Extreme but No Blood?

If you want to see blood, either slit your own wrists, watch TNA (who completely OVER-uses blood), or turn on HBO.


Anyway who says we need blood for a match to be "extreme". Just cause we are missing out on blood doesn't make a difference. Most people know that it is fake, and they know that the blood is fake. Sure it makes the match a bit more extreme, but just cause it doesn't have blood doesn't mean it won't be extreme.
Honestly, I think there will be blood at the PPV. I've noticed that the past couple of weeks, almost every show somebody has been busted open (Jack Swagger, Batista, Undertaker, etc.). But it's the hard way and the result of punching or scraping and that's a huge possibilty considering the weapons involved. Doesn't have to be the head, it could be an arm or leg but still shows the "brutality" of these matches. The stupid theing would be if Trips or Sheamus get busted open, the ref will have to take a towel and pause the entire match which will be SO STUPID because it is a street fight, not a regular match up.
Seriously, all of you guys that constantly crave blood, weapons, and other unnecessary violence need to grow up. What does blood do to change a match? Seriously? Besides the wrestlers' hair turning bright red, I see no way that it enhances what is already known worldwide as a FAKE SPORT.

I agree people are saying it makes it look more real, but I don't see anything about wrestling that even looks real. Plus we know most of the time when they bleed they cut themselves. How is that even satisfying when you know it was not even done because of an action by the other guy? Seriously people are talking about blood, they want pro wrestling to look real by having blood. Pro wrestling look real?

If two people were to really fight it will always come out looking like mma and not pro wrestling.
i dont think wwe sould be doing extreme rules and hell in a cell ppvs when there pg as all were going to see is a watered down childish show that could be awsome but will never reach its full potential because of the wwes own restrictions i dont particully like the pg thing as it is just another thing that is taking the fun out of my favourite tv show

wwe and ecw set the mark in what extreme is themselves and that involves tacks chairs blood tables barbed wire fire dumpsters and all sorts of other things

mick foley going off the cell at king of the ring was extreme

jeff hardy doing the swanton off the ladder in the first tlc was extreme

last years hog pen match was not it sucked and was ridiculous

you get my drift i think most adult long term fans will have an image in there minds of what extreme is similar to mine so i think extreme rules will be just anuver dissapointment and in a way false advertising as nothing extreme will happen at all
i dont think wwe sould be doing extreme rules and hell in a cell ppvs when there pg as all were going to see is a watered down childish show that could be awsome but will never reach its full potential because of the wwes own restrictions i dont particully like the pg thing as it is just another thing that is taking the fun out of my favourite tv show

But what is "watered down" about today's product? How do you define "watered down" No blood? That's ridiculous. You've still got drama, action, high-spots, weapons... but no blood. So now it's "watered down"?? Come on...

wwe and ecw set the mark in what extreme is themselves and that involves tacks chairs blood tables barbed wire fire dumpsters and all sorts of other things

Considering that they OWN the defunct company, they can do whatever they want with it. But why are "chairs blood tables barbed wire fire dumpsters and all sorts of other things" so important?? If you want unprovoked violence, watch HBO or TNA. If you want professional wrestling, watch the WWE.

mick foley going off the cell at king of the ring was extreme

jeff hardy doing the swanton off the ladder in the first tlc was extreme

Similar spots to both of these were done at this year's Money in the Bank ladder match. What more do you want? What difference does it make if they don't bleed afterwards?!?

last years hog pen match was not it sucked and was ridiculous

Do you honestly think they were going for any more than this? It was for entertainment purposes... not to seem like a real match. Get over it.

you get my drift i think most adult long term fans will have an image in there minds of what extreme is similar to mine so i think extreme rules will be just anuver dissapointment and in a way false advertising as nothing extreme will happen at all

I'm an adult that has been a fan of the product for over 25 years and I'm 100% entertained by what I watch every week. The WWE's product is better than it's been for the past five years, and you STILL aren't satisfied because you don't see any blood. Now THAT'S ridiculous.
mick foley going off the cell at king of the ring was extreme

jeff hardy doing the swanton off the ladder in the first tlc was extreme

last years hog pen match was not it sucked and was ridiculous

WWE still does big dangerous spots, so i don't know what you are talking about. Last year Jeff and Punk damn near killed each other in the tlc match. Even this year, money in the bank was physical will big spots. There just isn't any blood. Why is that not extreme? I don't remember any blood in those hardy/ dudley/ edge & christian matches either. Foley didn't bleed when he got thrown off the cell either. Taker bled later, but who cares about what happened to taker in that match, it was about the bumps foley took. You can do extreme without blood.
The No Blood policy really doesn't bother me all that much anymore. For a long time, a lot of wrestling insiders, fans and even members of the mainstream media were up the WWE's collective ass because it did so little to look out for the health of the wrestlers working for the company. All that scrutiny and criticism only increased after what happened with Chris Benoit and his family. It's a shame that something like that had to happen in order to get the WWE to open its eyes and become more proactive towards watching out for its wrestlers, but at least some good has come out of it.

I will admit that there are some matches in which blood does add a little extra spice, but it's not something that I have to have. You can still have drama, interesting characters and great matches without blood. There are too many fans that are simply unrealistic and actually do want it all, but it's not going to happen. The WWE banned chair shots to the head and it's great because all you have to have is a little common sense to know that such things can be dangerous. You have some fans that don't particularly care about the health of the wrestlers, they just wanna see the bloodiest spectacle they can see. They want to see a cock fight in which people are used in place of chickens. In my view, those people aren't real fans. They just want to see some kind of a freak show.

There are still dangerous high spots pulled off in the WWE, people are still put through tables, people still have steel chairs, lead pips, sledgehammers, etc. all taken to them in matches sometimes.
Blood really isn't a be all end all for effective "extreme " matches. As someone stated earlier, none of the classic TLC matches had blood in them.

Just as an after thought , if WWE wanted to do something cool with the extreme rules PPV, they should have the one show not PG. Just to add to the whole concept of being extreme. It would make more sense if the PPV name was "Night of Extreme", but it's just an idea.Would put it over as having more intense matches than any other night of the year, due to tension between superstars after Wrestlermania.If they advertised it before hand as being not suitable for younger viewers than they would be fine.

Not like it would matter, kids would still watch it anyways.

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