I'm a little bit confused here. Does Corgan have any shares in TNA or not?
According to Carter and TNA, no. As part of the loan agreement(s), Corgan would have been entitled to 36% ownership of TNA if he was not paid by November 1. TNA and Anthem are ready and willing to pay him, so he has no claim to ownership shares.
According to Corgan, yes. According to Corgan, TNA becoming (or maybe being) insolvent means the Pledge Agreement gives him the right to take voting control of Dixie Carter's TNA shares and take over management of the company. In early October, he sent TNA and Carter letters notifying them that TNA was insolvent, he was taking over, removing Dixie Carter etc as the management of TNA and placing himself in charge.
The pledge Agreement is unclear to us in a couple of ways.
1. Is this sort of agreement (where the creditor has the right to foreclose for reasons besides non-payment of scheduled debt) legal in Tennessee? TNA says no. Obviously Corgan says yes.
2. (If the PA is kosher) What exactly does the PA entitle Corgan to claim--control of Dixie Carter's TNA shares, or ownership of Dixie Carter's TNA shares?
2a. IF it's control of Dixie's TNA shares, well that's weird that the 36% owner would overrule the 50+% owner.
2b. If it's ownership of the shares, that seems to run against the part(s) of the contract where the security for the debt was 36% of TNA.
IANAL, so hell if I know.
(My early October date is shaky--it pretty much has to be after BFG and the Impact tapings where Corgan ran Impact, but I can't find the date right now. It was probably within days of filing the lawsuit.)
I would assume that the man isn't stupid and if he was going to fund them in any way, shape or form, wouldn't he have had it either written or verbal that he has some stake in the company? So if he has a stake then he might have a claim.
From what has come out, he loaned TNA (and/or Dixie Carter) money with the clause that if he was not repaid, he could claim partial ownership of TNA. (There were three rounds of Corgan-lending-money, with the amount owed and the percent at stake increasing each time, say from 10% to 20% to 36%. I made up the first two numbers just to give an example, the third number is the actual amount from somewhere in the documents that came out.)
At the same time, Carter and TNA were also negotiating to sell TNA to some combination of Aroluxe, Anthem and Corgan. And, behind Corgan's back (and probably Aroluxe and Anthem's), there were also feelers sent back and forth between WWE and TNA.
And, finally, according to something Corgan submitted to the court, there was a deal reached between Anthem, TNA, Aroluxe and Carter to sell 85% of TNA to Anthem and put an Aroluxe employee as CEO for 3 years. Oh, and this deal is not being finalized before November 1 in order to avoid paying Corgan a Transaction Premium he's entitled to if someone else buys TNA before his loan gets repaid.
I mean did he just hand over money to TNA and expect nothing in return for doing so? Have any of us seen his contract with TNA
No one has seen the key documents themselves, but wrestling journalists have seen the exhibits Corgan and TNA/Carter submitted, they've watched each side's presentation in open court, and Nate Rau of The Tennesseean ( @tnnaterau ) livetweeted the proceedings.
I think what happened is that Corgan tried to loan-shark TNA, lending them money knowing they wouldn't be able to repay it, and when the loan came due extracting more power and ownership. He did the same thing before Bound For Glory, figuring that Dixie Carter would have to cave and sell him a majority stake so that she could keep at least a minority stake, or watch the company shut down and she's on the hook to Corgan for a personal loan. (I'm pretty sure there was a Corgan-to-Carter loan in there somewhere.
I'm not saying that to criticize Corgan, it was the only way he was going to end up with control of TNA and a spot on television, something Dixie Carter has been unwilling to give up.
Dixie Carter found a bigger shark in Anthem.
For his sake and the wrestlers at TNA I hope he does come out with something and Carter loses it all.
Would you be satisfied with Corgan getting his money back plus extra, and Carter handing the company over to Anthem in returning for Anthem paying off Corgan and everyone else TNA owes money to?
And, would you be satisfied with all that if Dixie Carter keeps 5% ownership, the title of TNA President and an on-screen commissioner role?