EDIT: by the way- I hate his new hair color! What was the point of this change? Its like redish brown or something & just looks goofy as hell!!
Scotty, I agree 100% with you about Benjamin's mic work. If he had taken advantage of his many years in the WWE and asked for some help with his promos, I have no doubt that they would of moved him up the card more than they have. Physical talent only gets you so far. I guess it goes back to being a great worker vs being a great talker. Talker> worker in the business 10/10 times. Look at Hogan. Absolute GARBAGE in the ring. He makes John Cena look like fucking Kurt Angle, but he has personality on the mic. He is now the face of the sport. Like I said, Ryder has a personality, and if they DO give him a chance to show it, I think he could do ok. I guess the gimmick just seems so "reality tv fake" for me. I like it, dont get me wrong, but I just wish he would turn it down just a TINY bit. His catch phrase is memorable as hell, and even kinda fun to say though I will admit.

Compton, I realize I might of been a bit rough on Ryder. I really do like the guy. I don't however agree that his style is anything like Orton's. While both work a slower rate then some, Orton is much crisper with his moveset. I guess that is what I was getting at. His rate is slow, but not as polished as it needs to be going at that rate? Make sense? Like I said I like him, and hope things turn around for him. I don't see him getting "future endevored" anytime soon, that is for sure.
Zach Ryder has been on Raw twice and has been squashed twice. It's sad I think the guy has some talent. My entire train of thought as MVP came out for the match was "hmm this may be an interesting match, I wonder who will win, I might be a goo... REALLY! wow that was a waste"

There was no point in not giving them a match. It's sad to not see them even give him a chance. I agree with the everyone who says this is a bad omen. Like I said Zach Ryder was on Raw once before (the slammys remember) and he barely had enough time in the ring to say "Woo Woo Woo". I'm serious he didn't even get to the third woo and was gone. Now flashfoward and he gets three moves and is out. I thought that match was a showcase but I was wrong.
What, you mean he doesn't have youth, charisma, decent wrestling skills, and an actual character that makes him standout? Shit, I must be thinking of his brother Knight Ryder! Silly me!

His wrestling skills are average, at best. And the character has been done before... by plenty of people. Don't see how he stands out.

News flash: The casual fan doesn't give a shit about ROH. No one cares if Ryder "stole" those tights or not.

They still aren't that great.

Psychology? What's that?
I will say he needs a little work in making his offense look better, but the man put on some decent-length matches in ECW, some very entertaining ones at that.

Oh are you talking about that one ECW title match that he had where he blew up 3 minutes after the bell rang so Christian had to carry him? Or do you mean the sloppy performance and botch fest he had with Shelton Benjamin?

Did you READ the opening post?

I managed to struggle through all the posts up until mine was made.

Doing very well.

Thus, as I said to the OP, Raw is giving young talent a push. Sure, not the majority compared to the established, but still.

His push has cooled down immensely.

Considering he was in the Raw EC just 2 Sundays ago...

Who? Oh, you mean the guy who was booked like shit, so that people could barely remember he was champion?

No, the guy who is the "new face to the title scene" that everyone complains about never getting yet he's right there. And seriously, he's in a rivalry with HHH... how is that not a push?

No. They haven't. Miz and Kofi are solidly midcard, while Sheamus...I don't even know what you would call that.

Catch Raw this Monday? Did you see the part where in the last match of the night, The Miz rolled up HBK to retain the tag titles? That's not the main event match? Gee, I gotta go back to all the billions of promoters and tell them they're ******ed... including Vince.

You mean, make them jobbers and then release them?

Ever hear of a slow build? Probably haven't.

Do you realize you just said that former world champions Christian and Kane are less-deserving than Shelton FUCKING Benjamin?!

Because Kane is no where near World Champion material, and Christian is a glorified mid-carder. There's a reason for Edge's multiple WWE title reigns as opposed to Christian's ECW title reign.

He fucking failed his last US Championship reign. No reaction from anyone. Ever.

You seriously need to go back and watch his last reign as US champion then.

Just like the last five times, amirite?

Actually, I never went for MVP the last MITB matches. I went for people like RVD, the Hardyz, Flair, Edge, and Jericho... People who truly deserved world title shots... And sadly, Zack Ryder is NOT one of them.

...Did- Did you just mention Legacy in the same breath as Cena? LEGACY, who has spent the last year jobbing like hell, Legacy who contains Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes, men who were thrown onto RAW and never had to pay their dues in ECW? THAT Legacy?!

Once again, you need to go watch last year. Try Summerslam, Breaking Point, HIAC, and Bragging Rights (Specifically Rhodes on that night).

I'm sorry, but you're a terrible poster and should leave.

I hate to burst your bubble, but just because I dont see why Ryder should be in MITB doesn't mean I should leave. I mean for everyone who does like him, it's either because of the theme song or the tights... other than that, his matches are stale.
First of all, I don't think Ryder is all that great, at least not as amazing as you think he is. He's good, but not one of the best they have, that is just an insane statement and you should locate your meds, quick. ALso, let's not forget that he is a whopping 24! Years OLD! How are they wasting him?

WWE has a lot of mid card talent. A lot of guys lik Ted, Cody, Kofi, Swagger, McIntyre, Morrison, and THe Miz. And everyone of those guys are wayy more over than Ryder. They are, that's a fact. He just made a big transition from the minor leagues to the show, so give it some time.

Will they eventually ruin him or some other talent or who may have what it takes to make it big time? Probably, they do that a lot. But only time will tell. I would agree that having MVP in the MITB is a waste, he is going nowhere (nor should he). But is Ryder ready for the MITB match? And more importantly, there are plenty of guys on the outisde looking in at that match that have a lot more fan support than Ryder does.

He may get his shot, and he may not. If he was truly one of the most talented guys they have (which he is not), he would be over more than he is. That is why he was on ECW, and that is why he isn't in MITB. He just isn't over enough yet.
First of all, I don't think Ryder is all that great, at least not as amazing as you think he is. He's good, but not one of the best they have, that is just an insane statement and you should locate your meds, quick. ALso, let's not forget that he is a whopping 24! Years OLD! How are they wasting him?

WWE has a lot of mid card talent. A lot of guys lik Ted, Cody, Kofi, Swagger, McIntyre, Morrison, and THe Miz. And everyone of those guys are wayy more over than Ryder. They are, that's a fact. He just made a big transition from the minor leagues to the show, so give it some time.

Will they eventually ruin him or some other talent or who may have what it takes to make it big time? Probably, they do that a lot. But only time will tell. I would agree that having MVP in the MITB is a waste, he is going nowhere (nor should he). But is Ryder ready for the MITB match? And more importantly, there are plenty of guys on the outisde looking in at that match that have a lot more fan support than Ryder does.

He may get his shot, and he may not. If he was truly one of the most talented guys they have (which he is not), he would be over more than he is. That is why he was on ECW, and that is why he isn't in MITB. He just isn't over enough yet.

And then there's the fact that everyone in the MITB usually has that look or potential of being someone to carry the WWE on their back.

Zack Ryder is NOWHERE near ready to carry the WWE. He's got way too much room to improve.
So let me get this straight.

You guys are upset that a guy like MVP, the guy that has gotten world title matches and has been cemented in the midcard for years now beat a guy that never actually won anything on the C show? Is that what i'm reading here. Hang on a second. *breathes in*


Ok I can breathe again.

You have a guy that has a career highlight of a totally forgotten tag title reign with a guy not even on the main show anymore losing to an established midcard star? THIS is what you're complaining about? Ryder is nothing. he's a guy with a....unique i guess would be the word, gimmick that makes little sense and on ECW he almost beat Christian once. That screams world champion to me, yes sir. MVP deserved to go over by a LONG shot last night. Rider is nothing, period. Why in the world are you complaining about this?
His wrestling skills are average, at best. And the character has been done before... by plenty of people. Don't see how he stands out.
Because he's the only one doing it right now at this moment in time. If everyone was Zack Ryder, Batista would stand out. Are you an idiot?

They still aren't that great.
So? They're unique and add to his character. What makes tights great, anyway? They're TIGHTS for god's sake.

Oh are you talking about that one ECW title match that he had where he blew up 3 minutes after the bell rang so Christian had to carry him? Or do you mean the sloppy performance and botch fest he had with Shelton Benjamin?
Or his entertaining matches with basically everyone on the roster?

I managed to struggle through all the posts up until mine was made.
Did you just say you "struggled" through a GuyCompton post? Another news flash for you, buddy boy: GuyCompton is 42 times the poster you will ever hope to be. One post of his is the hope diamond compared to your coal dust. But that's OK, keep up your delusions of grandeur. I'll just be sitting back and laughing my head off at you.

Thus, as I said to the OP, Raw is giving young talent a push. Sure, not the majority compared to the established, but still.
They're giving two young talents pushes. And Ryder is younger than MVP. MVP is practically a pensioner in the world of wrestling.

Considering he was in the Raw EC just 2 Sundays ago...
Considering he had an extremely unimpressive showing, and lost to Randy Orton repeatedly during their feud, and to Ted FRIGGIN' DiBiase, and was on the team with Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu who only won because Legacy was imploding...

No, the guy who is the "new face to the title scene" that everyone complains about never getting yet he's right there. And seriously, he's in a rivalry with HHH... how is that not a push?
Oh sure, he's getting his push...way too late. Sheamus' reign as champion was booked terribly until the last few weeks, and then they ruined it at EC to have Centista. I'm not complaining too much about Centista, but if they wanted Sheamus to stay in the ME scene, they should have booked him strong from the start.

Catch Raw this Monday? Did you see the part where in the last match of the night, The Miz rolled up HBK to retain the tag titles? That's not the main event match? Gee, I gotta go back to all the billions of promoters and tell them they're ******ed... including Vince.

Being in the main event match on the card =/= being a main event wrestler

Ever hear of a slow build? Probably haven't.

That wasn't the start of a slow build. That was a squash, pure and simple.

Because Kane is no where near World Champion material, and Christian is a glorified mid-carder. There's a reason for Edge's multiple WWE title reigns as opposed to Christian's ECW title reign.

You mean Christian's extremely strong ECW Title reign, where he faced damn near everyone on the roster and won? You mean Christian's ECW Championship reign where they constantly lauded the fact that he was the longest singles' title holder in the WWE? You mean Christian, one of the most over people in the company? And you compare that reign to Edge's many transitional reigns?

You seriously need to go back and watch his last reign as US champion then.
Ugh, I'd rather not.

Actually, I never went for MVP the last MITB matches.
Read the post again. I was referring to Shelton Benjamin.

Once again, you need to go watch last year. Try Summerslam, Breaking Point, HIAC, and Bragging Rights (Specifically Rhodes on that night).

Try watching RAW after all that. They have done nothing but fail.

I hate to burst your bubble, but just because I dont see why Ryder should be in MITB doesn't mean I should leave. I mean for everyone who does like him, it's either because of the theme song or the tights... other than that, his matches are stale.

Wrong-o! I like him because he is a character in an age that has very few characters. He plays his gimmick both inside and outside of the ring. He keeps in character even online. He is unique and interesting. It's not like I think he should be main-eventing, but they should at least have let him and MVP have a decent match. I would have been fine with them giving MVP the victory if they had made both wrestlers look good. Ryder stands out, is decent enough in the ring, has some charisma and a fun character that is unique for this period.

MITB needs padding. Why not give a rub to a young star who needs it instead of MVP who I seriously doubt is going anywhere. He had his chance when he interrupted Orton, but they really dropped the ball. And this time, I think the ball has rolled way too far away for them to pick it back up. Letting Ryder lose in one minute and have no offense was a terrible decision, through and through.
So let me get this straight.

You guys are upset that a guy like MVP, the guy that has gotten world title matches and has been cemented in the midcard for years now beat a guy that never actually won anything on the C show? Is that what i'm reading here. Hang on a second. *breathes in*


Ok I can breathe again.

You have a guy that has a career highlight of a totally forgotten tag title reign with a guy not even on the main show anymore losing to an established midcard star? THIS is what you're complaining about? Ryder is nothing. he's a guy with a....unique i guess would be the word, gimmick that makes little sense and on ECW he almost beat Christian once. That screams world champion to me, yes sir. MVP deserved to go over by a LONG shot last night. Rider is nothing, period. Why in the world are you complaining about this?

I couldn't have said it better. For the life of me I can't see why anyone likes this guy. Let alone thinks he should have beat MVP. There's no way he should get a push. There's way to many talented guys that should be pushed before this jackoff. Beat Dreamer in his last match was disgrace.
And then there's the fact that everyone in the MITB usually has that look or potential of being someone to carry the WWE on their back.

Zack Ryder is NOWHERE near ready to carry the WWE. He's got way too much room to improve.

Yes. Finlay, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, and Dolph Ziggler are all candidates to carry the WWE on their back.

So let me get this straight.

You guys are upset that a guy like MVP, the guy that has gotten world title matches and has been cemented in the midcard for years now beat a guy that never actually won anything on the C show? Is that what i'm reading here. Hang on a second. *breathes in*


Ok I can breathe again.

You have a guy that has a career highlight of a totally forgotten tag title reign with a guy not even on the main show anymore losing to an established midcard star? THIS is what you're complaining about? Ryder is nothing. he's a guy with a....unique i guess would be the word, gimmick that makes little sense and on ECW he almost beat Christian once. That screams world champion to me, yes sir. MVP deserved to go over by a LONG shot last night. Rider is nothing, period. Why in the world are you complaining about this?

Or, the WWE missed a golden opportunity to push a guy right out of the gate that has the potential to be a major player in the WWE years from now. Most of the guys in the MITB are filler to begin with. Ryder has earned the chance for a Wrestlemania payday with how much he improved this year, whereas MVP has continued to regress and has gotten very lazy. He doesn't care as much as he used to. That's for damn sure.

Again, I don't even have much of a problem with him losing to MVP. What I have a problem with, and you people continue to be unable to grasp this concept, is that he was jobbed in pretty much one minute, and he's clearly on the fast track to future endeavors. There's no reason why they couldn't have had MVP and Ryder have at least a competitive match.
I couldn't have said it better. For the life of me I can't see why anyone likes this guy. Let alone thinks he should have beat MVP. There's no way he should get a push. There's way to many talented guys that should be pushed before this jackoff. Beat Dreamer in his last match was disgrace.

Oh wait... don't forget about all the rivalries that got stopped short...

Ryder vs. Benjamin = DUD
Ryder vs. Tatsu = DUD
Ryder vs. Hurricane = DUD (well that one was Helms' fault)

Ryder vs. Dreamer is the only one that got to finish, and wasn't that great. Not to mention, it's Tommy Dreamer in WWE. At this point he was nothing but a jobber anyway.


Yes. Finlay, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, and Dolph Ziggler are all candidates to carry the WWE on their back.

Dolph Ziggler, is definitely a suitable candidate. Did you see his performances with Morrison and Rey Mysterio? Sure, it was a push that went no where, but he got over so much as a heel that he could be a great world champion. More so than Zack Ryder.

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