Biggest Superstar... RIGHT NOW

Sorry, what a dumb question :banghead: or was it retorical?
Cena is the "biggest draw" whether Rock and Austin, Triple H are around or not, since atleast 50% of the crowd nowadays are kiddies

Austin/Rock are short term draw cards, if they went full time they'd outshine Cena tenfold, maybe. Depends if they had to be Play School like aswel.

Miz isn't even consideration, he's only just got rolling and really was better as chaser to the title, now he's just chump change.

PS i beg to differ
Big Show is the biggest superstar overall right now and has been since Andre The Giant died :rolleyes:
Great Khali and Giant Ghonzales don't count they were never "superstars"
Part of me wants to say "yes", but a larger part of me wants to say "no". When Wrestlemania 28 rolls around next April 1st, people are buying the pay-per-view because The Rock will be main eventing... and actually wrestling !

Well obviously. He hasn't wrestled in seven years. During his time in the WWE he was way over and one of the company's biggest stars. So when he says he's gonna wrestle a year from now and it's against the company's biggest superstar, you can bet people will buy WM28 for that reason and that reason alone.

If Cena retired and returned seven years later and announced he'd be taking on whoever the E's biggest star is in the future at Wrestlemania, I'd expect that a lot of people would be stoked on that as well. Remember Royal Rumble 2008? People mark the fuck out when a wrestler makes a return, especially one that has been gone for that long.

Back to the original question, is John Cena the face of the WWE ? And it's important to understand that I'm not saying he's not the future of the company... I'm just wondering if he's been upstaged by the other guys at this point ?

Being upstaged doesn't take away from the fact that he's still the biggest superstar. Sure, he's upstaged at times by others who are better in ring or on mic but he pretty consistently delivers exactly what his fans want from him. And the guy has been pulling his weight promo-wise in the current Rock feud. He's an incredibly polarizing figure - people hate him or they love him and there's not much in between. That's what keeps his name in people's mouths time and time again.
I agree with the first poster, the girl topless isn't the issue, she'd just be better off with a paperbag over her head.

Cena IS the biggest superstar right now, for the simple fact that, yes, Rock and Austin are making appearances, but they aren't active members of the roster. Cena is. Rock and Austin might be showing up more, but Cena is still the one representing the company, he's still the face, he's still on top. The very fact that he was already announced as in the main event of next years Mania should prove me right; he's at the top.

sounds to me this is someone who has never met a hot chick other than his pillow at night.. :banghead: With that said CENA is the best right now NO ONE puts more of themselves into the company than he does. He in my eyes has earned the top spot!!!!
I love how almost have of this thread has been about the op's sig. classic.

its obviously cena right now. the rock is not a full time wrestler, if he was, it would be the rock hands down. cena would not stand a chance. but... the rock is not full time. he has come back, but he still has his movies so he cant wrestle full time. i see him becoming like what taker is. make appearances here and there and only at big ppv's to make it special.

side note: i really hope that the rock wrestles before mania against someone else. id love to see him layenth the smackdown on someones candyass.
Unfortunately it's Cena by quite a bit.

He's the one receiving the torch from Rock at next year's Mania, not anyone else. Simple as that.

I think WWE's biggest superstar right now, and for the last 10 years, is Undertaker.

Who else can have a singles match at Wrestlemania, with any guy on the roster, and have it be the main event. Everyone knows Taker and I think he, along with the streak, bypass Cena, Hunter, Rock, Miz, and Austin.
Cena is the BIGGEST draw WWE has right now and with the main event for WM 28 already made with CENA n ROCK it looks like he's gona be the BIGGEST draw next year aswel and if ur not down with that i've got 2 words for ya!!! and about that SIG come on REALLY whats the problem honestly how does it offend you WHY does it offend you i think it's the best i've seen but maybe thats bcos i'm:icon_twisted:
JLM, have a glass of concrete and harden the fuck up. Everybody loves a good set of puppies!

The general concensus is that Cena is the biggest and I agree (I'm a Cena hater but he's fantastic to watch) but IMO when the Rock graces us with his presence I believe he's the biggest by far. He doesn't have to wrestle when he appears to electrify his audience, he left for seven years only to return still as the people's champion before he even spoke a word.

I also think that the Miz and CM Punk have the ability to take that title in years to come. The Miz, whilst not the best wrestler, is so quick and witty that people piss themselvee laughing shen they should be booing him. WM28 definately changed my opinion of him for the better. CM Punk will be champion soon. He's got a fantastic gimmick, he's a great wrestler and I believe he could easily turn face at any point and get a the most positive crowd reaction out of anyone if it is done right.

In summary, more puppies please.
Cena's the face of the company because Vince has made him the face of the company. Hes the franchise and even though hes getting booed now more than ever he was automatically put in the same program as The Rock. Hes getting outshined by guys like CM Punk, Morrison, and Orton but hes still the face of the company no doubt. The only reason it looks like a transitional phase is because all these legends have returned and we're all eager for a comback, which to be honest with you right now is not gunna happen. Stone Cold is there stictly for Tough Enough, Booker for announcing, Taker and Undertaker to close their careers, and it should be quite obvious after hearing that next years Mania will be in Miami and that The Rock might get inducted into the HOF why hes there. These guys arent gunna come back full time, maybe a match at some major ppv like Summerslam but thats about it. Thanks to all these guys coming back the Cena transformation (his character has been long overdo for a change of some sort) has been pushed back. Its only a matter of time before he gets back on top.
Back to the original question, is John Cena the face of the WWE ? And it's important to understand that I'm not saying he's not the future of the company... I'm just wondering if he's been upstaged by the other guys at this point ?

Yes he is the face of the WWE. None of the veterans are coming back to wrestle full time.

Has he been upstaged? HELL NO! John Cena has proved over the last few weeks that he can hang with anyone, Rock included.
Cena as much as I dislike him he's 1 of the most over guys in bussines whether you love him or hate him he gets a reaction out of ya and the dude is a cash cow.

P.S. OP LOVE the sig dude wonder if anybody is gonna hate on me formy sig lol
Right now unfortunately john cena is technically top dog but my top guy my fave is cm punk.....the guy is athletic and versatile and cuts some damn good promise....he deserves more titles.....
And by the way who is that woman in your sig....she is amazingly beautiful
For the foreseeable future, Cena is the face of the WWE. He's the top guy. There's just no doubt about it. They're trying to put Miz over as legit, but I'm still not buying it. I don't know if I ever will. I'm not sure who I see as the next big thing. Orton might be able to supplant Cena if they give him the right push. Put the right story together and Edge could. If they could get JoMo's running on all cylinders (new gimmick?), I think he could. It's just going to be hard to replace Cena as the number one guy because he has the love of the kids and ladies. That's hard to beat.
While I certainly won't argue that Cena is extremely marketable and indeed the face of the company, I think we are forgetting about the question here.
Who is the WWE's biggest superstar? The same man it has been for the past decade, The Undertaker.

Yes he's aging, yes he works about 5 matches a year, but the phenom always draws. His match is the one everyone looks to first on the mania card for this very reason. Kids love the gimmick, grown marks as well. Even the smart marks respect and appreciate what he has and continues to do for the buisness. Cena may be the most marketable, but 'taker is by far, even now, they're biggest superstar.
Firstly i just want to say i love the sig! No doubt Cena is the top guy, he shifts the most merchandise, He's getting a big rub from the great one himself, and lets not forget he's super Cena,thats to name just a few reasons, in summery Cena is the top guy and will be for a long time to come!
Cena is not the man HHH and Taker have been the top dogs since the attitude era and like everyone keeps saying with the rock coming back and lets be honest he aint just gonna wrestle at wrestlemania 28 is he dont be surprised like cena and miz did you will see rock and cena win the tag titles from the corre seeing how they try to attack them on raw

Also if austin does decide to make a return to the ring which i wouldnt be surprised he will with out a doubt become the face of the wwe one more time and feud with miz and ofcourse cm punk and have one more title run even if its only a 1 or 2 month spell

But no i dont think cena is the face of the wwe
1st of all, GOD DAMN! What the FUCK is wrong with your signature? Please remove it or I will report you! GOD DAMN!!!

:wtf: I'd only forgive you if you say you're a woman.

IMO cena is only being upstaged by austin/rock because i reckon the audience have much more respect and relation to austin/rock due to there history.

Sorry if that wasn't the best reply but I only really wanted to respond to that other guy saying that signature of kelly kelly was disgusting. LOL <3

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