Bill lesnar asks why do Indy wrestlers think they are intitled to success?

Bill Lesnar

Occasional Pre-Show
Bill lesnar has been thinking and he has this to say.

Indy wrestlers ala the Hardys, Kaval..Mercury etc are all top notch with what they do in the ring (maybe not fatt hardy but he thinks he is) and get this huge fanbase as they known for pulling great looking moves and hving more than 5 moves. Fans love them for this and accusse guys like Cena of having less talent inring than this guys.

Loser Omega guys like Helms and Hardy think they are the shit and deserve big pushes in the wwe becuase they are supposebly better than Cena at the wrestling sie of things. remember these dicks had the cheek to bash HBk over his relegious beliefs and Hardy used his crappy personal life to get his job back. These guys thought that they wernt used well by Vince and were passed over by guys like Cena who apparently are only pushed because of thier marketability. What Bill lesnar is trying to get at, is that thier fans think they are better than anyone else, and the wrestlers themselves think thye automatically merit a big push (helms knocked HBKs inring skills ffs) these guys accuse WWE guys of being hard drug users and are pushed because of their look even though most indy workers go hard on drugs themselves..

Now Cena, before he adopted the wwe style, was agreat wrestler could hang with anyone...indy fans seem to forget this. the guy is a better wrestler than any of these guys. he knows a fuck loads of grapples and holds, and had to drop them for the good of the business. Watch Kaval get dumped out of the wwe because unlike Cena he can adopt to Vinces preffered style. These indy guys struggle to cut a decent promo (wwe style), yet the indy fans accuse guys like cena because he is boring on the mic, even though hes saying what creative told him to say.

Bill lesnars main point is that maybe these indy fans need to shut the fuck up and take a strong look at these bitchy indy guys (Omega guys are the worst). They arnt as good as your Cenas and Batistas in the ring (WWE style), and outside of the ring (promoting, conducting themselves in public).

So Bill lesnar asks why these wankers and their fans feel that they are intiled to success and are never being used properly?, the indy wrestlers and their fans expect a main event push to drop into their laps when do they really deserve it?

Punk is the only real exception to this.
Daniel Bryan is also an exception. As of right now anyways.

I think the answer to your question Bill is that they believe their own hype. They see people on the internet make all kinds of fan sites and praise them for what they can do in the ring, not realizing that none of it means shit in the big leagues. They expect the treatment they get from their hardcore fan base from everybody. Indy wrestling and WWE wrestling are completly different, and most aren't willing to change or conform to another style. They need to wake up and realize that succes in WWE only depends on what you do in WWE.

As for the actual fans, we all have different tastes in wrestling. Some like high spots dominating a match, others like psychology.

Good post by the way. Nice to see you post seriously.
Bill lesnar has also noticed Arkham, Charlie Haas being a bitch over kavals release. These guys are too much.

These guys think they are entitled to greatness because they are good at wrestling in the ring. There is more to it than that. They can think what they want as they make no money. Noboy cares about their complaining.
These guys think they are entitled to greatness because they are good at wrestling in the ring. There is more to it than that. They can think what they want as they make no money. Nobody cares about their complaining.

Exactly. Bill lesnar is just sick of seeing these hacks think there the shit (lets see what Kaval has too say on twitter, lets hope hes the humble guy he appears to be on t.v). Bill lesnar agrees with everything you said. Bryan has only be there since February, so hes unproven as you have said, but as time goes on he will be wrestling more and more of a wwe style just like Benoit did..therefore hes going to have to really hone his promo skills and connect with far hes on the right track, but lets wait and see if hes still entertaining in 2 years. WWE is high on him and are giving him angles to work on his personality (this new ladies man gimmick and the nerd stuff) because they do see Potential. Punk the guy who did something other guys failed to do, and thats change and be a success in the wwe were slammed by those jealous hardys. They are a prime example of these whiny Indy guys who think they are better than everyone else

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