BNP Question Time


Staff member
I am hoping that this question will apply to everyone and not just the British people of the boards.

Question Time is a British show that invites party members of British politics to come along and air the views of their party to a worldwide audience. For the longest time, the British National Party (BNP) has not been invited to come onto the show. Many have speculated it is because they do no want someone who has the views of Nick Griffin (BNP leader) to have an audience to preach to. Many have also said that it is because the BBC seem to sway to the left of the political scale, that he has not been invited on. Other just say that he is a fool and should not be given the seat that could be occupied by someone who is a legitimate contender in the general election.

However, I personally believe that all political parties should be given a voice. Whether it is for better or worse is beyond the point. As a democratic society, all parties should have the time of day and should be represented at Question Time.

Let me start at the end, if I may.

The question was put to the panel that this air time is an “early Christmas present for the BNP”. By giving them this time, Nick Griffin has been allowed the stage to spew his filth upon the British public and I am sure that some people will regard this as a win for the BNP. Since they took two seats at the European Union elections, they have come to more prominence as the British public become more and more frustrated with the way that the country is being run. However, is this an early Christmas present for the BNP. Nick Griffin doesn’t think so. He believes that the country wants his party in power and backs his solutions to the hilt.

I personally agree with Jack Straw on this matter. Griffin is a fool and has been outlined as such thanks to the BBC. This has been a catastrophic week for them. Die to the prominence of the show and the media attention that the BNP has accumulated over the last couple of weeks, they have been exposed as racist and absolute fools. Not that anybody believed any different. Griffin has tried over the last few weeks to prove that he is changing and has pandered to the people that he is changing the way that the BNP thinks. Bullshit! Thanks to the BBC, they have been exposed as liars and frauds. Griffin for example said that he was a holocaust denier. However, he said that he had “changed his mind” tonight thanks to intelligence taken from the British interception of German broadcasts.

This man is a preacher of hate and was torn to shreds on Question Time tonight. I personally think that the BBC has done the correct thing in letting people see the true face of the BNP. For too long, people have been voting for them in the hope that radical change will be better. They have no idea of what they are preaching and thanks to the BBC, we all see that he is a fucking clown.

However, I ask you. Do you think that racial parties should be allowed on national TV shows even though it is clear that they are going to spew filth. This goes far beyond Britain. Should any racist and hate parties be allowed the time of day?
Nick Griffin should definitely have been allowed on TV. I disagree with his racist stance, whether he calls it racist or not. However, I also disagree with a lot of what Labour have been doing, yet they were represented. The BNP, like it or not, are a part of British Politics, even winning seats in the European Elections. Therefore they should be given air-time in the same way the other parties have. Fascism stops other parties running against them, stopping the BNP could be argued as a step closer to that.

Besides, all last night did was show Griffin to be the idiot he is. He rarely answered any questions set to him properly, and when he couldn't defend something he'd previously said he claimed he'd been 'misquoted' - even when there was video evidence of him saying them. Well done to the BBC for allowing this and not backing down despite public pressure.

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