Extreme but No Blood?


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so at exteme rules there will be a last man standing, extreme rules, and a street fight. now i can understand a last man standing match with out blood but a street fight? an extreme rules match? these guys are going to be beating the shit out of eachother. chairs, sledgehammer, lead pipes, really anything they can grab. and ur telling me theres no blood.

im not bashing the whole pg thing. i get it that they want kids to watch and cussing, "sexual" story lines, and violence might turn parents against it but it is wrestling. it is fighting, it is violent and in these type of matches its them using weapons. how can there be no blood. no they dont have to go and cut themselves but if some1 gets busted open for real then so be it. and you cant stop in the middle of the match to clean it up. especially a street fight or extreme rules match.

at a point the whole pg thing becomes contradictary to what the product is, fighting and violence. fake fighting and violence but fighting and violence non the less. in my opinion it hinders these type of gimmick matches.

LOL.. Im wondering if you just figured all this out.. Still I agree 100%. I can make an exception if someone is litterally pooring out blood and they need to stop the match because the person cant countinue anymore. However, an accidental cut isnt anything for WWE to get all worked up about. I think once the senate race is over and when Linda finally loses they will put to rest this "no blood policy" because it was Feburay 2009 when Linda was elected to the Board of Education, and the same month this policy was made. Now Linda isnt on the board anymore, and when she loses she wont be in anything major where Vince will have to duck low..

Point is, WWE is only doing this because Linda Mcmahon said so, the fans dont want it, the talent for the most part doesnt want it.. and Im sure Vince knows it due to the reaction whenever a match is stopped. If someone is busted open, I do expect them to stop it sadly.
so at exteme rules there will be a last man standing, extreme rules, and a street fight. now i can understand a last man standing match with out blood but a street fight? an extreme rules match? these guys are going to be beating the shit out of eachother. chairs, sledgehammer, lead pipes, really anything they can grab. and ur telling me theres no blood.

im not bashing the whole pg thing. i get it that they want kids to watch and cussing, "sexual" story lines, and violence might turn parents against it but it is wrestling. it is fighting, it is violent and in these type of matches its them using weapons. how can there be no blood. no they dont have to go and cut themselves but if some1 gets busted open for real then so be it. and you cant stop in the middle of the match to clean it up. especially a street fight or extreme rules match.

at a point the whole pg thing becomes contradictary to what the product is, fighting and violence. fake fighting and violence but fighting and violence non the less. in my opinion it hinders these type of gimmick matches.


Man I certainly agree with this. If someone were to really hit someone over, let's say, the back with a lead pipe, they'd be arrested and probably charged with attempted murder. Murder=Violence. If someone were to hit someone, dead on, with a sledgehammer, then the victim in this incident would probably sustain internal injuries, up to and including damaged ribs and possible coughing up massive amounts of what...Blood. I don't understand how the WWE brass can be such hypocrites. How in the hell can there be an extreme rules PPV and there NOT be an amount of blood, including excessive amounts of blood. Also, I get the PG era too, BUT...This is PPV. If a parent is going to order a wrestling PPV, trust me, they're asking for it, especially if their child is watching. and on FREE network TV, you see blood, sex, violence and such on stations such as ABC, CBS, The History Channel, Discovery, etc etc. Gee, why not just do away with an extreme rules PPV and bring back Backlash?
Now I'm just guessing here but all of these matches will probably look similar. There will be little difference between the Extreme Rules match and the Street Fight. Even the LMS will look similar but of course end differently. Almost all of the "object" shots will be to the back or to an extremity so as to not cause real damage. Now that's not to say the matches will be bad but they won't be "hardcore" and you shouldn't look for them to be that. There will probably be a table spot in one of the matches and I'm guessing a ladder may come in to play, but no barbed wire or flames or anything like that.

Just remember that this isn't the same product it was, but that doesn't mean it can't still be good. Blood doesn't have to come in to play. There will probably be one big spot each match but whether they work or not will be up to the wrestlers. For example, one the most hardcore spots I saw was about a month ago on Impact when Daffney slammed Angelina Love into the ramp. I've never seen a spot look like that and look so real, which is a testament to those two. It was simple, elegant, and brutal.
I was reading through a WWE Mag and saw (back then when it was called it) Backlash 2010 was coming to Baltimore and I bought tickets but had a heck of a time finding who was selling them beings it was changed to extreme rules xD. But anyway I was actually a little dissapointed about that because Backlash 2008 came to MD and was so good But I'm afriad nobody will enjoy this beings it's sposed to be EXTREME yet not even a drop of the crimson mask?? I mean WWE is getting to a new low I.M.O. but at least with the LMS Match we might see a couple table smashings and probably will end with cena choking batista out with the rope modified into a STF
I am going to be there live in my hometown and I agree with you. I dont wanna get screwed over because last year sucked as they had a Hog Pen Match that was in no way extreme, a Fatal Four Way which wasnt extreme and was a complete joke to place on the card simply because it's no DQ. And then there was a Submission Match.

I just want them to actually try. Look at all the potential matches they could do- First Blood is out, but still- Ambulance Match, Tables Match, Ladder Match, Steel Cage Match, I Quit Match, Inferno Match, Stretcher Match, Boiler Room Brawl, Parking Lot Brawl, I Quit, Singapore Cane Match, Item on a Pole Match, Weapons Match, Dog Collar Match, Texas Bullrope Match, Hell in a Cell Match

Now why not some of those?
I just dont want us to get a bunch of matches that leave every match too out in the open, by that I mean the following matches are all the exact same thing with a different name:

Hardcore Match
Extreme Rules Match
No DQ Match
No Holds Barred Match
Street Fight
Falls Count Anywhere is also the same but you can pin or submit your opponent anywhere is the only difference

Now we already have a Street Fight & Extreme Rules Match (though I still stand by my prediction of a Championship Scramble between Swagger/Orton/Y2J/Edge & Morrison, still please no spoilers, I wanna find out if I'm right or not Friday)

Anyhow I dont want anymore open range matches. We need matches that focus on a specific weapon or thing like LMS, that's great.

We do need blood and if they get busted open as you said it makes the PPV's theme look bad to have ppl come in and patch them up, it should be one night where they push the boundaries a bit and let up on the usual and give us a damn extreme show that's actually hardcore. I personally was disappointed last year and hope to be pleased this year. Cleaning the blood up is gonna waste tv time and ppl are gonna get fed up with it, it needs to not happen at this event

Again, no spoilers please on anything from the SD! Tapings

I just cant wait to see what's next. But with the theme possibly being watered down more & more we may see it leave in the near future. I would personally love to see an Inferno Match
Yeah, they have taken this "no blood" thing too far. I was semi-cool with it, until, today. Today was my day off and I got around to watching Smackdown from this past Friday. As I was watching the Swagger/Morrison match, I was shocked that they actually stopped the match b/c Swagger was bleeding from the ear. Only to put rubber gloves on the ref, bring a trainer out, and kept wiping him off. The last time I checked this wasnt UFC or WBA. For those who saw this, did you hear the "heat" it got from the live crowd? I have noticed the gloves the past couple of weeks on the refs, but this is taking it a little bit overboard. I could've handled even a blur spot on his ear b/c it was pre-recorded so they could have done this. We are in 2010 and they are acting like it is 1950. Lifelong wrestling fan here and I have seen some crazy shit over the years. But, this kind of shit is going to take all of the fun out of watching wrestling. I dont want this to be a bashing post, but come on, man!!!
I think that they should let the Wrestlers just go at it on Extreme Rules on Sunday. The name even says it all. If you aren't a fan of the blood and all of the gory stuff in the WWE, those fans don't have to watch it. But as some of the above posters have said themselves, i was really disappointed with the way that WWE hosted their pay per view last year. They could have done so much better, and this year they have the potential to.
The thing that really sucks is TNA is absolutely bombing in the ratings, and they are much edgier than WWE, which WWE will say shows that fans like the PG bullshit.
The thing that really sucks is TNA is absolutely bombing in the ratings, and they are much edgier than WWE, which WWE will say shows that fans like the PG bullshit.

Obviously millions of people don't think it is bull because they watch it on a weekly basis. Is blood really all that serious? Is it really all that serious that we complain that guys are not cutting themselves on purpose? TNA is edgier but it does not seem to matter. Because they WWE is showing more morals than TNA at the moment they are BS? That doesn't even make sense when you think about it. They want to make a family program and that is being looked down upon. I agree it has been boring but I can't hate on a business wanting to be family friendly. I swear WWE doesn't force people to watch it's program. J.R. said it best, if PG is so unbearable to watch then don't watch it.
There is nothing anyone can say to justify blood being banned from wrestling and anyone who is in love with this era is really stuck up or not a true fan of wrestling how it should be portrayed and that is violent. It's not family friendly by nature. Screw trying to please everyone, Vince was better off being edgy.

Blood is a must especially in hardcore matches. You cant go through most the specialty matches there are without bleeding so not bleeding takes the realism away. So you cant justify it being banned. It's stupid. You cant have anymore First Blood Matches either. It limits what you can do and that isnt good and whatever they still do is watered down.

That's very very bad. Look at how badly the HIAC legacy is being torn apart with that damn PPV having three in one night.

This is madness. And the fans are powerful and I am in serious favor of a boycott.

The comment JR made fixes everything because if we all stopped watching, making a pact and realized it would be tough as fans but be for a better future for WWE for us then we could stop watching, stop going to live events and let them get the message when they see this and hopefully go back to what we want.

I'm even still in favor of keeping TV-14 chants going at live events, signs etc, but something extreme has to be done by us, that's definately obvious. We can send a message unified that they'll eventually have to respond to

But as far as blood goes even in a singles match depending on what happens blood would be realistic for certain moves etc. You cant take blood out of a show that revolves around violence and have realism remain strong it just doesnt work. And the supporters of this shit are fucking delusional. I love WWE, but I can see that it sucks more than ever right now, this has to stop.

And before anyone responds to this post think about this:

Parents let their kids watch cartoons with no issues and the damn LOONEY TUNES are more edgy than the WWE right now, Tom & Jerry are more edgy than the WWE right now!

There's blood in toons, there's even sexual references etc in toons and more that WWE wouldnt show. WTF?!!!

And dont even get me started with Disney, how appropiate is that for kids? (look it up)

WWE has to go back to anything other than its current state
Since when do you have to have blood to make a match extreme? It's not needed, these people can pull it off with out cutting themself. Look at all the matches at WM that was supposed to be no rules. None of them actually did anything illegal. So I don't see what the big problem is. It isn't like they have a first blood match when they can't have blood on the program.
It does it really does and that comparison doesnt even make any sense

You cant compare a NO DQ Match like that where it simply allows anything to a match based around a specific weapon or structure where blood is needed and depending on how brutal even an open range hardcore bout like Extreme Rules or No Holds Barred is, weapon shots do call for blood

You cant hit someone in the face with a singapore cane, bang their head/face against steel, wood etc and not expect a single cut

It's not even an argument against it. Sure you dont see blood in the match at WM because it wasnt meant to be like that, but WWE usually sticks to matche like Street Fights which sucks because they dont revolve around something specific thus they can bullshit you on something that's suppose to be hardcore

you should bleed in most extreme matches. Sure every hardcore bout wont have blood but even a singles match should depending upon certain moves, Hell's Gate for example or the amount of shots to the face

Come on this is common sense stuff. Cages cut ppl open after being constantly shoved face first into the steel. Weapons bust ppl the fuck open.

There's no reason why on the most brutal night of the year there should not be one drop of blood. That's like you telling children Santa isnt delivering presents on Christmas they should just sing carols enjoy the Christmas spirit and shut the fuck up

It's like saying ppl shouldnt get burned in Inferno Matches. Blood comes with extreme match types. If you know what deathmatches are and have seen those, would you really want WWE to do one for Extreme Rules (just for example, I know they wouldnt) if there was no blood?!

It wouldnt look right because deathmatches are the most brutal bouts there are!

No one's saying every match on the card requires blood, but for the sake of realism blood is necessary

and if it's not necessary, bang your head against the wall, a steel chair, and other random objects without holding back for about 15-20 minutes and see if you dont bleed
It does it really does and that comparison doesnt even make any sense
Re read it.
You cant compare a NO DQ Match like that where it simply allows anything to a match based around a specific weapon or structure where blood is needed and depending on how brutal even an open range hardcore bout like Extreme Rules or No Holds Barred is, weapon shots do call for blood
I will hit you in the back of the head with a chair. You are not going to bleed, your more likely to get a concussion and a lump.

Come on this is common sense stuff. Cages cut ppl open after being constantly shoved face first into the steel. Weapons bust ppl the fuck open.
then you avoid slamming peoples face into the cage. Common sense, you can still have the cage match without having to do the same boring predictable things.
There's no reason why on the most brutal night of the year there should not be one drop of blood. That's like you telling children Santa isnt delivering presents on Christmas they should just sing carols enjoy the Christmas spirit and shut the fuck up
when has an Extreme rules ever had much blood in the first place?

It's like saying ppl shouldnt get burned in Inferno Matches. Blood comes with extreme match types. If you know what deathmatches are and have seen those, would you really want WWE to do one for Extreme Rules (just for example, I know they wouldnt) if there was no blood?!
If they ever decided to do that they wouldn't do it during the PG era now would they.
TNA has blood all the time, it doesn't enhance any of their matches. And since the ban on blood WWE has produced several brilliant matches. So the whole ''no blood'' argument is a little lame. There was no blood at least year Extreme Rules and it was still a solid show.

Blood worked better when gimmick matches weren't a regular occurence. Sheamus vs. Triple H, Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton, Cena vs. Batista, they'd all be perfectly adequate yet instantly forgettable with or without blood.

And if you hit somebody with chair I think it's more likely to create a hematoma and not a perfect trickle of blood, wrestling is flawed like that.
If the WWE wants to call a PPV "Extreme", it is as if they are still trying to cash in on the ECW style of wrestling. How can "Extreme" exist without letting the wrestlers bleed if need be?
Don't spend your hard earned money on the damn PPV and maybe the WWE will realize that true wrestling fans and not 5-year-olds are the true fan base! I like a little blood once and a while.
Back in the day, I remember actually seeing a blading device in the ring during a Hulk Hogan PPV match. All of a sudden it was gone and Hogan was bleeding all over the place. I am all for wrestlers blading themselves for the sake of an match!
The Jack Swagger thing was ridiculous... there was hardly any blood... This PPV will be lame if someone accidentally gets cut and they keep stopping a match to wipe off a little blood!
TNA just needs to put some more people through glass tables!
I am going to be there live in my hometown and I agree with you. I dont wanna get screwed over because last year sucked as they had a Hog Pen Match that was in no way extreme, a Fatal Four Way which wasnt extreme and was a complete joke to place on the card simply because it's no DQ. And then there was a Submission Match.

I just want them to actually try. Look at all the potential matches they could do- First Blood is out, but still- Ambulance Match, Tables Match, Ladder Match, Steel Cage Match, I Quit Match, Inferno Match, Stretcher Match, Boiler Room Brawl, Parking Lot Brawl, I Quit, Singapore Cane Match, Item on a Pole Match, Weapons Match, Dog Collar Match, Texas Bullrope Match, Hell in a Cell Match

Now why not some of those?
I just dont want us to get a bunch of matches that leave every match too out in the open, by that I mean the following matches are all the exact same thing with a different name:

Hardcore Match
Extreme Rules Match
No DQ Match
No Holds Barred Match
Street Fight
Falls Count Anywhere is also the same but you can pin or submit your opponent anywhere is the only difference

Now we already have a Street Fight & Extreme Rules Match (though I still stand by my prediction of a Championship Scramble between Swagger/Orton/Y2J/Edge & Morrison, still please no spoilers, I wanna find out if I'm right or not Friday)

Anyhow I dont want anymore open range matches. We need matches that focus on a specific weapon or thing like LMS, that's great.

We do need blood and if they get busted open as you said it makes the PPV's theme look bad to have ppl come in and patch them up, it should be one night where they push the boundaries a bit and let up on the usual and give us a damn extreme show that's actually hardcore. I personally was disappointed last year and hope to be pleased this year. Cleaning the blood up is gonna waste tv time and ppl are gonna get fed up with it, it needs to not happen at this event

Again, no spoilers please on anything from the SD! Tapings

I just cant wait to see what's next. But with the theme possibly being watered down more & more we may see it leave in the near future. I would personally love to see an Inferno Match

They had - 9 Matches -
1 No Holds Barred Match
1 Samoan Strap Match
1 Triple Threat Hardcore match
1 Handicap Hog Pen Match
1 Steel Cage match
1 Submission Match
1 Ladder Match
Then Cm Punk cashed in his MITB in a singles match.

Just because 1/2 of those matches aren't as extreme or deadly or don't involve someone falling off a building, doesnt mean they don't fit the program.
I was very happy with about 4 of the matches on the card as a whole, and the only two that disappointed me as much was the Hog Pen match and the cage match, but the hog pen match was timed greatly cause it gave me a quick break for food/toilet etc, which you almost always see during a WWE ppv.

I for one, have no problem if they don't show as much blood or have an extreme variety of matches providing at the end of the day, the product is good.
Well first off in response to sparky the thing about deathmatches was just an example but the same goes for any brutal match type I'm just making the point that no blood is just stupid in a violent sport. You cant just have no blood or it kills the realism. That doesnt make for a good product

You may as well have Hornswoggle beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

What's next? People shouldnt use submission holds anymore because kids might start choking each other out? No more punching & kicking?

Extreme Rules Matches almost always have blood considering these matches originated in ECW

And I just really dont get how ppl can be okay with certain things being in cartoons & other TV Shows that arent even toons but not wrestling. Wrestling is violent by nature and blood should be featured in brutal matches.

Blood is in boxing, blood is in your average street fights outside.

Blood is Universal.

No one can fall and get cut either? What if they had a storyline that a wrestler fell and got a boo boo, would it be allowed to bleed or would even that be too much?

Is blood just non existant now?

What about the Divas, should we just stop their periods. I mean there's a no blood policy and I'm sure they're breaking it. What if fists & tampons start flying

Bleeding happens. Get over it!
You cant just have no blood or it kills the realism.

Wrestling isn't based on realism.

What's next? People shouldnt use submission holds anymore because kids might start choking each other out?

I don't think you can choke somebody with a figure 4 leg lock.

No more punching & kicking?

Closed fist punches aren't legal in wrestling, unless Big Show does it.

Extreme Rules Matches almost always have blood considering these matches originated in ECW

They're not extreme rules matches though, are they! And ECW didn't have extreme rules matches either, they just had a lack of rules.

Wrestling is violent by nature and blood should be featured in brutal matches.

Because? Blood isn't needed in wrestling, it only helps to make certain matches better.

Blood is in boxing,

Very little, boxing is also real.

blood is in your average street fights outside.

So is hair pulling & falling mid punch.

No one can fall and get cut either? What if they had a storyline that a wrestler fell and got a boo boo, would it be allowed to bleed or would even that be too much?

I've always thought there was a lack of grazed elbows in wrestling.

Is blood just non existant now?

Your main complaint really should be about the stopping of the matches to clean up the blood, which is annoying.

What about the Divas, should we just stop their periods. I mean there's a no blood policy and I'm sure they're breaking it. What if fists & tampons start flying

I've never seen any menstrual blood in wrestling.
Some of those were joking points but points nonetheless

Anyway ECW originated Extreme Rules matches and always stated they were contested under extreme rules, every match was Extreme Rules unless it had a specific name like Dog Collar Match

but 98% were extreme rules matches. Where do you think we got the term from?

WWE needs blood end of story. We even had it in the when WWE was PG before so why be so strict. It's when ppl go overboard that it becomes annoying, ppl are fucking ruining wrestling today! You cant strictly forbid this and that and have it be interesting or fun anymore

It should remain like it was in the late 90's and early 2000's and the damn ratings (highest EVER) showed that

You can say we lost fanbase but I gurantee you if WWE had a PPV called WWE Attitude and let that PG shit go for one night only to test out this theory that I'd be right

have an Attitude Era one night stand where Austin, Rock, HBK etc would all appear and have the stars on the active roster all act as if they would in the Attitude Era and it would have more buys than any other B list PPV for sure and maybe even Royal Rumble & Survivor Series

I believe the fans are sick of this and if we had a Attitude Resurrection night the ratings would show it.
bloods still there in TNA... maybe used where it isnt explicitly needed sometimes but it gives a great feud blowout when one of the wrestlers is down for the 123 whilst wearing the crimson mask...

i know the WWE can make sure wrestlers dont shove each other hard into the cage, dont scrape the other guys face along the cage, but then if the cage cant be used as a weapon whats the point in it being there?! its simple, for one night at Extreme Rules the WWE can slap an age restriction on for the PPV buys and just have it extreme for one night, the fans would respect them for it and it would give a bit more of an edge to things. Fucks sake, its just one PPV of the year, not like they cant have any control over who views it, and it really screws with the tempo of a match when the EMTs come down to wipe blood off and stop bleeding, if it happens by accident (as those instances seem to) then just let it happen. c'mon, its not like people dont think those types of fight wouldnt ever involve bleeding, it happens and whats more, we WANT to see it in the WWE again.
What I really don't get and maybe one of you guys can clear this for me, but how can Sheamus hitting HHH in the head with a lead pipe or HHH hitting Sheamus in the gut with a sledge hammer be considered PG rating, yet they can't allow a wrestler to wear a crimson mask or even continue with a busted lip? I mean those are deadly weapons they're using and very violent.

Most kids aren't phased by a little blood anyways and the ones who are wouldn't be watching wrestling.

Extreme Rules is probably going to be another terrible WWE PPV. Still I have a feeling it's going to be better than Lockdown.
but 98% were extreme rules matches. Where do you think we got the term from?

Their minds.

We even had it in the when WWE was PG before so why be so strict.

Do you mean at Wrestlemania 8 when they did it behind Vince McMahon's back? Or last year when Shane McMahon busted open Randy Orton at No Way Out?

It's when ppl go overboard that it becomes annoying, ppl are fucking ruining wrestling today!

Personally I think the pro-blood/anti-PG people go overboard a whole lot more.

You cant strictly forbid this and that and have it be interesting or fun anymore

It wouldn't be an issue if the WWE writers were coming up with intresting sorylines, because they not people think it's related to the PG rating, which means people highlight the lack of blood.

It should remain like it was in the late 90's and early 2000's and the damn ratings (highest EVER) showed that

But WWE don't have a Steve Austin or even The Rock to carry the show the same way they did back then and nost of the stuff on TV was a load of rubbish.

You can say we lost fanbase but I gurantee you if WWE had a PPV called WWE Attitude and let that PG shit go for one night only to test out this theory that I'd be right

If WWE held a show like that then they'd be missing the point of their own era. The Attitude Era was about angles & promos as much as the actual wrestling, PPV's have always been mostly wrestling based.

have an Attitude Era one night stand where Austin, Rock, HBK etc would all appear and have the stars on the active roster all act as if they would in the Attitude Era and it would have more buys than any other B list PPV for sure and maybe even Royal Rumble & Survivor Series

HBK missed most of the Attitude Era, and he's made no difference to other ''B'' shows in the past and Austin & The Rock won't wrestle again, so ultimately it'd just be another show. Attitude Era guys made millions so they don't need to wrestle past their prime like ECW guys.
Its extreme rules,it means that all matches are under extreme rules stipulation.It doesnt mean that all matches must be bloody

I never understood that you people acctualy request that some of the wrestlers must bleed for your enterteiment.I know that wrestlers are modern day gladiators but cmon. Its a part of wrestling history and its OK when it happens because its a risk of the job or a part of the match but why request for it?

On the other hand its ridiculous to me that they must edit it and stop the match when it happens.I understand if its(god forbid) something serious but to stop the match for little cut.Thats ridiculous
Seriously, all of you guys that constantly crave blood, weapons, and other unnecessary violence need to grow up. What does blood do to change a match? Seriously? Besides the wrestlers' hair turning bright red, I see no way that it enhances what is already known worldwide as a FAKE SPORT.

None of the moves are real. It's like watching live stuntmen in the circus. When was the last time you had to watch a circus performer bleed in order to further understand their form of entertainment? When was the last time you saw a sword-swallower bleed from his mouth after he pulled the sword out of his throat??

All of this bullshit arguing is absolutely pointless and immature. If you want to see blood, either slit your own wrists, watch TNA (who completely OVER-uses blood), or turn on HBO. In the meantime, the WWE will continue to entertain the shit out of me without having to portray excessive violence in a completely fake sport.

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