Friendly Neighborhood
I say this as a fan of the occasional blood spot; if you say you need blood, you've made me sick.
After everything else these guys give for their craft; their knees, backs, joints and the rest of their body, you need their blood?! This is completely asinine! Watch Kurt Angle walk to the ring these days, with clear pain in the knees, and tell me you need his blood. How about Villano III, did you need his blood?
Scar tissue is worth it, though, right? You needed the blood after all.
You can reference the 80's through 00's all you want, but those were more naive times. You are blatantly ignoring modern evidence of disease transmission. Jack-Hammer referenced the Abdullah incident. The wrestler in question was named Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson. I'd advise anyone who needs to see blood watch the documentary about that incident. It's on youtube.
You can reference the need to maintain kayfabe, ie when a head is slammed against a cage; we suspend our disbelief every Monday night. Can you truly not go this one extra half-step?
As I prefaced this all, I am a fan of the occasional bloodspot. I'd estimate it would belong in >1% of matches, after controlled blood testing both athletes. However, if I never saw a bloodspot again, I wouldn't lose sleep. If people who work in the business have decided it's an unnecessary risk, I'm going to assume that they know a whole lot more about it than I do and reconcile my entertainment to that decision.
I look forward to any replies from people who need the blood, but if you want me to take you seriously, I'd advise you don't use any smilies.
After everything else these guys give for their craft; their knees, backs, joints and the rest of their body, you need their blood?! This is completely asinine! Watch Kurt Angle walk to the ring these days, with clear pain in the knees, and tell me you need his blood. How about Villano III, did you need his blood?

Scar tissue is worth it, though, right? You needed the blood after all.
You can reference the 80's through 00's all you want, but those were more naive times. You are blatantly ignoring modern evidence of disease transmission. Jack-Hammer referenced the Abdullah incident. The wrestler in question was named Devon "Hannibal" Nicholson. I'd advise anyone who needs to see blood watch the documentary about that incident. It's on youtube.
You can reference the need to maintain kayfabe, ie when a head is slammed against a cage; we suspend our disbelief every Monday night. Can you truly not go this one extra half-step?
As I prefaced this all, I am a fan of the occasional bloodspot. I'd estimate it would belong in >1% of matches, after controlled blood testing both athletes. However, if I never saw a bloodspot again, I wouldn't lose sleep. If people who work in the business have decided it's an unnecessary risk, I'm going to assume that they know a whole lot more about it than I do and reconcile my entertainment to that decision.
I look forward to any replies from people who need the blood, but if you want me to take you seriously, I'd advise you don't use any smilies.