Biggest Superstar... RIGHT NOW


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
For the past four years (or longer), John Cena has been the biggest superstar in the WWE. Whether it's because people love him, or because people hate him, it's impossible to argue against him being the top guy.

But since The Rock and Austin have essentially returned, along with HHH coming back and Orton and Miz's crowd love / hate, is Cena still "the man" ?

Part of me wants to say "yes", but a larger part of me wants to say "no". When Wrestlemania 28 rolls around next April 1st, people are buying the pay-per-view because The Rock will be main eventing... and actually wrestling !

And call me crazy if you want, but I have a real strong feeling that Austin will pull on the black vest and wrestle someone, quite possibly The Miz. I just think he'll want to be on the same level as The Rock, not an afterthought. But I digress...

Back to the original question, is John Cena the face of the WWE ? And it's important to understand that I'm not saying he's not the future of the company... I'm just wondering if he's been upstaged by the other guys at this point ?
For the past four years (or longer), John Cena has been the biggest superstar in the WWE. Whether it's because people love him, or because people hate him, it's impossible to argue against him being the top guy.

But since The Rock and Austin have essentially returned, along with HHH coming back and Orton and Miz's crowd love / hate, is Cena still "the man" ?

Part of me wants to say "yes", but a larger part of me wants to say "no". When Wrestlemania 28 rolls around next April 1st, people are buying the pay-per-view because The Rock will be main eventing... and actually wrestling !

And call me crazy if you want, but I have a real strong feeling that Austin will pull on the black vest and wrestle someone, quite possibly The Miz. I just think he'll want to be on the same level as The Rock, not an afterthought. But I digress...

Back to the original question, is John Cena the face of the WWE ? And it's important to understand that I'm not saying he's not the future of the company... I'm just wondering if he's been upstaged by the other guys at this point ?

1st of all, GOD DAMN! What the FUCK is wrong with your signature? Please remove it or I will report you! GOD DAMN!!!

Anyway, on to the subject. Yes, John Cena is the face of the company. He is very active, shows up on every show, and overcomes every feud.

Very obvious.
I believe cena wins it only because as stale as i believe he is he is there full time. He is the breadwinner at the moment. That trumps everything. Much respect for the man who goes above and beyond blandness aside.

And what exactly is wrong with the ops signature? Im failing to see the issue coming from a low poster?

Nice question op.
Obvious, John Cena beats everyone, and he wins a lot of championships, he makes WWE a lot of money due to drawing power.

The signature is not that bad by the way, people need to to calm down.
1st of all, GOD DAMN! What the FUCK is wrong with your signature? Please remove it or I will report you! GOD DAMN!!!

Anyway, on to the subject. Yes, John Cena is the face of the company. He is very active, shows up on every show, and overcomes every feud.

Very obvious.

WTF?? I love his signature!! Dont be such a bitch, always bitching about something, Fuck you look like some weirdo and lonely guy!!!!

Now about the thread, John Cena is the face of WWE withouth doubt, he has massive heat and cheer and he works very well in the mic and in the ring!!
Right now he is the best of WWE, and dont fucking doubt about that!!
god damn that signature isnt that bad lol its amazing IMO but to the actual question from the OP the biggest superstar right now is john cena he as said before brings the WWE the most money and the kids love his fruity pebbles colored shirts lol even if he cant do more then 5 moves inside the ring.
At the moment I would say there are only two people in the WWE who're worth the Superstar status - John Cena and The Miz.

To be a true wrestling superstar along the lines of those like Hulk Hogan and The Rock, IMO I think you need to be able to hold a strong presence outside of the WWE. When you can supersede the wrestler status and be recognised by those who don't have any interest in wrestling, then you're a superstar.

Obviously being a draw counts as well and there's been no real long-time period where the WWE hasn't been without John Cena and that's because he's the biggest draw, the biggest superstar that the WWE has. The Miz is not far behind though. His previous status as a reality star and regular appearances on the chat show circuit, he's defiantly the future.
Its a picture of a girl covering herself up, whats the big deal? Anyways, its obvious Cena is still the biggest superstar currently. Just because the Rock came back doesn't bump Cena down a notch. In the past few years Cena has been number 1 and still is to Vince and alot of fans out there. The Rock is just being used for ratings, and money and this point. Cena is the same way but hes for a bit more then that.
Cena...if Rock gets back into it on a regular basis, we might have a discussion. I do not see Miz reaching the level of The Rock in a year. He's done very well, but has kind of plateaued. The WM win didn't seem to do a whole lot to make him any's still early, so we shall see. I don't really see any true face who is nearing that level. Orton has faltered as a face, he's just a natural heel...Punk is a great heel, we'll see where the year takes him. But I don't think anyone is threatening the level of Cena right now.
John Cena may be the biggest name in the WWE today, but that is only because he is known by everyone, wrestling fan or not. The greatest WWE fans know that The Miz is the true face of the company now. That is my opinion. The Miz established himself as the new face of the company Sunday night at Wrestlemania 27 and on this past Monday Night Raw. Whether you agree with me or not, I feel that the Miz is the new big thing.

I don't count The Rock because he is not a wrestler at this point in time. He is just doing promos and he will probably not be around much until Wrestlemania 28.

The Miz is the new face of the WWE.
1st of all, GOD DAMN! What the FUCK is wrong with your signature? Please remove it or I will report you! GOD DAMN!!!

Anyway, on to the subject. Yes, John Cena is the face of the company. He is very active, shows up on every show, and overcomes every feud.

Very obvious.

Wow way to over react hugely mate. You'll see just as sexual things in 90% of chocolate adverts. Stop being offended for the sake of being offended.

At the moment Cena is being out staged by the Rock and Austin but thats just because the Rock and Austin have only recently returned and are therefore still new and exciting. Plus I imagine in two years time they'll both be back to retirement and Cena will be wrestling every day of the year he can.

So yea Cena is the face of the company.
Who's the biggest superstar in the WWE today? I have to say John Cena. It's obvious, and if you wanna know why read all the comments above.

Who's the biggest superstar in WWE today if you count the semi-active Rock? Of course it's The Rock. I think the past weeks have shown that. So if The Rock decides to stay for a while, be sure he'll outdo Cena in every aspect (except for being the kid favorite). And if you think that.. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!

And just to note, if somebody asks this question in a year, I hope I'll be able to answer "The Miz". All he needs is some good booking.
cena is the biggest name/face of the company for one simple fact - they already announced his match for next year's wrestlemania. i don't recall them ever doing it a year in advance (other then that mr kennedy/money in the bank thing which fell through). all year long, that is something they are going to be bringing up time after time so cena will always be in the limelight. not that it is a bad thing - austin was the main guy back in the 90's yet rock, hhh, mankind all held the title and made names for themselves. miz, morrison, del rio, etc can all do the same thing even though cena is the face of the company. his dedication to the company over the last 7 years or so is why and no one else has been that dedicated. doesn't mean it will last forever but we will probably have him on top for a few more years.
I agree with the first poster, the girl topless isn't the issue, she'd just be better off with a paperbag over her head.

Cena IS the biggest superstar right now, for the simple fact that, yes, Rock and Austin are making appearances, but they aren't active members of the roster. Cena is. Rock and Austin might be showing up more, but Cena is still the one representing the company, he's still the face, he's still on top. The very fact that he was already announced as in the main event of next years Mania should prove me right; he's at the top.
John Cena is the face of the company and the biggest star because theres nobody else in the company who can take that ball. If Brock Lesner never left, John Cena would have never became a huge star. Brock would be the face of the company right now, along with kurt angle if he never left.

The rock coming back proved one thing , if any of the older superstars , aka the rock or austin came back full time, Cena would be an after thought. From day 1 of The rock coming back , he got the entire audience to boo him out of the building everywhere he went. Now that takes skills and it shows how Cena might be a huge star, but no where near the epic level of the Rock, and probably every other huge star from the late 90s - 2000s
Cena hands down as much as it pains me its got to be John Cena. For christ sake, he is basically Hulk Hogan 25 years later. If it wasn't for him Vince would be bankrupt right now and TNA would be buying WWE (far fetched but still). By the way STFU about the sig lol if it was a 13 year old girl posing nude, he would have been kicked out of this site and arrested by now
I still see Cena as the face of the company. A big attraction of The Rock returning for another match, is that it will be against Cena.

Austin may wrestle again, but I don't think it will be at WM28. His return would be completely overshadowed by The Rock's.
No question cena. Rock IMO is the greatest overall superstar ever but cena is the golden goose. Hate the man or love him, but he's there everyday show for him to be loved or hated.
1st of all, GOD DAMN! What the FUCK is wrong with your signature? Please remove it or I will report you! GOD DAMN!!!

This is coming from a fan of an announcer who loved to scream, " Puppies!!!!!" before the PG era......

Also, never go to Europe if you think the human body is disgusting( maybe inappropriate if this forum wants to be children friendly, but hardly disgusting).

Anyway to the question at hand, Cena is still the biggest superstar. He's still being pushed as the face of the company. Even The Rock acknowledges that Cena is the face of the company( ok, maybe kayfabe).

I think Orton is more talented than Cena, but Cena is still bigger when it comes to the fans, etc.
Biggest Superstar, is John Cena, everyone knows his name, and he's the most represented superstar outside of the actual wrestling. He's been being shoved down everyone's throats for the last 5 or 6 years, and it's made him a household name. If you didn't watch wrestling, you'd know the name John Cena, and maybe Undertaker, probably not too many other active performers. Rock isn't an active performer for another year, and frankly, I don't know how he's going to wrestle via satellite.
Rock isn't an active performer for another year, and frankly, I don't know how he's going to wrestle via satellite.


This is too funny. Now back on topic ,you are right Cena is to this generation what Hogan was when i was young ( goddamn i'm old) i.e the biggest name inside and outside of the ring period.
John Cena is the face of the company and the biggest star because theres nobody else in the company who can take that ball. If Brock Lesner never left, John Cena would have never became a huge star. Brock would be the face of the company right now, along with kurt angle if he never left.

The rock coming back proved one thing , if any of the older superstars , aka the rock or austin came back full time, Cena would be an after thought. From day 1 of The rock coming back , he got the entire audience to boo him out of the building everywhere he went. Now that takes skills and it shows how Cena might be a huge star, but no where near the epic level of the Rock, and probably every other huge star from the late 90s - 2000s

You said it buddy... Brock would be the face of the company if brock never left cena would never be as big as he is right now. The rock passed the torch to brock at summerslam, and now the rock has to come back to pass it to cena.. N right now at this moment Cena is the face of the company like it or not fruity pebbles does his thing..
1st of all, GOD DAMN! What the FUCK is wrong with your signature? Please remove it or I will report you! GOD DAMN!!!

Anyway, on to the subject. Yes, John Cena is the face of the company. He is very active, shows up on every show, and overcomes every feud.

Very obvious.

Definately John Cena. The Rock and Stone Cold may be able to pull short term draws, but so does Snookie. John Cena is a long-term investment that is paying off nicely. So I have to go with him.

And I agree about the sig. I have to scroll the page to hide it so my wife doesn't think I'm looking at porn. I'm pretty sure there are ways to hide signatures though.
As much as i hate to admit it John Cena is the king of the mountain right now in WWE if not all of wrestling. He really is the new "Hulk Hogan" of this era in wrestling.
IMO it's The Miz at the moment, he's WWE Champion and after beating Cena at WM 27 I just feel he's the face of WWE at the moment even though he probably isn't in many other people's minds.

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