Biggest disappointment of the first half of 2010

Dum Dum Dudley

Alberto Del Rio's English Announcer
Pretty self explanatory title, but since its my first thread, i'll go into a bit more detail. Seeing as though we are past the half way line of 2010, i just wondered what posters thought were some disappointing aspects of WWE programming. I'll give you a few examples to get the ball rolling:

HBK retirement: I know it was his decision to make and i respect that, but i feel he could have gone on for one more year and helped guys like Sheamus, Swagger or even Kofi by giving them a feud. With him going and guys like Taker and HHH off with injuries, I feel that the guys on SD! in particular could do with a genuine legend to go with as opposed to having Show and Rey carry the brand as the veterans.

Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson release: I find this one to be particularly disappointing because he had so much potential. The whole feud with Miz/Cole and then getting 'future endevoured' just as the 'Nexus' angle gets rolling really reeks of disappointment because i would love to see how his role would have played out in Nexus. If rumours are to be believed, he could be on his way back to the 'E after his no-compete clause so they could be hope.

My personal pick is Batista getting a solid heel gimmick and then leaving. Since he turned around Autumn '09, i really began to get interested in Batista as a character. I loved how he was a big, powerhouse heel but still played the part as a cocky, arrogant weasel such as when he beat Cena at Elimination Chamber '10. I think around RR, the character was really entertaining and i was looking forward to seeing who he could go up against after Cena. Alas, he quit to alledgedly break into MMA but i believe his heel gimmick would have played out very interestingly in feuds with people like HHH (could claim to be held back in Evolution), Orton (pretty much the feud they had in '09 but roles reversed) or maybe even drafted back to SD! and feuded with guys lower on the card (very unlikely).

So, tell me what really disappointed you with the WWE product. Was it a PPV? Feud that fizzled out? Guest host that totally bombed? The choice is yours. And, to eliminate the risk of looking like a negative douche (crazy i know :suspic:), i'll make a positive thread afterwards because, believe it or not, WWE was actually entertaining this year. :icon_biggrin:
I'm going to have to with Danielson's release here... so much potential, so much build, so much attention around his NXT angle and then nothing. All for choking a guy with his tie? Really? I know he'll likely be back, it's just really annoying and unnecessary.
I'm going to have to with Danielson's release here... so much potential, so much build, so much attention around his NXT angle and then nothing. All for choking a guy with his tie? Really? I know he'll likely be back, it's just really annoying and unnecessary.

Cool avatar. Perhaps this disappointment of early 2010 will turn into the pleasant return to status quo of late 2010 if he is re-signed.

As for the disappointment, it is hard to go past Batista leaving the company. While he certainly began his heel turn last year, 2010 really showcased what the man could do as he hit his stride. His feud was Cena was perhaps the best of his career. Of course, Batista is not a young man by any stretch of the imagination, and perhaps it was better that he end his time on top and on a high note. Really, the man had feuded with most of the top faces in the WWE already, from Orton to Cena to Mysterio to Taker, and anything he could have done (e.g refuse to fight the Nexus and act like he was prior to his departure) is now being done by Sheamus, another big tall drink of water. Perhaps the least heterosexual statement I've used yet.

Other siappointments include Edge's face run, which could have really worked if he had stayed with it and stayed on Smackdown, along with Mysterio's title win over Swagger.
There's two big disappointments for me in the 2010.

First off I really started to love Batista again when he was a heel. He was having a great feud with John Cena. As well as being entertaining as hell. He kept me watching that feud eagerly. And they both put on 3 straight solid performances at 3 different Pay Per Views. I was surprised to watch how their match worked at Wrestlemania.

Batista was absolutely amazing during his heel stint in 2010. But I'm a little bit saddened that he had to leave. Especially leaving on such a note. I heard rumors that WWE jobbed out Batista because he was leaving. John benefited from looking strong. But Batista could have, or perhaps should have won at least one of the fights. Even if it meant the championship switched hands a bit too often. Or that the feud had to carry on another month.

The other thing I find incredibly disappointing was - Edge returning as a face. I absolutely loved Edge as a heel. He was one of my favorite superstars during that time. And I was hyped to see Edge back.

I was hyped for him being somewhat of a face at first. But slowly it began to get incredibly boring. His catchphrase "Spear, spear, spear" was awful. As well as the fact that when WWE turned him heel again. It was too quickly. As well as it took Vickie Guerrero to make it work properly.
As for the disappointment, it is hard to go past Batista leaving the company. While he certainly began his heel turn last year, 2010 really showcased what the man could do as he hit his stride. His feud was Cena was perhaps the best of his career. Of course, Batista is not a young man by any stretch of the imagination, and perhaps it was better that he end his time on top and on a high note.

If we were to kill two birds with one stone, i'ld have loved to see the heel Batista maybe have a program with Danielson but for a number of reasons it wouldn't have worked. Firstly, it appears the Nexus angle was planned for a while and is looking like a long term angle so we would be waiting for some time for Danielson to a) breakout of the Nexus angle and b) make his way in the ME scene. And secondly, i don't see Batista putting him over at all. I agree that it was for the best that he went out on top so doing the job for Danielson would be totally contradictory. But from what i saw in the brief 5 min match on RAW a while back, it wouldn't have totally sucked.
I agree on what has been said so far because Batista was on an all time high and I do think the changing of Edge to face then quickly heel did not make sense. He was getting over with the crowd and they could have worked with it for awhile longer and kept him on Smackdown as a face.

My other one is letting go of Mickie James. She was the one diva over with the crowd and could cut a good promo too. With Melina out and Mickie gone the divas have lacked even more personality and very few have good mic skills. I know Melina is returning soon, but hopefully they will bring back Mickie too.
My biggest disappointment for the first half of the year was seeing Jeff Hardy show up in TNA on Jan 4th. In wwe, Jeff was a huge start and presented that way, tna is low budget, and that's how he and alot of the guys look now, low budget. Hardy's feuds with Edge and CmPunk were awesome, not to mention the matches he put on with those guys. My other disappointment would have to be WM 26......take away taker vs hbk, and i had no interest in that pay per view what so ever. That match was the sole reason i bought wm.
Danielson's release is one. Though I think he'll be back soon so I can't call that one a big disappointment unless he goes to TNA or back to RoH.

Rey winning his feud with Punk. They are in serious need of main event heels and they have one in Punk so every time they had a PPV match together Punk jobbed. My only hope is Kane wins the MITB and beats the hell out of Rey.

Those would be my biggest two.
I'm going to go with something different. My biggest disappointment so far this year has to be......


You have HHH and Taker both currently off screen due to injuries. R-Truth and CM Punk have both had to pull out of MiTB matches due to injury. Orton looked weak while recovering from his separated shoulder (as you would)

Also, Edge's EPIC FAIL of a return was after, you guessed it, injury. And Batista has said that one of the reasons he left was that the injuries were mounting up.

On a positive note though, we are getting a decent looking storyline from the Taker injury, and we could get the same from HHH depending what they decide to do with him.
My personal would be : HBK's retirement, well, i know, he was old and with some injuries etc. but still, he was one of greatest entertainers in this bussiness. I also disliked Batista leaving, as heel Batista was aweeeesomeeee. Also, giving Swagger the Money in the Bank briefcase wasn't very smart move, as there were few more guys who deserved it more (Christian, Kofi...).
For me personally it would have to be Bret Hart's return. I just remember finishing that RAW and saying "Thats it? I missed Impact for that?!"

I realize that it was a buildup to Wrestlemania but I was just expecting more.
outside of the ones already listed, and there have been several great answers, i'd have to say that the WWE deciding to continue the guest host concept is my biggest disappointment. just read on this site that the plan is to continue the guest hosts, though not every week, for awhile more now. that's terrible. most of these are just bad.

honorable mentions:
1. letting go of Shelton, Carlito, Mike Knox and Mickie James
2. HBK retirement
3. Danielson release
4. Batista leaving
5. injuries -- the poster ahead of me that mentioned how injuries have affected the talent and storylines was brilliant and i agree totally
6. Edge face and heel turns
7. breaking up Cryme Tyme
I will go with a combination of Danielson's release and Bret Hart as GM, or Bret Hart beating The Miz for the US title, or Bret Hart's WM clusterf**k of a match with Vince....Actually now that I look at it...Just Bret Hart in general. I wanted so much more from his return then what I got, or the fans got (I refuse to refer to us as the wwe universe).
Rey injuring the Undertaker so now I have to watch Rey be world champ instead of Taker.

HBK's retirement night. Ric Flair got an amazing show, with everyone comming out, etc. HBK got a few videos of him shown, and then his speech, then HHH comming out and hugging him. THATS IT? He should have gotten way more then just that.

Bret Hart vs VKM....nuff said

The Miz losing the US title

Swagger losing the WHC

I could go on....
The biggesst dissapointments would be making Rey Mysterio World champion, Bret Harts return, and WWE ending the Michael Cole and daniel bryan storyline. The best thing to happen would be them getting rid of ECW they ruined it enough and finally ended it.
Mine obviously is seeing Batista leave after an incredible heel run. He will be back, maybe sooner or maybe later. There have been rumors that he is one of two things: one the GM, two he is behind the NXT guys. Both have been stated by camera men from the WWE. Who really knows how much they know.
biggest disappointement? there have been great answers but don't wanna repeat some of them, however I was completely outraged by the released of Bryan Danielson. OUTRAGED. but there's still a hope for him to come back to the E.

another disappointement: CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio feud, it was a very good feud from both wrestlers, but Rey HAD to won the freakin hair vs SES match. I just can't understand how Punk could agree of having his head shaved!:wtf: lol for me it's personal cause something like that happened to me, and I know how horrible is looking to the mirror being bald after you had long hair lol

and I think the biggest disppointement is: the Randy Orton/Edge feud! I had so much expectations with that one! 2 of the biggest stars that the E has to offer. I was looking forward for that one cause they had that feud back in '04 and then when Rated-RKO ended. but both ended abruptly. and now that both of them are faces of the E (obviously not a la Cena) it was going to be soooo good. damn you Randy Orton's shoulder, damn you!

looking forward for your next thread man! ;)
There has been a lot of disappontiments in the WWE so far this, year, For me, most of the first half of the year was just dissappontiments every time we turned around, But I have to say that its getting better here within the last couple weeks to months, so. for me a couple are 1. The Tag Team Division wasnt really all that great in the first half, and im looking for it to get better, they should give it more focused, and cont to try to build it up, and 2. Rivals.. Every week we would tune in to see the same guys facing each other, and everyone else really getting no push.. Here lately though we are seeing more wrestlers getting a little push. I do like how they seem to let the same guy be the Champions without the belt trading hands every week, but i would like to see the same guys have to go through Hell to be the Champions. I am also really loving the NEXUS angle, just because its new and different, lets just hope it doesnt end up as a dissappointed too.. And the new GM angle is going good as for me anyways..
I think the biggest dissappointment of 2010 so far would have to be Jack Swagger getting a HUGE he went from jobber (he lost to Santino) to World Champion. Yes WWE needs young, fresh talent but JACK THWAGGER??? Uncalled for.

Sure, Swagger has decent in-ring skills but you can't take him seriously with his lisp, which just makes him even more annoying.
I would have to agree with you there SESmember,, Swagger was totally a disappointment because of the way it happen.. There is better guys on SD that can put on a better match that could even be a better Champion, Now Dont get me wrong, Im glad they are giving a young talent a push, But he would have made a better Champ if he actually had to fight for the belt to start with..
My biggest disappointment would have to be Swagger winning the title. He went from jobbing the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, winning MitB, becoming a champion a few weeks later. That really upset me.

Another disappointment would have to be injuries in general. Except for the Taker injury. I love Taker, but his injury put Kane in a great storyline which he really needed. His promo at Takers funeral was amazing.
I would also agree with Batista leaving the WWE and Edge's return as a face.

Batista was doing some of the best work he has ever done in the WWE, both in the ring and on the mic and he was by far the best heel in the company. I guess maybe we could look at it as a positive that Batista left on a high though.

Edge's face return was a joke IMO. He came back and won the Rumble in a heelish fashion, turned into a very boring face, with all that boring talk about the spear, didn't win the title and then turned heel again a few weeks later.

Honourable mentions would go to Triple H's injury during a potentially strong feud with Sheamus and Daniel Bryan's release after the beginning of the Nexus angle.
My biggest disappointment thus far in 2010 has been Bret Hart, hands down. When he came back I thought it was going to be a fantastic showcase for the Hitman, 12+ years of pent up anger and frustration would make for some classic tv spots, but it turned out to be one big stumbling, incoherent mess. He was just plain "turrible" on the mic, he couldn't talk in a complete sentence to save his life. There was at least four occasions he called it the WWF. He had no ability to act out any segment he was involved in up to and including his over the 36-chair salute to McMahon at WM26. (sans the burying the hatchet with HBK). The limo accident/broken leg didn't pan out, his involvement with Cena certainly failed, with the Hart Dynasty he seemed out of place, he sucked it up as GM. His best segment may have came courtesy of Nexus when they turned him into a human pinball machine in the back of a smashed up limo. I know Bret had his stroke and he went through quite a few rough years, so I can't fault the man for that, but it's like he was like he had two stone feet in the ring, he couldn't perform a realistic looking move much less sell one. I marked out a little when he fell off the turnbuckle when he tried jump up on it after stealing the US Title from the Miz... it was funny, sue me. All in all, I believe the Bret Hart experiment failed, it's definitely not overwhelming, but overall it was a huge disappointment to me.
In all honesty, the only thing that I've really been disappointed in has been the release of Bryan Danielson. I think that it was a foolish move on the part of the WWE and I think that the WWE is very fortunate that Danielson's departure hasn't ruined the storyline with The Nexus. Like a lot of other people, I'm holding out hope that Danielson will make his way back to the WWE after the 90 days of his no compete clause has expired. If he doesn't, and instead goes to TNA, then it could easily be the single biggest wrestling blunder of 2010.

I know some are disappointed with HBK's retirement. He's an all time great as far as I'm concerned, but there really was nothing left for him to do. He's in his mid 40s, he's done it all, so I've got no problem whatsoever with him stepping aside gracefully instead of desperately clinging to the spotlight and potentially damaging his legacy.

As for Batista, I'm not really disappointed in him leaving. I admit that his run as a heel was pretty good, but I don't think it quite balances out the more than half decade of, at best, average matches most of the time and a one dimensional face character. Besides, I don't think Batista loved wrestling in the first place. He got in, made himself a lot of money and is moving onto other things. Overall, no big loss in my view.

In all honesty, with him and HBK out of the way, other and much younger wrestlers are being pushed and given opportunities to shine that might otherwise not have happened or we'd still be waiting for those pushes to happen while complaining about the WWE keeping the same guys around the main event scene instead of broadening things out some.
My biggest disappointment is....THE 2010 WWE DRAFT.

While RAW has been putting on pretty good shows and showcasing all of their talent pretty well, Smackdown is suffering form a lack of star power. It is good that they are showcasing younger guys like Kofi, Christian, MVP, and Matt Hardy, and I hope they can break into the main event scene, but with no one to put them over I think they will look weak when out against some of the bigger names from RAW.

Also the new MITB rule, I was hoping A big name like Edge or even Miz or Morrison would win and cash it in on Smackdown to add star power to the show, but the new rule is you can only cash in on your show's champion.

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