Chris Brown Refused Entry To UK.


Staff member
BBC said:
US singer Chris Brown has been forced to postpone his UK tour after being denied a visa to enter the country, it has been confirmed.

Brown was refused permission on the grounds of being guilty of a serious criminal offence, the Home Office said.

He was sentenced to a community service order for assaulting his ex-girlfriend, singer Rihanna, last February.

The musician was due to play three UK concerts, starting in Glasgow on Wednesday night.

Two further dates in London and Manchester had also been planned, along with a concert in the Irish Republic at Cork which has been shelved too.

So, Chris Brown has been refused entry into the UK due to the circumstances with Rihanna. Now, this may seem like an open and shut case but it really isn't. Chris Brown, for all of the controversy that surrounds him, is still a huge draw to some of the arenas in the UK. He is certain to fill those arenas and is also certain to sell a lot of merchandise. I am not the biggest Chris Brown fan but I find myself wondering if this is a good idea?

You see, I live quite close to the arena that he was going to perform in on Wednesday and I know a few people that were going to see him. However, that gig has been shelved now, along with another couple of dates. I am quite sure that preparations have already been made for his performance and the arenas will have lost a shit-tonne of money because of this cancellation. They will need to refund everyone's money for the performance and are set to lose out on the money they would have gotten for hosting the set and the merchandise commission that would have went with it.

Now, my question is, is this a smart thing to do? To deprive people of a musical performance from a music superstar because of something that happened in another country and has a minimal chance of re-offending?
Does he really have a minimal chance of reoffending though? He has a very bad temper that required him to have anger management. He is a risk because if he comes over and commits another crime that will make the UK look bad and no sympathy will be had because we were aware of the risk.

It is true about the lost revenue created, especially from the influx of fans coming to see him, but Glasgow is a place that can hold many other concerts and obviously has its football so its something that shouldnt have too big an impact.
I despise Chris Brown and think he is a massive scumbag for what he did.
Personally I am happy to see him go as he got out of what he had done way too easily just because he was famous and he made up a lame ass excuse aswell. But like Dave said he will be back simply due to the fact that he is a massive invisble export for the US economy. Brown can sell out arena's and can sell a hell of alot of merchandise at concerts for the 14 yar olds attending the concerts.

This is and is not a smart thing to do in my opinion. It is a good idea as he is not being treated differantly and the UK and Ireland are making an example of him by not treating him any differantly. It teaches a lesson to those who believe they can get away with anything they want just because they are famous. It is a bad idea also as there is going to be a big deal made out of this by devout fans of Brown. Most likely there will be a petition to bring him back which will get alot of signatures and have him brought into the and probably apoligized to.

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