Blizzard/End of the Freakin' World

Meanwhile, I get to enjoy 85 degrees of beautiful weather down here in South Florida.

I just saw Lighting for the first time in a couple of years. I almost shit myself when the flash lit up my living room. I am completely sure that this is the end of the world.

Nice knowing you guys.
I'm in Southeastern Ohio, and we got somewhat strong winds (30 mph gusts at most) and some rain showers last night. Guess we got off lucky. The worst snow amount we've recieved all year is 6-7 inches.
No snow here in the H,but it's 27 degrees outside. That NEVER happens. Rolling blackouts all over the place. I wish I could get some poontang before the world ended,but oh well.
We're hopefully getting it tomorrow, midnight actually! I love big snow storms so I'm looking forward to what this brings.
The snowpocalypse is upon us...

I'm not sure how much snow we've gotten so far other than it's too damn much, I literally have run out of room the pile the snow every time I have to shovel, and the street in front of my house is now only wide enough for one lane of traffic
About 20 inches in Chicago with drifts about five feet high. I've never seen lightning and heard thunder during a snow storm before last night. Thank God my friend has a snow plow. I was stuck inside all day (which was fine with me) but he just left my place about an hour ago. Took him five minutes to clear my driveway.
About 20 inches in Chicago with drifts about five feet high.

Not exactly sure how much new snow we got, but already had close to six inches on the ground before last night. I would bet it's about 15-20 inches, on the ground right now.

I was stuck inside all day (which was fine with me) but he just left my place about an hour ago. Took him five minutes to clear my driveway.

I attempted to leave the apartment. That lasted about 6 steps outside of the building, and I turned back. As a result of being snowed in, I have spent far too much time on WZ today :)
Pretty bad up here in Maine. We got around 15-20 in today and are supposed to get another 10-15 tomorrow. My entire family war out shoveling, and it still took up 2 hours. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
I hate snow...I don't even like that shit touching me. If it snows more than 2 inches, I got really pissed and grouchy.

I cannot stand Winter. I don't give a shit about snowmobiling, ice-fishing, or any of that garbage. If stocked up properly, I could easily stay inside from late-November through April 1st.
The closest thing to snow I've ever seen in real live is the scrapings from the freezer at work. :icon_neutral:
About 20 inches in Chicago with drifts about five feet high. I've never seen lightning and heard thunder during a snow storm before last night. Thank God my friend has a snow plow. I was stuck inside all day (which was fine with me) but he just left my place about an hour ago. Took him five minutes to clear my driveway.

Chicago is screwed right now. Complete "State of Emergency" going on all over the place.

My ex lives around the Chicago area, and one of her friends had to abandon their car along that long stretch of highway - they showed highlights of it on the news tonight, it's like an endless line of cars just covered and buried in snow drifts.. on a fucking interstate/highway, no less.

It'll take close to a week to recover from this, and I can't imagine how businesses will work.

Speaking of which, I live roughly 10-15 minutes from a main Highway, in a small town.. the road from here to the Highway is completely buried under snow and snow drifts, ranging from a couple inches, to upwards of 3-4 feet. My Wife was told she MUST be at work tomorrow, otherwise she'll be fired.

She works at 6a.m., so she has no alternative but to leave around 4:30 in the morning, just to attempt making it on time.
Speaking of which, I live roughly 10-15 minutes from a main Highway, in a small town.. the road from here to the Highway is completely buried under snow and snow drifts, ranging from a couple inches, to upwards of 3-4 feet. My Wife was told she MUST be at work tomorrow, otherwise she'll be fired.

She works at 6a.m., so she has no alternative but to leave around 4:30 in the morning, just to attempt making it on time.

So let me get this straight, your wifes boss would fire the mother of two young children simply because she can't make it into work due to extreme weather conditions, something that could be considered and "act of god"? Shitty, I can get away with pretty much anything where I work, so if I'm running more than 15 mins. late I just call and and let them know and I can take as much time as I want to get to work
So let me get this straight, your wifes boss would fire the mother of two young children simply because she can't make it into work due to extreme weather conditions, something that could be considered and "act of god"? Shitty, I can get away with pretty much anything where I work, so if I'm running more than 15 mins. late I just call and and let them know and I can take as much time as I want to get to work

Here's the thing.. on Monday, the day before all of this was due to hit, yet everyone pretty much knew it was coming; her job had a meeting of all employee's. They informed EVERYONE that "weather related issues" will not be proper excuses for missing work.

They said since everyone was well aware of the forth-coming storm, that they should make the extra steps needed to either trade shifts, or figure out places to stay if you live out of town.

Erin traded her Tuesday shift for a Thursday shift. Mainly because we knew the storm would hit Tuesday, and be gone by Mid-Wednesday. Well, I suppose we didn't factor in how slow it'd take to recover from the amount of snowfall we got.

The storm completely shut down Iowa throughout all of Tuesday to the point that the fucking Iowa State Patrol issued a State wide order that ANYONE caught out in this, driving, regardless of any other reason than a life-threatening emergency, would be ticketed and fined heavily.

There is a State-wide ban on towing right now. In other words, you get stuck in a ditch - your ass is there until all of this is melted and gone, or at least gone enough to not put anyone else in danger of dragging you out.

Erin is not going to stay in a town that is 30 minutes away from her home, and pay who knows what for hotel costs - all because her job wanted to wait until the day before the biggest snow-storm this winter, to say "calling in due to the weather is unacceptable." Unfortunately, in Iowa a business can fire you over any reason they want - weather included - unless it's regarding anything illegal, such as race, or sex.

So she pretty much has no alternative. It's "risk your life" or "hope you can collect unemployment".
2012 is coming upon us ;)

Then I guess it's a good thing I live in the MIDDLE of the Country, safe from every natural known disaster that that movie predicted would happen. :p

We live an hour away from a military research lab/underground ammo base. I have a bigger fear of dying from an unexplainable explosion that wipes half of Iowa off the map - more than I will ever fear the Ocean will reach this far in-land.
I'm hoping you tell her to tell her work where to go. Fuck working for a bastard like that Williby.
My last job had a bunch of employees that came in from out of town, if the got stuck in town then the company would pay for their hotel, of course they would put them up in the cheapest shit hole in town but still they got you a hotel room, you were responsible for your own meals though

BUt yeah what they're doing to Erin is pretty fucked up, hopefully she's able to get to work safely. SD has the whole "we can fire you for whatever the fuck we want" bullshit too, and unfortunately my GF seems to fall victim to that often, thankfully she got a good social worker that has set her up pretty well,
I'm hoping you tell her to tell her work where to go. Fuck working for a bastard like that Williby.

Yeah but kids cost money, and the economy is shit, trying to find another job is not easy by any stretch of the imagination right now
Yeah but kids cost money, and the economy is shit, trying to find another job is not easy by any stretch of the imagination right now

And explaining to your next employer that you lost your job at the previous one because "they were unfair" isn't a proper, or logical, way to go about getting hired.

In all of the times I've been employed by various places, only once was I fired - and ironically enough, it was due to false allegations that thankfully I'm able to provide more information on being false, than that employer's ability to provide information on it being fact.

Either way, having something such as that on your record - it makes new employer's questionable on hiring you, because whether you did something or not, you stirred something up enough to cause the trouble to go through it.

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