Big Show Ready to Retire?


Dark Match Jobber
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Bob Collins, a long-time promoter with WWE who worked on WrestleMania III, has been regularly covering the Detroit area in the build to WrestleMania 23. He has been telling Ford Field officials that the only match WWE has decided upon for the show is Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show. However, that match is not 100% certain for the time being. Though, if it does end up taking place, it could very well be the final wrestling match for not one star, but both stars.

Big Show's contract expires in February and he is in a great deal of physical pain nowadays. Big Show legitimately weighs 520 pounds, finds traveling very difficult, and has already been taken off of most minor ECW house shows. Due to these problems, plans are being made to get the ECW title off of him soon. The problem with this is that Rob Van Dam is the only ECW wrestler in a good position to win it, yet Vince McMahon has been said to be determined to not to let him be the champion again following his arrest the last time around. McMahon also feels RVD cannot draw as a champion, although other WWE officials believe the crowds will be the same no matter who has the belt.

Big Show has been telling people that he is considering leaving wrestling next year and going into acting, since his size and comedic personality makes him rather unique and should get him plenty work. His original contract, signed in 1999, was $950,000 a year for ten years. It was renegotiated in 2000 when management felt he wasn't working hard enough and sent him to Ohio Valley Wrestling, with Jim Ross cutting it down to $1,000,000 a year for eight years. Eventually, Vince got irritated about paying that much for anybody in developmental and they just took him as he was in early 2001.

John Laurinaitis started talking to him about a new deal recently, which involved a major pay cut. After Kurt Angle left the company, WWE had more money available for wages and he was offered a five-year extension at the same wage, which he turned down. The company was shocked by his rejection, yet Big Show doesn't believe that he can continue due to the severe pain he is experiencing. His back is shot and he fears that he may start rapidly physically deteriorating like Andre the Giant did at around the same stage of his life.

Because they cut back his dates, he has agreed to work through February unless things get extraordinarily bad. He will then take a hiatus and hopefully recover enough to return for WrestleMania. Big Show is in a secure financial position, but he may never be able to handle a full-time schedule again. He has not confirmed anything about WrestleMania yet, but the feeling is that he will work the show due to Hogan's involvement unless he is physically incapable.

"This is crazy cause the other day I was watching the Andre DVD and thinking how bad Big Shows health will be in a couple years working the WWE schedual. "
he should have never left WCW. he never reached the potential heights he should have in the WWE. 'The Giant' would have kicked 'The Big Slow' anyday as the WWE has no clue how to let guys work anymore.

just look at cena's move set when he first arrived as a happy rookie and look at the moves he is allowed to do now. even better look at rey's old WCW matches and any WWE match. no comparison. too many damn "safe" moves, not a drop of entertainment.

i wish the big show the best tho i always liked him, just 10x more in WCW.
i think he should retire a couple of weeks ago i was whatching wretlemnia 15 he looked in great shape then i looked at ecw he goes red he looks way to over weight and he cant move if he dosent retire sadly i see him going down the same road as angre did
although Big Show was never my favorite wrestler, i give him credit n a small part of me might even miss his giant ass. I just wish he could job to CM Punk(instead of RVD) n then have his final match against Hogan at WM23.
i've always liked big show i like him in ecw too but he needs to lose some weight 500+ is insane i know he is tall but still he needs to get down to around 300ish
I always liked him, but its understandable he doesn't want to end up like Andre
But this shouldn't be frowned upon, as the news report says he'll be pursuing a movie career after wrestling. I personally look forward to that
Personally I dont care one way or the other if he retires or not. If it really is his health that he is worried about then I feel that he should retire this way he doesnt get very ill or possibly pass away. I have never really been a big fan of the Big Show (no pun intended lol). But I do respect the fact of what he has done in the company during the time he has been in wrestling.
It would be amazing if he could still moonsault (he probably still could, but he might hurt people...seriously)...

For only being in his mid 30s, he already looks way over the hill. I swear that there are five seconds between each of his strikes. He's a powerful dude and all, but he's gotten boring over the years.
You don't think Big Show and Angle's problems are simliar?
Imagine Big Show in TNA.
I doubt he will retire very few wrestlers ever actually go through it, and retire completley. Personally I wont miss him, i've never been a fan. Big Show has'nt made any effort in the ring since he left WCW.
If big show gonna retire then i guess im gonna vote for his title on the line for Cyber Sunday. Anyway Show is a great wreslter...and how WWE use him (always get beat up by little guys) is pretty dumb as retiring is the best option for him..
Y 2 Jake said:
I doubt he will retire very few wrestlers ever actually go through it, and retire completley. Personally I wont miss him, i've never been a fan. Big Show has'nt made any effort in the ring since he left WCW.
Yeah, I can't remember who said it but I once heard some one in the wretling biz say the very same thing, wrestles never really retire they just slow down and don't wresle full time, so even if show "retires" I could see him coming back evry now and then like Terry funk, Hogan and many other wrestlers do.
Big Show, in the day, was a great talent, but I agree with everyone else...his best days in wrestling are behind him, and he needs to get out before he can't. It'll be sad to see the Big show leave, as I fondly remember his "Son of Andre" Days in WCW, but like I said, if it's for his own good...big up to the Big Show
I've always thought the Big Show was great, not the greatest 'wrestler' but cerainly a great 'superstar' i preferred him as a face because some of his stuff was hilarious. Like when he parodied Hogan a few years ago, and when Kane got locked in the cupboard, made me laugh though it probably shouldn't have (very childish)
His size is starting to be a real issue, most of his matches are either squashes or involve him being on his back like an upside down turtle for 70% of the match, he either has to lose 50-100lbs or yes he will retire or be fired soon
i was at raw last night and after it went off the air john cena gave the big show an fu. when big show went to the back he looked like he was hurting. Its really hard to be as heavy as he is for as long as he has.
Big Show is in serious pain. While i like him as a superstar i think he should retire. I don't want to see him like Andre. After he stops he needs to loose at least 100 lbs.

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