Bill Lesnar answers wrestling questions

Lee, Bill Lesnar's thoughts on the quote are simple. Bill Lesnar just said that special circumstances change rules.
Stretching out Reigns vs Amrbrose (face vs face) for a year? Bold move. But you've always been a bold guy, Bill.
Stretching out Reigns vs Amrbrose (face vs face) for a year? Bold move. But you've always been a bold guy, Bill.

Bill Lesnar just said they don't fued until the Mania Build up. They are always close, but there is no contact. They are blood brothers after all.

Bill Lesnar just wants a Mania Main Event where:

Two clear biggest faces/stars in the company go face to face for the first time ever. Maybe not, but WWE will play off like that. Both guys came through at the same time, 5 years ago when Mania hits. Bill Lesnar sees a 50/50 split for the fans. No one knows who will win. Unpredictable. Both guys are red hot. Title on the line. To see who is the better man.

Rumors swirling that Strowman vs Undertaker is in the works for Wrestlemania.
Bill Lesnar does not care. Bill Lesnar thinks the Royal Rumble winner should always be guaranteed the Wrestlemania main event. The title was not defended last year, and to Bill Lesnar's knowledge it has been like that in previous years.
Should they have dropped Miz attempting to align himself with Neville?

I continue to maintain that Neville with a mouthpiece like that would be the right direction to go. At the very least, it gave an undercard babyface with a huge upside something to do on TV for a few weeks. We need more of that.
Bill Lesnar thinks they should have kept it going. He was entertained by it. Bill Lesnar hates the name 'Neville' though.
Milenko, Bill Lesnar does not like the name Adrian Neville. He also doesn't care for British Wrestlers. Bill Lesnar is not a fan of Wade Barrett for instance. Bill Lesnar thinks that had Neville been given a better name, maybe he could be elevated further. Bill Lesnar just said that a good name is one of the most important things a sports entertainer can have.

Bill Lesnar also enjoys seeing old faces.
Wade's got a lot of offer as a talker.

And if they could be arsed to give us a reason to care, he's not half bad in the ring.

Of course I'm predisposed to liking Bullhammer-esque strikes.

Not a discussion worth having regardless. Injuries have killed his career. There's a stink on him now in spite of the favourable booking he continually receives upon return.

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