Blood, Yes or No?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok i ordered Extreme Rules and watched it live on Sky Sports Box Office and truly enjoyed the event.

I'm from England and the event was shown Live from 1am-4am (UK Time)

It was repeated today at 6pm - 9pm (UK Time).
This time slot was ideal for my 6 year old son to enjoy the event. He is a big John Cena fan. He drove me mad for the first 2 and half hours, jumping and cheering for the likes of Orton, Sheamus, Hornswaggle, Punk, Clay, and even Daniel Bryan (Just like to add he was amazing, heel working the crowd was gold). The last 30mins of the PPV he changed.

My lad was excited to see John Cena vs Brock Lesnar. 20 seconds into the match Lesnar busted Cena open. For about 15mins after,, Lesnar punished Cena. My wife, who was also half watching the event with us said to me "I don't think he should watch this" but i insisted he watch it till the end (as i already knew Cena was winning the bout)

My Son was happy at the end of the event when Cena was victorious and he went to bed happy-ish. While Brock took Cena apart he did have a worried and upset look on his innocent face.

As an adult im all for Bloodshed, Chair Shots, Kendo Stick Shots etc, but should a Kid be watching this?

It seems like WWE are staying PG but with bits of Voilence here and there. (Y2J smashes JD bottle on Punk)

Should it be one or the other? Total PG (No Blood or Violence) or Total and utter Brutality like it was in the Attitude/Ruthless Aggression Era?

I know some kids watched during The Austin/Rock/HHH/Taker times of the Voilence and bad language, but is it right to still class WWE as PG, when Blood is shed? i mean how many kids have also played the GTA games.
I think the recent lack of blood in the WWE product has made things more refreshing.

For example, when Brock bloodied Cena's mouth a few weeks ago, it was shocking, and refreshing, because it's been ages since we've seen anyone bleed. Not only did it make Cena look vulnerable, it instantly established what Brock was all about. In that instance, it worked.

Frankly it was getting to cartoonish levels of over embellishment in the late WCW era, with Flair wearing the crimson mask seemingly every week on free TV.

When I was a kid, a snake bit Macho Man. Then there was the time Undertaker put Ultimate Warrior in a casket and the announcers were selling it like he was dying in there. While as a parent, it's easy (and your right, and responsibility) to be concerned about what your child is consuming. But you can't stop them from seeing or learning or hearing everything, lest you isolate them in a bubble. What's important is that they learn the right lessons from the things they see or do.

Toward that end, my dad told me one simple thing that's held true to this day. He didn't tell me it was OK because it was fake, or that the Gobbledy Gooker wasn't real. It didn't break the mystique or the illusion, he just said, "Son, they aren't really trying to kill each other. Otherwise they couldn't put on a show every week."
I think they can have blood so long as their is a balance and they don't over kill it. What happened last night is perfectly fine, but if it starts to reoccur at every single PPV or just more frequently then it is being overkilled. Blood IMO should only be used for the bigger matches or it could be used to put over a mid carder.
Last night by all counts was one of the few PPV'S ive enjoyed. From the get go Cena was taken down and busted open within a minute.
It was brutal and the beating Cena took from Lesnar was what all the hype and promo videos accumulated in this "fight" which was the description between these two.

The blood running down Cenas skull really added to the vibe,and having the doctor glue his head together kept it within a PG environment. One thing got my attention..Lesnar wiping Cenas head with his glove and then licking the blood.That added speculation over my head that this was legitimatly personnel and felt real.

Kids need to be told the different aspects between competition and full on beatdowns between two people,and also to be aware that its a contact sport as such and accidents can happen.
Blood yes if it happens. Not using a razor to cut yourself which strikes me as fake. If a guy gets busted open check on it and have ref wear gloves is just right.
I don't see blood a reason to bump WWE from a PG rating to a TV-14 rating. Things like sex and extreme violence (setting someone on fire or running them over with a car) were present during the Attitude Era,hence the TV-14 rating. Bleeding isn't quite as bad. Besides,kids see blood all the time. They scrape their knees,cut themselves,get a bloody nose and so on. So Cena gets busted open once in a few years. Now kids will know that elbowing someone in the head or punching someone in the head with a steel chain-covered fist can cause lacerations. There was a lot of blood and death in the Harry Potter movies too. That doesn't mean it should be given an R rating despite its unquestionably adult topics.

The rating says PG,short for "PARENTAL GUIDANCE". In other words,this isn't Barney and Friends. Don't let a child watch this alone. Whether or not bloodshed and weapon use should be seen by kids is a decision that is supposed to be made by the parent. If the parent says "No,that is too much,change the channel until the match is over." then that's good parenting. The WWE have been eliminating their more adult content over the last decade in an effort to allow parents to let their kids watch the show. Limiting their show to just grappling would cripple them. Simply put,it doesn't matter what the rating is or what the content offers as long as the parents do their job. The TV isn't a babysitter,people often forget that. Blaming the content on television or on the Internet is a cop out. If you think the Street Fight and the Cena-Lesnar match were too graphic,then let him watch the Sheamus-Bryan match instead. He'll thank you in 10 years when he's posting on internet forums and knows what he's actually talking about instead of "UGH,I CAN'T BELIEVE SUPER (insert wrestler here) WON AGAIN. THIS IS STUPID!"

Personally,I'm glad that the WWE are pushing the limits of PG instead of retreating into a safe zone. It makes for a more entertaining product than if Funkasaurus was dancing with a bunch of women wearing butt pads. Go ahead and bleed if it makes the match better,like how it made Cena-Lesnar better. So no,they shouldn't have to choose between creating something so tame to the point of a G rating or something so extreme to the point of a TV-14 rating.
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I agree with kingofkings01013. If someone gets busted open, as long as they're not bleeding to death, let the match continue. So many matches were ruined a few years back because someone's lip got busted open or they got a little cut.

Also, I think, because of the recent lack of blood, last night's main event looked so much better because of it. If you got it every week, it wouldn't have meant anything. Without seeing it, it made everything seem so much more.... dare I say it.... legit!
I don't want to sound like i'm crawling up Cena's backside here but those elbows to his head looked painful at the start of the fight , when Brock took him down from the bell. Cena sold those shots really well, and the early clothesline from Brock looked awesome. People are already saying after watching Brock's first match he should be off TV. No way he might have a bit of fat around the hips, but he looked like a true Animal in there and Cena sold his moves perfectly.

People are also whining about Brock losing to Cena and he is already buried. Not a Chance. Look at the match (this topic is about Blood) Brock made Cena bleed by Elbows and Fists. Cena used a Weapon to Bleed Brock. On top of that Brock had Cena beat 123 in the middle of the ring (no Ref)

Back on Topic again, Brock may draw more blood in the coming weeks will be interesting to see how much Violence WWE allow to show.
When I watched as a kid Hogan was my favorite, and there were times he would bleed. It never upset me. As a kid i would think wow he overcame even more to win the match, and I always went to bed happy. I don't think it should be used excessively, but when it happens it can really add to the match. Not blading, but if it happens the hard way I see no harm in it. I don't think a little blood here and there should effect the rating either.
When i was a kid, if i ever saw blood in real life I would faint. I once fainted when i got a papercut FFS. I was a chicken shit. Still am pretty much a pussy when it comes to blood. It's a phobia. But Blood in WWE or on TV whatsoever has never bothered me in the slightest. It's part of it. If you don't want to see blood on TV then don't watch Wrestling. It's crazy these people who will complain about too much nudety on TV when they are watching a modelling show for example. It's the whole point.
Back in the day, bleeding was very common since a lot of wrestlers were blading which helped both them and their opponent get over with the fans. In fact, some wrestlers built their entire careers on it (i.e. Hogan, Flair, Abdullah the Butcher etc.). I like how the WWE is taking the initiative in making blood a rare occurrence. In other words, if you're gonna get busted open, get busted open legitimately.
if i had to choose one or the other, then i would say no blood. some wrestlers (like a 16 time champ) tend to use blood waaaaaayyyyy to much and it ruins the match. if your match is that bad that it needs blood, then something is wrong. having said that though, blood can make a match stand out if used right. think of the Austin/Bret Hart Match from Wrestlemania. the blood was not needed but that image of Austin in the sharpshooter with the blood dripping down his face is something people remember and helped with the character of Steve Austin. but given one or the other, i think blood is not needed for a good match.
I remember when I was younger watching blood baths and buried alive matches and I turned out alright...I think.

I liked what they did last night it was good looked real and looked legit and thus gave the whole match the same feel. I hope they never bring back the old day of Ric Flair being completely red from head to toe, that was ridiculous.
I think bleeding is part of professional wrestling, and that we should allow it to happen. These guys know what they get into when they sign those contracts, and bleeding is part of that. Every contact sport has blood, our society is defined because of the bloodshed of our history.
The key to everything is moderation. Blood can add to a match, but you can't do it all the time or people become desensitized to it. A few times a year at most.
The key to everything is moderation. Blood can add to a match, but you can't do it all the time or people become desensitized to it. A few times a year at most.

See, this is the key. There are certain events, such as Chamber matches, super heated fueds, Hell in a cells, those deserve blood. But we dont need people bleeding just to bleed for no reason. Its almost like a championship, it has to mean something.
I really wanted Lesnar to win... but as soon as I saw Blood, I dint care.... Blood just brings so much realism to WWE... It looks intense and serious.... But WWE should save this... They dont need do it very often cause of the TV rating... They should use Blood in matches like Steel Cage, Hell in A Cell, TLC etc.. Without Blood, these matches look weak and boring.. It looks like the cell or cage have no use. However, I think chairshots to the head should be brought back permanently !!
What happened last night was amazing. I think if blood is allowed then it's just over used. When you watch a match like Cena vs Lesnar and you see Cena get busted open, you know its real. I enjoy having that in my mind to say to myself, "Oh sh*t Cena is really busted open." I don't think blood should be accepted but it is refreshing to see it once in a blue moon. I feel like blood is just way to messy. What I want is WRESTLING. Not just puddles of blood around the ring, this is not 1998
well i understand the concern you have for your kid to be watching it but as someone who grew up watching wrestling in the attitude era i dont think its that bad for kids to see blood i mean kids these days play GTA which has worse things then blood and someone getting beat up and im sure many kids play the wwe games which of course you can always bloody your opponet (granted the last 2 games had a option to turn off blood) but honestly im gonna say yes to blood and its fine for kids to watch but blood in wrestling just shouldnt be over done
Blood can definitely add something to a match, especially something like a Hell In A Cell, Street Fight or Elimination Chamber, where it is meant to be brutal and it emphasises the realism and how personal a feud can get.

As another poster said, when used right (like in the famous Austin v Bret match), it can really work well, but it definitely should not be overused like it was during the Attitude Era, and anything involving Ric Flair, who bleeds when he has a bowl of cornflakes.

There is also the worry of diseases spreading through blood, which is another big reason why WWE do not feature blood as often, and have pretty much banned blading in almost every situation, which is fair enough.

I think in a big match situation, like WrestleMania, or the Brock v Cena match, blood could be used but it shouldn't be an every week thing like it has been in the past.
I agree with what everyone else said, if it happens organically and isn't too serious, then it's okay. It should also serve a purpose, like Austin/Bret and WM13 and Cena/Brock. But I don't like blading and seeing a bloodbath every week like in the Attitude Era lessens in the impact.
I think a blood here and there is a good thing and can be a little refreshing and a reminder on how much they sacrifice their bodies night after night. The problem is guys maybe using a razor can cut themselves in way where it's almost hard to watch. Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL at Judgment Day 2004 is a good example of that, I remember watching that for the first time and almost turning the tv off and walk away. Even Eddie he won, it was still hard to watch.
Blood never did anything to me because 9 times out of 10, it's just some dude bleeding in the same spot on his head. I'm glad WWE killed juicing.

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