Or British National Party as they're officially known.

This political party have been gaining more and more support in the UK, and quite frankly its a disgrace. They appear to be feeding more and more people propaganda about how many immigrants they're are in the UK, and how none of them do anything for this country. The fact is, the majority of immigrants in this country do more for this country then low life BNP members who claim benefits and then bitch about people "stealing their jobs".

Anyone who votes for this whites-only party is an absolute disgrace, they're not a respected political organisation like they claim to be, they're a bunch of Nazis who incite racial hatred by propaganda. Who in their right mind would vote for them?
Sounds like the bum rap the republicans get here stateside. Sure, they do jobs that others won't do, ironic that in a recession people still claim this ridiculous statement. With the unemployment rate being what it is, people should do anything.

Illegal immigrants are a problem. They often live in countries tax free, don't be any insurance, and a whole score of other problems. I have no problem, with at least this initial statement of yours, with a party that has a problem with people living in a country illegally, and tax free.
The BNP have a point. You can call me racist if you like, but there is a rising number of immigrants. Now, this whole "Stealing our jobs" thing is bullshit, as is the majority of what the BNP say. However, there does need to be a limit on immigrants, and I really don't see one right now. Maybe it's just certain areas, but I know where I live being 'British' is scarce. A majority of the people, for example at my High School, where from places such as Poland.

I'm not saying I have a problem with people not from Britain, I don't. And I don't think Britain should be for the 'British', as they like to argue. But they do have a point that immigration is getting too much.
I'd tend to disagree, the way I see it, if people are coming here from other countries and are willing to work then what does it matter? I think Britain is still British, you can't really take that away, yes, the PC brigade are getting a tad funny about it, but its not a problem in the grand scheme of things. The majority of immigrants fit into Britain just fine, they come over here, learn the language, get a job and fit into society.

But bullshit propaganda from the BNP states that its a problem, when its clearly not, Britain is just leading the way in creating a global community, over 90% of people are British anyway, so you can hardly say we're being overrun by immigrants.
Well this sounds all too familiar... I'm sore some, if not most of you, will have heard of Austria's "Freedom Party" as well?

Originally created by the late Jörg Haider, who died in a car accident several weeks ago and was currently leading a split-off party of the mentioned "Freedom Party" (called the "Alliance for Austria's Future" in a rough translation), this party's methods really are all too similar to the ones you ascribe to the BNP... unfortunately, they apparently are even more successful in their aspirations than their british pendant.

I personally am utterly disgusted by the blatant propaganda and just plain stirring up of hate against all foreigners and immigrants. This "stealing job" argument is also one brought on by them, as well as issues with illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers and what not... basically all the same (on the surface toned down) racism crap under the guise of national welfare. In truth, they cannot provide any viable solution that is in any way better or greater than that of the opposition whatsoever, rather on the contrary; but every once in awhile, when a government in Austria has screwed up (which of course happens as regularly as pretty much everywhere else lol), they usually win big time in the following elections - partially I believe out of the voters' protest, but partially unfortunately also because there obviously are still way too many racist roots alive here in Austria; even if National Socialism actually is illegal here, resentments against "outsiders" are always easily created and their flames fanned - and frankly, there is no denying that a lot of people's grandparents at one point in their lives were also part of the Nazi machinery hereabouts, as sad a part of history as it is; denying it does not make it untrue. And apparently there still are a lot of dark remains left of that time, and find all too much fertility on Austrian soil...

Now as for my personal opinion - any form of nationalism is bad. There's just no other way of looking at it. Now of course every country has to look after its people and their well-being; but especially in our day and age, where the world is more and more becoming a global village anyway, a "together" is just inevitable and all the more important than it was in the past; and this goal cannot be achieved by focusing on one's own issues and problems alone without giving a thought about "the others" out there. However in the case of these nationalist parties, they just take the easy way out - trying to garner success and recognition only by putting the blame on "someone else" - just like Hitler put the blame on "someone else" and thus rose to power in Germany all those years ago. It is always easy if "someone else" can be the bad guy - that way, we don't have to look at ourselves and at the things we're doing wrong, because - after all - it is not our fault now, is it? And I just HATE this attitude. It is hiding from facts, it is stirring up hate, and it is running in circles. There can be no progression, no social evolution in the way that will be needed if mankind is to survive the coming decades when certain natural resources will be used up; ultimately, it leads to seclusion and segregation, and, if you permit the analogy, a form of Hobbes' bellum omnium erga omnes. And a situation such as this will ultimately lead to our demise.

Now I cannot deny that I do agree with some points even the infamous Freedom Party makes - and just as HBK-aholic has pointed out - I also agree that every country should have certain regulations also with respect to immigration. I just do by no means agree with the methods these parties apply in order to achieve these (and other) ends, and that is why I can never and will never vote for them, or any other party with similar methods and opinions. And of course will this whole populist crap work a lot better with "Joe Average" than other methods - the Freedom Party as an example, they nowadays use little rhyming slogans (really awfully and painfully reminiscent of Nazi-slogans) to propagate their stuff, and of course these things cling to one's mind much more easily than more "intellectual" argumentation. And unfortunately, many people just are not willing to think far enough or intensive enough to see through the brittle surface and discover the shaking ground all those formulae are built on; and thus the success of these parties remains undiminished.

I just think that in our day and age, there just is no place for racism anymore, and also none for nationalism; because the latter often entails the former in order to achieve its ends - which admittedly are not always entirely bad, but which through the fallible application and realisation that often comes with them usually turns out more bad than it does good.
Even though I am black, I don't really have a problem with the BNP. They are idiots, have very little idea of how our economy works, seem to point their finger in the wrong direction in times of crisis, and frankly, will never come into power, so they don't bother me at all. Their following consist of knuckle dragging cretins and old men who are living in the 1800s. Testiment to their idiocy was the BNP addresses leak as well as them booking a black DJ for a party, and failing to check on the basis that he "sounded white on the phone"

I also, don't understand the hoo-harr about immigration in this country. CONTROLLED immigration is good. At the end of the day, if people are willing to come over to this country, work and pay taxes, I'm all for it regardless of their background. Immigration has always helped this country out, whether it be the migration of carribeans in the 40s to drive buses or asians for the services they provide us. So what if Polish workers work for less, from what I see anyway, they work harder in their menial jobs than British citizens. Without immigration this country would fall flat on it's arse. Remember, when more and more people get degrees and other qualifications, who's gonna be there to sweep the streets and clean our toilets? Not Joe English and his degree I can tell you that for nothing.

Not to mention, I'd have no life if there were no immigrants... I mean, there'd be no carribean bus driver or taxis to ferry my ass to the pubs that fill me with German, Spanish, Russian and Greek drinks and no Turkish/Indian/Italian/Greeks about to offer me quality food in the late hours of the morning.

Shit, just forgot I'm a product of immigration as well...
The BNP have a point.

They have a point in almost everything they say, and they word it very well. But they're still Team Nazi 2000.

Now, this whole "Stealing our jobs" thing is bullshit

Depends. Exclude the losers who don't want jobs for a second. You've got an English man, and a Polish man. Both qualified for a certain job and it goes to the Polish guy. Isn't unfair that you've got an Englishman who wants to work, but can't because a guy from another country took the job?

It's not like Poland is some post post-apocalyptic cesspit. Most of them come over here, make money, and go back to their country. Because £5,000 can get you almost anything in Poland.

I'd tend to disagree, the way I see it, if people are coming here from other countries and are willing to work then what does it matter?

I have no problem with that. But the problem is that everybody, from everywhere is doing it. Which makes it a problem.

If you take a look at a lot of food in your cupboard you should notice that the traditional languages or Germany, France & others have been replaced with that of our Eastern European brothers.

The majority of immigrants fit into Britain just fine, they come over here, learn the language, get a job and fit into society.

You've not been to Stoke lately, have you?

over 90% of people are British anyway, so you can hardly say we're being overrun by immigrants.

Because people are ignorant for the most part, if they notice something then it must be a problem.

will never come into power, so they don't bother me at all.

Don't be so sure of that, they're on a steady rise. We might be very old when it happens, but it probably will do at some point.

I also, don't understand the hoo-harr about immigration in this country. CONTROLLED immigration is good.

Controlled immigration is what it's all about. Shame we don't really have it.

At the end of the day, if people are willing to come over to this country, work and pay taxes, I'm all for it regardless of their background.

Agree, but what about all the ones that come over and sigh on?

Immigration has always helped this country out, whether it be the migration of carribeans in the 40s to drive buses or asians for the services they provide us.

But if you'll notice, Asian people have always been self-sufficient. Which is why they all appear to run a newsagents or a take away. It's not a racist stereotype, it's a racial fact. Asian people have always worked and contributed.

So what if Polish workers work for less, from what I see anyway, they work harder in their menial jobs than British citizens.

There's a minimum wage for a reason.

Without immigration this country would fall flat on it's arse. Remember, when more and more people get degrees and other qualifications, who's gonna be there to sweep the streets and clean our toilets?

The losers who don't want jobs. They should be made to work or lose their benefits.

Not to mention, I'd have no life if there were no immigrants... I mean, there'd be no carribean bus driver or taxis to ferry my ass to the pubs that fill me with German, Spanish, Russian and Greek drinks and no Turkish/Indian/Italian/Greeks about to offer me quality food in the late hours of the morning.

You've just pointed to all the immigrants that contribute. What about the ones that don't? Because those are the ones that the BNP will point to.

Shit, just forgot I'm a product of immigration as well...

I still like you.
I honestly cant see any sensible economic policies and manifestos to come from them to urge the masses to vote for them, nor can I see things getting THAT bad in this country for people to tick their box. It's not the British way.

I agree that our immigration problem is not yet controlled, but we should be striving to achieve this, something again, that the BNP won't be doing IMO.

You're totally right about Asian people, they are self sufficient, hard working people in general.

Minimum wage is due to the rising cost of living in this country, driven by inflation, driven by petrol prices yadda yadda yadda. The labour market is fucked, which is why some choose to hire cheap immigrant workers.

I like you too.

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