The UK 2010 Election thread


Shawn Michaels ❤
The first election which is a '3 horse race' in living memory, the first election which has used televised debates, and, most importantly, the first election Becca can vote in. It surprised me there isn't a thread on this already. So, anyway, if you want to share, who are you voting for? Or maybe, who are you against voting for the strongest? Do you think the televised debates are GOOD for British politics? Who won them? What about having a hung parliament?

I personally love the debates, I've watched both and I believe there's a third scheduled? Nick Clegg has come out on top both times in my opinion, I'd never considered voting for the Lib Dems until after the first of those debates. That being said, some people are calling them unfair, others have said people are now more likely to vote on the style, confidence and charisma of a leader as opposed to the substance of their policies. I agree with this to an extent, but I also believe the debates are good, as they've made people more interested and aware in the main issues and where each party stands on them. I had no idea about anything before the debates, and while I'm not an expert now, I have a much clearer idea about things.

As a student considering University in the next few years, the Lib Dems proposal of stopping tuition fees edges me closer in their favour. I also agree with their localised immigration policy. However, I disagree with their policy on things such as crime and Europe. Which leads me to the thought that there isn't a party I agree with on all their major policies which is quite bad. I dislike Europe, so looked into the UKIP, however, there ONLY real policy is 'Get out of the EU' and even then they don't explain how that would affect the UK and what they would do to comb at the negative changes. The rest of their policies are just bullshit that would never work in the real world.

The other 2 smaller, 'main' parties of the BNP and Green Party are both just as bad. The BNP are a big group of racists, which is reason enough not to vote for them. And I don't believe global warming is man made, so I'm not on great terms with the Green Party either.

I don't believe anything that comes out of Gordon Browns mouth, if I'm honest. There's just something about him which makes me not a fan of Labour at all. They've been in powers for years, yet NOW they're proposing changes 'the public want'? I doubt most of it will happen.

We need a new party. Becca for Prime Minister.
I've explained my position on this elsewhere but it's worth repeating.


I actually like their policies, economically they make a lot of sense and they got us through the nightmare of last year as best they could. However, their backing of the Heathrow expansion is particularly close to home and there's just no way I would ever vote for anyone in favour of that.


ROFL. I'd rather vote for The Sheriff of Nottingham, he's less likely to rob me.
The Conservatives will do what they always do, they lookafter themselves, business and fuck everyone else. What you need to understand about their ways of saving money is that it comes from massive cuts in public spending, that is public events, extra curricular school programmes, all social programmes, culture and the arts. It basically boils down to "You're on your own now, fund it out of your own pocket" Oh and they also want the hunting ban overturned. You can't spell Conservative without Con and I'd vote for UKIP before I even consider the blues. As far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves.

The Lib Dems

They are the middle ground between the two above and apart from foreign policy and security, they're fairly similar to Labour. Admittedly their position on Trident needs to be re-evaluated but they're open to that. I'm voting Lib Dem on the basis that a coalition government between Labour and The Lib Dems pretty much stops either stepping too far out of line on controversial things like Heathrow.
This year i'll vote for the Volcano Party. It's done more towards the immigration issue in the last 4 weeks than any other party has even promised to do.

All jokes aside:

I personally feel sick at the thought of another 4 years of a Labour government. These 'amazing' changes they're promising is in fact means of fixing all the things they've managed to fuck up in the last 12 years. Sorry, if it's taken you 3 terms just to figure out what we want from you, you're not the right guys for the job.

The worst part for them, is that everyone's bashing Gordon Brown, despite the fact that technically, we're still in the Reign of Blair, except he's fucked off, and Brown's simply taking all the flack that Tony didn't wait around to hear. He's pretty much been black balled before he can get a fresh start.........

..... although calling potential voters 'stupid biggots' isn't likely to help his cause either. Douchebag.

I've always voted Tories in the past, because hey, i'm a facist bastard at heart, but they've become so much like Labour that you could barely describe the Right Wing Party as being Right Wing anymore.

Loveless said:
Oh and they also want the hunting ban overturned.

For a very good reason. It doesn't work, and tax payers money is dedicated to paying police to effectively do nothing. All this money is spent on preventing Fox hunting and it carries on, so therefore it's a collossal waste of time and money, which is desperately needed elsewhere.

That's basically a paraphrased answer from David Cameron himself to some tree hugging student who claimed it was contradictory to Cameron's vision of an 'era of peace'.

So hey, if you want to pay to keep fox hunting banned (yet still happening) instead of that money going to the NHS or other areas, best not vote Tory, and then we can all enjoy seeing police men standing in fields watching clouds go by and discovering just as many fox corpses as we always have.

As for the Lib Dems, well so far it just seems to be Clegg saying 'I'M NEITHER OF THESE TWO!' and everyone cheers, and that's the basis of his whole argument, and he's actually winning.

Personally, i'd not wish to choose any party on the list. The government is never likely to go back to what it's supposed to be, and that is an instrument of the people. They are supposed to listen to us, in order to shape the country into what we want it to be. Instead it's turned into 'let's exploit everyone we can for every insignificant piece of shit we think we're entitled to, and then go to work, where 2 guys will hurl insults at one another, and everyone else will boo or hiss, and then we can go and smoke cigars lit with a £50 note and drink brandy.'

If i had my way, the government wouldn't make ANY decisions. The public would vote for everything. Then if the country is fucked after our first term, the people only have themselves to blame, and then we'll put it right in our second term....... BUT for that you need fuck loads of money, and that's the end of that dream....

It will always remain a popularity contest with severe consequences, whomever you may vote for.

The thirs debate is tonight Becca, 29/4 at about 9pm or something. I'll check this one out because i think it's a very good way for them to focus on one issue at once and get in depth answers from the candidates on one major issue at a time, rather than hearing bullet pointed ideas on everything. It'll be economics tonight i believe, something that everyone should be paying attention to, and will hopefully spark some interest back into English politics, because it desperately needs it.
All David Cameron's promises are vague fluff that don't seem to have been validated by anyone with half a brain, nor a pair of balls to stand up to him and call him, oh I don't know, a massive cunt. I think that was proven last night when he blissfully waltzed around every question given to him, to such an extent that David Dimbleby had to remind everyone what the question actually was when he'd finished talking.

And, apparently, he won the debate.

To the British public,

It takes a special breed of cunt to be more fickle and less attentive than me, but you manage it on a daily basis. Kudos.


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