The Thread of UK Politics - Labour's Pants are Brown

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
We can't let the Americans have all the fun. So their election means twenty times more than ours - they're us anyway. A spin-off. The Frasier to our Cheers. The American Office to our Office.

So who do you support and what issues do you care about?

Gordon Brown's been given a solid kicking by David Cameron recently. The odd thing is, if we went by the policies that the Conservatives have been suggesting (which they like to keep pretty fucking quiet) then we'd be doing just as badly, if not worse. Fortunately, the opposition's proposals are rarely scrutinised like that.

Now, I'm no business wiz. I don't have a degree and I don't have a clue about the ins and outs of the economy. One of the pros of representative democracy. However, I do think that when there's a global crisis then it's a global issue, and not caused solely by Gordon Brown as Mr. Cameron might make you think. Sure, perhaps if he'd put restrictions and regulations in place then the impact on Britain would be lessened, but it would still be pretty severe. As a matter of fact, Gordon's been described as the "most capable leader in Europe" so he must be doing something right.

The problem here is that Cameron has made UK politics totally about image. Of course, Brown has an atrocious image (which he's been trying to improve with self-depricating jokes) and David Cameron has a fantastic one which he's been crafting ever since he became Conservative leader. All style and no substance, in my opinion.

I will give Cameron credit for one thing though, making climate change at the top of his agenda. I know that it might be silly to applaud him over a single issue but it really is an urgent problem - if the world's scientists are to be believed - and it needs addressing urgently. Of course, Labour has already addressed this problem somewhat under Blair with the commissioning of more nuclear power plants. And yeah, when Cameron rides his bike to work he has a car following him with his briefcase in.

Then there's the Lib Dems. What the fuck is wrong with the Lib Dems? I'll blame it on poor leadership. I like the Lib Dems, I really do. But they hardly inspire faith. You'd think with Labour bringing in the Terrorism Act, using it to disperse youths and fuck around with Iceland and stripping away liberties that the LIBERAL fuckin' Democrats would kick up a massive fuss but no. Despite his alcohol problem (lol) I really think Charles Kennedy was a good leader. Minges was having a nap through his time - and no one knew who he even was (it turns out) and now Nick Clegg is trying to be David Cameron Mk. II. If the Lib Dems want to offer a real alternative they need some fucking direction; Clegg actually said "Join the Liberal Democrats!" in his speech at the party conference - you're speaking at the Liberal Democrat party conference you fucking idiot.

I'm done. Ridicule at will.
I'm not a politics buff but I keep my eye on things

Gordon Brown's been given a solid kicking by David Cameron recently. The odd thing is, if we went by the policies that the Conservatives have been suggesting (which they like to keep pretty fucking quiet) then we'd be doing just as badly, if not worse. Fortunately, the opposition's proposals are rarely scrutinised like that.

Not overly true as just lately Brown has closed the gap right back up. He has handled the economic downturn in a way you wouldn't expect a country's leader to do but as a world leader would do. He has been bould and has dne more then a lot of the other prime ministers/Presidents have done. Couple this with the conservative contributions scandal and things aren't looking too bad for labour.

Now, I'm no business wiz. I don't have a degree and I don't have a clue about the ins and outs of the economy. One of the pros of representative democracy. However, I do think that when there's a global crisis then it's a global issue, and not caused solely by Gordon Brown as Mr. Cameron might make you think. Sure, perhaps if he'd put restrictions and regulations in place then the impact on Britain would be lessened, but it would still be pretty severe. As a matter of fact, Gordon's been described as the "most capable leader in Europe" so he must be doing something right.
Finance on the whole is a gamble and you have to wait until the right moment before leaving the table and we are Brown picked the moment brilliantly as the bail out came as he brought Mandleson back in to the cabinet - this completely over shadowed it and means Mandleson can do his job with the stigma of his past deed's making what the conseravtives have or have not done recently on a russian yhacht the only topic of conversation regarding the tories

The problem here is that Cameron has made UK politics totally about image. Of course, Brown has an atrocious image (which he's been trying to improve with self-depricating jokes) and David Cameron has a fantastic one which he's been crafting ever since he became Conservative leader. All style and no substance, in my opinion.
If ther had been an election 3 months ago Camron would have won easily but luckily the credit crunch went mental and Brown showed you need policies and balls more then you need a keep fit regeme and a decent hair cut

I will give Cameron credit for one thing though, making climate change at the top of his agenda. I know that it might be silly to applaud him over a single issue but it really is an urgent problem - if the world's scientists are to be believed - and it needs addressing urgently. Of course, Labour has already addressed this problem somewhat under Blair with the commissioning of more nuclear power plants. And yeah, when Cameron rides his bike to work he has a car following him with his briefcase in.
Britian has the largest amount of wind-farms in the world and this has all been done under labour government, The electric car (which will end up being the greatest invention on earth when completed) is coming on with power points being erected in some london car parks. and there there are the snall things like the massive improvement of public transport in london

Then there's the Lib Dems. What the fuck is wrong with the Lib Dems? I'll blame it on poor leadership. I like the Lib Dems, I really do. But they hardly inspire faith. You'd think with Labour bringing in the Terrorism Act, using it to disperse youths and fuck around with Iceland and stripping away liberties that the LIBERAL fuckin' Democrats would kick up a massive fuss but no. Despite his alcohol problem (lol) I really think Charles Kennedy was a good leader. Minges was having a nap through his time - and no one knew who he even was (it turns out) and now Nick Clegg is trying to be David Cameron Mk. II. If the Lib Dems want to offer a real alternative they need some fucking direction; Clegg actually said "Join the Liberal Democrats!" in his speech at the party conference - you're speaking at the Liberal Democrat party conference you fucking idiot.

You're right - the lib dems are a joke and are about as much a party as the monster raving looney party (Thats hard saying that as my town is a lib dem town)

My pro-labour isn't because I'm anti-Cameron or pro-labour but because I think Gordon Brown has been unfair judged because he does not look right in no. 10 which is unfair to a the guy who hassn't had the chance to prove himself...

Actually he has had the chance - and he is leading the country ourt of a world-wide slump
OK before I do a full politics rant I would like to clarify something. That is how a Prime minister comes into power in the United Kingdom.

First of all; YOU (providing you are over the age of 18 and bothered to go to your local polling station) will vote for your local MP. Officially this is NOT even party based, but realistically it is. You vote for one guy or gal and we see how it goes.

The person with the most votes will then become local MP and are subsequently awarded a seat in the house of commons. This happens all round the country and the party with the most seats is declared ruling party of parliament.

Then then ruling party appoint someone they want as PM, usually the party leader, and they request permission from Her Majesty the Queen that he (or she) becomes PM.

So when someone says "I did not vote for Gordon Brown he is a twat' I will reply, "no you did not, you twat"
OK before I do a full politics rant I would like to clarify something. That is how a Prime minister comes into power in the United Kingdom.

First of all; YOU (providing you are over the age of 18 and bothered to go to your local polling station) will vote for your local MP. Officially this is NOT even party based, but realistically it is. You vote for one guy or gal and we see how it goes.

The person with the most votes will then become local MP and are subsequently awarded a seat in the house of commons. This happens all round the country and the party with the most seats is declared ruling party of parliament.

Then then ruling party appoint someone they want as PM, usually the party leader, and they request permission from Her Majesty the Queen that he (or she) becomes PM.

So when someone says "I did not vote for Gordon Brown he is a twat' I will reply, "no you did not, you twat"

Thanks for clearing up the "Idiots guide on how to become a prime minister" topic that wasn't going on... But like all things in life there is a back route in to doing something. Brown may have exploited that a little bit but there we go. would you suggest that when the prime minister steps down his successor must go to the polls as soon as he comes to power - even though he has no chance to prove he can lead his party? If thats the case then shouldn't we do the same every time a new opposition leader comes get elected by the party's MP's? If we did that we'd never get anything done because there would be constant General Elections!

EDIT - Ahhh shit I have just realised I may have just began debating with someone who is a student in politics - That against my studies in GMTV politics debate shows that 'm gonna get schooled here... the joy of opening my mouth - Bozz

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