Only Beautiful People On The Telly Please

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
If I had my way we'd kill of all the ugly people in the world, but that'll never happen. Even the BNP wouldn't go that far. But what should happen is we should only let attractive people on the telly. I know what's attractive to some isn't attractive to others and vice versa, but that's why God invented polls. If it's 60-40 in favour of sexy then you're in the show.

If you don't agree you're part of the ugly minority.
So, the entire television universe would be like Hollyoaks, only without the chubby blonde one? I like it, even as a member of the, erm, less obviously attractive.

One problem - Channel 4 news wouldn't be able to interview politicians. Though, obviously, John Snow and Krishnan Guru Murphy are two sexy motherfuckers that would be sticking around.
One problem - Channel 4 news wouldn't be able to interview politicians. Though, obviously, John Snow and Krishnan Guru Murphy are two sexy motherfuckers that would be sticking around.

I think there are enough pretty people who can read in this world that this won't pose a problem. David Cameron can just do bullet points for a blonde, or dare I say, brunette and they can just reel them off to Guru Murphy (IrishIndian45?).
I like the old TV show Rosanne, and there's nothing but ugly people on that show.

And plus, there are a lot of ugly motherfuckers in football, basketball, baseball, MMA, and wrestling (especially if you want to count the audience as part of these programs, as well). To only let "beautiful" people on TV then we'd have to get rid of all sports, which I am not for, sir.
Yeah, what about sport? The Neville brother's would have to play with paper bags on their heads. Luke Chadwick would never have been allowed to play for a team that has a TV deal. IT's a great idea in principal, but i just don't see it working.
In all honesty, and this will sound horrible.. but it's a really good idea. It might make people care more about physical features and try harder to be better looking. A lot of people let themselves go, and half of the ugly people in this world are that way due to shit they've done to themselves (drugs) or just eating themselves into a new zip code category.

So all in all, yes, making it only possible to be on Television if you get a popularity vote of being beautiful is a good idea. It will make everyone aspire to be better looking. Well, either that or it'll start a really awkward war between the Uglies and the Beauties. Should be fun.. because everyone knows Ugly people have nothing to lose, and Beautiful people don't fight far, cause everyone is willing to fight for them.

But yeah.. ugly people don't belong on television anyways. Thats why radio was invented.
Tastycles & jmt225, I appreciate your comments on sportsmen. I'm not saying this evolution would work in our lifetime. It'll take years to filter them out. Ok so there's bound to be a dip in quality when it comes to athletes. But the kids of tomorrow will get used to it.

It'll also spike ratings in less popular sports like swimming and trampoline jumping.

But yeah.. ugly people don't belong on television anyways. Thats why radio was invented.

Exactly. Ugly people should be on the radio or behind a computer screen.

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