Better Wrestler Randy Orton or CM Punk?


Occasional Pre-Show
The second I saw you say that CM Punk isn't on the level of Randy Orton I stopped paying attention. It's possible to argue that Cena is better than Punk (eventhough i'm of the opinion that he isn't. I like Cena, I just don't think he's as good as Punk) but it is NOT possible to argue that Orton is. Orton is worse on the mic FACT, worse in the ring FACT. The only thing Orton may have over Punk is his look but even then I think Punk has a better look too. Each to his own though I guess...

To the writer of this quote you have written something so bad you inspired me to create a new thread, so thank you. In fear of people agreeing with you I would like to settle this arguement. I will look past the fact that you have probably started liking Punk after his promo and look at this objectively.

When you look at Mic Skills yes Punk has Orton there but to say Punk is better in the ring is redicilous. Let's not confuse a few great months with a hall of fame career.

Let's start out with Moments: Ok let's start with Orton. When he landed on the tacks against Mankind at backlash, reversed the chokeslam against Undertaker that nearly ended the streak, RKO'd Air Bourne, punted McMahon, Punting Cena's Dad, RKOing Stephanie, and becoming the Legend Killer is >>>>>Punk: A great promo (not in ring), winning against Cena at MITB, and cashing in MITB against Hardy.

Matches: Randy Orton has countless matches that are memorable and will be shown for years to come. Punk has had good matches, but nothing that belongs on best of ____ DVD, except his MITB match against Cena. Orton vs Mankind hardcore match at Backlash was amazing. Orton vs Undertaker where you honestly believed he could end the streak was amazing (I know it's not gonna happen, but if Punk goes against Taker at Mania there will not be one person, besides maybe the person who wrote the quote above that would believe Punk could end it). Evolution vs The Rock and Sock connection was great, and his feud with Triple H was great and had memorable build ups to the matches. Even his latest feud with Christian I would put on the same level as Punks matches with Cena, because although MITB was great, Summerslam wasn't anything special. Punks most memorable as I said before MITB vs Cena and a match against Hardy. That's it for Punk.

Groups: I'll keep this short and sweet. Evolution and Legacy are infinitely greater and had a memorable long lasting impact in comparison to SES and New Nexus in ring and on mic. Randy Orton's entourage>>>>Punk's..I'll shave my head if I'm wrong

Reaction from Crowd: Orton had so much more heat as a heel when he was in evolution than Punk ever had with the Nexus or SES. Orton's face pop is bigger than Punk has ever gotten, minus Punk in his hometown of Chicago for MITB.

Legacy: Randy Orton became the legend killer and then went on to the Viper. He has gone toe to toe with some of the best the WWE/F has ever had. Here's some names he's gone against or fought with, Mankind, Taker, Rock, Michaels, Flair, Batista, Triple H, Hulk Hogan!!!!!! That list is amazing.

Now lets go on to Punk's in ring legacy. Memorable feuds against Cena. Orton has also done that. If you want to say memorable feuds against Hardy that's fine but nowhere near the same level as the things Orton did.

Believability: Orton is a big dude. He can pull off his finisher against anyone, and it's believable that he can hang with and beat the biggest guys in the business. As Triple H once stated, Punk is a skinny fatass. Take the current feud, Mark Henry vs Randy Orton. Replace Orton with Punk. It's simply not believable that Punk could beat Henry. Orton has the look and in ring skills that make you think he's gonna win every match he's in.

This short novel I've written is not an anti Punk forum. I respect Punk and know he's changed Raw for the better. He very well could be the most exciting thing in the WWE RIGHT NOW, but lets not get carried away, especially by trying to downplay Randy Orton.

Simply put, there's a reason a Randy Orton DVD is coming out and "Punk's Greatest Months" has yet to hit stores. If you honestly think Punk is better in the ring you're crazy. Can't wait for the Punk responses.

As R.Truth would say You Got Got!...sorry let me end this thread with a more appropriate saying..PIPE BOMB!
I saw this post in the side bar and was like oh god not another person thinking Orton is better than Punk but then saw the thread was even dedicated to me - i'm honoured!

Matter of opinion. To me the best two wrestlers are Daniel Bryan and CM Punk in the WWE. I feel that most will agree with me. I get that you're probably an Orton mark but since his face turn he has not been good in the slightest. People go on about Cena being unbeatable but he is a lot worse than Cena for being a superman. By wrestler i meant IN RING so I don't get why you're focusing on Legacy and Evolution - the latter by the way being more focussed on HHH than Orton.

And you jump on me for saying punk is better then come out for saying I'm crazy for thinking Orton is better. Orton is good, never said he wasn't but he's not better in the ring than Punk lol. Could the reason being with Orton's greatest moments dvd coming out be that Orton has been a main eventer for way longer? Look how long it took for CM Punk to get a chance at the main event and how much praise he's gotten off other people.

Anyway, cba to argue about it. You have your opinion I have mine but I must say your basis of argument is really weak. Of course I don't think his CAREER is better than Orton's i just said that he's better. If we're going by your bases Cena is a MUCH better wrestler than Orton to which i'm sure - as a mark - you'll strongly disagree with and, therefore contradict yourself.

So no, I didn't "get got" and your argument was flawed in so many ways that i'm afraid mate it weren't a pipe bomb either... keep trying though!
That guy is completly stupid,Punk may have the edge on the mic but Punk is SO Sloppy in the ring at times.He is overrated in the ring and there are people saying that his the best in the ring because of his moveset and has a different style of moves which WWE don't often seem to use.But his Sloppy.Orton is better than Punk in the ring,His a great seller,he can mat wrestle,chain wrestle,and is a great in-ring technicain.His not the best obviously,but his better than Punk.How much memorable moments has punk had?Well he has a few in the past..what? 4 months? His been around for 5-6 years in the WWE and now is the first time his had a epic moment with the Company.I hated his 2 Cash-ins as I wanted Edge to have a longer reign and I felt bad for Jeff that he like a 5 minute title reign.Punks stables have been boring and a flopage.New Nexus:Was not even a quarter as good as the orginal nexus,it did not go nowhere and it was so bad that WWE didn't even play a angle to split up the group.SES:At the start it was intresting but died down and bored me.He may have cut a few good Promos with the stable but that was it.
Then you look at Randy's Stables:Legacy was great and elevated to young stars in Cody&Ted.Yep Ted's carear hasn't been great since then but it looked like it could of been,Cody rhodes carear has been AWESOME since then and is getting so much support from the IWC,Hahaha.The stable was entertaining and it made you think that them two were actually getting the same movements and style round the ring as Orton.Evolution:In my mind the greatest stable in history! it was totally awesome!I can't realy type anything about it because use all know it was epic,So orton is better than Punk.
is cm punk better than randy?
In terms of wrestling skill: YES.

in terms of entertainment value: YES
In terms of mic skill: YES

In terms of acheivements: NOT YET. In
1-2 years, YES. CM Punk = The Best in the WWE.
Ya looks wise randy beats punk but what pro wrestling is all about? its about wrestling skills and mic skill..orton is damn borning and just good at RKO.. he has more achievements and moments and fueds cause pro wrestling is scripted and they never pushed punk before MiTB.. punk is the man who established himself without legacy or backstage me in one year punk will be in number one or in two position (behind just cena) ,orton is boring damn boring.
I had to register just to respond to this cause your statements of Orton being better then Punk are crazy inaccurate cause its clear you don't like Punk, you forgot a couple of moments for Punk, like winning MitB 2 times and cashing in successfully 2 times, he's had more then one great promo as of late, CM Punk and Jeff Hardy's feud was great imo, and you think CM Punk vs Mark Henry isn't believable? correct me if im wrong but didn't Punk and Umaga feud where Punk GTS him? i like both Orton and Punk, but dude in terms of wrestling, mic work, and entertainment Punk>Orton easy
SO.. After calling me stupid.. it appears that the majority of people agree with me. The one person who didn't and said CM Punk is sloppy in the ring has SIN CARA as his picture, therefore, making his argument completely void. The original one got fired for botching so much and the second one is so much slower. Kinda off topic but just thought i'd add that.

Edit: By your stupid logic with stables equating to ring skill: Hogan founded the nWo - arguably the best stable of all time, so, therefore, Hogan is the best in-ring of all time?
I might be a little bias here cause I love Punk and kinda hate Orton but I'll give this a try anyway. Personaly I think Punk is better all around than Orton. I think Punk is one of the best if not the best well rounded wrestler in the WWE. He can certainly talk the talk on the mic and is very skilled in the ring. He incorperates highflying, submission, his striking game, and is even pretty strong especially for his weight, being able to give a gts to kane and even umaga. Orton is really boring to me. His mic work puts me to sleep and i dont even want to watch his matches. Suprise suprise Randy orton wins his 387th consecutive match yay! Not to say Randy Orton is bad in the ring because compared to his mic work he thrives in the ring. He is definitely not the best in the ring and i wouldnt even say top 5, im not sure if top 10, probably top 15 as he is better than many people in the ring. But Punk is just better, heck he has 2 5 star matches. Anyway thats just how I feel.
What do you mean? If you mean who does his job better, it's Orton. Orton gets the crowd more into it in his matches. If you mean technical skill (which none of you are qualified to judge because you don't know how to do the moves), then it's Orton based off Hart calling Orton the excellence of execution.

Then again, a bunch of smarky CM Punk fans with a hard on for workrate and "variety of moves" who know nothing about ring psychology or paying attention to the crowd probably know more than Bret Hart.

It's hilarious how many of you are posting your opinions without using anything to back them up except.....your opinion. You'd be such shitty sports broadcasters "Martin Prado is a better hitter than Jose Bautista" "really? Bautista has waaaaay better stats" "so, I like Prado more". That's basically what you guys sound like.

If we're going with opinions. I PERSONALLY like Punk more, I've followed his career since IWA-MS, I feel a connection to him. However, I'm not dumb enough to think that Punk is better than Orton either technically (because Hart knows more than me) or in terms of doing his job (getting over).
SO.. After calling me stupid.. it appears that the majority of people agree with me. The one person who didn't and said CM Punk is sloppy in the ring has SIN CARA as his picture, therefore, making his argument completely void. The original one got fired for botching so much and the second one is so much slower. Kinda off topic but just thought i'd add that.

Edit: By your stupid logic with stables equating to ring skill: Hogan founded the nWo - arguably the best stable of all time, so, therefore, Hogan is the best in-ring of all time?

HAHAHA AxAs. That is literally the best rebuttal I have ever read on these forums. LMAO.

Anywho. Cm Punk all the way. He is incredible in every aspect of the business. No question. I won't take anything away from Randy though. He is probably the second most over face at the moment. Gets huge pops everytime his music hits. Cm Punk is on fire at the moment but every smackdown is littered with Viper signs and RKO chants. Regardless I'll take Punk anyday.
TWJC: The Beginning "It's hilarious how many of you are posting your opinions without using anything to back them up except.....your opinion."'re a moron. Bret's EXACT quote from Aug 25th was "Randy Orton is another one of my favorites. Randy doesn’t necessarily get credit for being a great technician, but he is. People always use that term for me, ‘The Excellence of Execution’ — and that’s what Randy is. I expect that he’s going to get better and better and better.”

Bret was also quoted as saying on July 23 that the Cena v CM Punk match was one of the best matches he had seen in a while and MITB was the best PPV WWE had done all year.

Using Bret Hart's comments as a one sided arguement to say that the IWC is nothing more than a bunch of uneducated idiots who have the wrong opinion is ******ed.

Bret Hart isn't the only great wrestler that has a valued opinion. What about Shawn Michaels? He was quoted in an interview on June 27th saying Punk is great and he loves his style...and there are other old school'ers who rave about CM Punk.

Now here is where you shut up and listen to my opinion. Neither Orton or Punk are better than each other. They both make mistakes in ring and cutting promos, and neither of them can hold the jock strap of half the talent the real WWF once had. Orton's inflated amount of times he's held the title is just that, inflation. Back in the day he might have had 1 or a possible 2 titles, not the 23 he is on track to have before he retires. Punk is hot right now, and that trend will die down no matter what. Eventually WWE will put him in storylines that have nothing to do with the topcarders again and Punk will be back where he was 4 years ago, eventually leaving to ROH and helping Jim Cornette make a viable contender in the indy scene.

True wrestling is dead...we have no choice but to hold on to this sports entertainment and yearn for the old days.
TWJC: The Beginning "It's hilarious how many of you are posting your opinions without using anything to back them up except.....your opinion."'re a moron. Bret's EXACT quote from Aug 25th was "Randy Orton is another one of my favorites. Randy doesn’t necessarily get credit for being a great technician, but he is. People always use that term for me, ‘The Excellence of Execution’ — and that’s what Randy is. I expect that he’s going to get better and better and better.”

Bret was also quoted as saying on July 23 that the Cena v CM Punk match was one of the best matches he had seen in a while and MITB was the best PPV WWE had done all year.

Using Bret Hart's comments as a one sided arguement to say that the IWC is nothing more than a bunch of uneducated idiots who have the wrong opinion is ******ed.

Bret Hart isn't the only great wrestler that has a valued opinion. What about Shawn Michaels? He was quoted in an interview on June 27th saying Punk is great and he loves his style...and there are other old school'ers who rave about CM Punk.

Now here is where you shut up and listen to my opinion. Neither Orton or Punk are better than each other. They both make mistakes in ring and cutting promos, and neither of them can hold the jock strap of half the talent the real WWF once had. Orton's inflated amount of times he's held the title is just that, inflation. Back in the day he might have had 1 or a possible 2 titles, not the 23 he is on track to have before he retires. Punk is hot right now, and that trend will die down no matter what. Eventually WWE will put him in storylines that have nothing to do with the topcarders again and Punk will be back where he was 4 years ago, eventually leaving to ROH and helping Jim Cornette make a viable contender in the indy scene.

True wrestling is dead...we have no choice but to hold on to this sports entertainment and yearn for the old days.
You sound like a bitter smark. Letting nostalgia take you back. Not only that, but you're a mark for the belt, putting so much stock in title reigns.

I wasn't saying CM Punk isn't good. I'm saying it's stupid for any of us to judge who is better technically. It is, we don't know how to do the moves. So really, the only way we can judge it is by crowd reaction (a wrestler's job) which Orton wins.
That guy is completly stupid,Punk may have the edge on the mic but Punk is SO Sloppy in the ring at times.He is overrated in the ring and there are people saying that his the best in the ring because of his moveset and has a different style of moves which WWE don't often seem to use.But his Sloppy.Orton is better than Punk in the ring,His a great seller,he can mat wrestle,chain wrestle,and is a great in-ring technicain.His not the best obviously,but his better than Punk.How much memorable moments has punk had?Well he has a few in the past..what? 4 months? His been around for 5-6 years in the WWE and now is the first time his had a epic moment with the Company.I hated his 2 Cash-ins as I wanted Edge to have a longer reign and I felt bad for Jeff that he like a 5 minute title reign.Punks stables have been boring and a flopage.New Nexus:Was not even a quarter as good as the orginal nexus,it did not go nowhere and it was so bad that WWE didn't even play a angle to split up the group.SES:At the start it was intresting but died down and bored me.He may have cut a few good Promos with the stable but that was it.
Then you look at Randy's Stables:Legacy was great and elevated to young stars in Cody&Ted.Yep Ted's carear hasn't been great since then but it looked like it could of been,Cody rhodes carear has been AWESOME since then and is getting so much support from the IWC,Hahaha.The stable was entertaining and it made you think that them two were actually getting the same movements and style round the ring as Orton.Evolution:In my mind the greatest stable in history! it was totally awesome!I can't realy type anything about it because use all know it was epic,So orton is better than Punk.

I can't believe the stupidity of this comment. CM Punk is sloppy in the ring? This is coming from someone who has Sin Cara as their picture. CM Punk makes fantastic matches, that's all their is to it. And also, learn to spell.

Randy Orton has been making great matches with Christian for the past couple of months. But how much great matches had he had the years before? Not too much. His matches with Miz, John Cena, Sheamus, and Wade Barrett were all crap. He was given fifteen to twenty five minutes with them, but they were ALL boring as hell.

CM Punk isn't perfect, of course he isn't. But is he entertaining? Of course, only a toddler would think otherwise. His matches last year were all terrible because WWE only gave him six minutes for each PPV match he received. But the funny thing is, his matches last year were ten times as good as Randy Orton's BORING matches.

I don't want to get off topic but I want to add John Cena to the topic. but as for John Cena, I think he's great. I really enjoy his microphone work, and besides the fact his matches with The Miz were crappy this year, I really think he's one of the greatest of all time. He has the entertainment factor, whether you love him or hate him, he gets people into storylines.

But as for Randy Orton, he's barely anything like John Cena and CM Punk. He's not entertaining on segments and interviews, his matches without Christian are all crap. He can only draw a crowd of idiots because WWE NEVER makes him lose. John Cena is a superman, but at least he loses. The only time Randy Orton lost this year was against Miz at the Royal Rumble. Otherwise, losing by DQ to Christian doesn't really count. That's fucking ridiculous, Randy Orton CANT put anybody over. John Cena loses to Wade Barrett, Sheamus, and CM Punk, but Randy Orton beats ALL of them and never loses.

Randy Orton always fucking wins, his promos are overlong, his victory celebration lasts for twenty minutes, his matches are slow and predictable, and he overacts his character. He needs to stop thinking that acting like a psycho or snake is cool, it's fucking ******ed.

CM Punk is better than him by a long shot, and I don't even like CM Punk that much.
@ TWJC: The Beginning

No, not bitter, more of a realist.Not a mark for the belt either, but according to your logic of crowd reaction being the only way to judge them, who gets the most pops??? Usually the champ, so that makes the title valuable according to you.

So, you think we have no place to judge the technical ability of a wrestler simply because we don't know how to perform the moves? That's what I'm saying is moronic. That's like saying that because I don't know how to pitch a baseball I can't judge if a pitcher did his job well with a 7.00 ERA...I imagine a person who has invested 1,240 posts into the IWC is a bit jaded, so go drink your hateraid and give some real respect to wrestlers like Bret Hart by not mentioning him in your posts!
I'll be the first to admit that CM Punk has been on fire these last few months (both with his mic work and in ring performances), and Randy Orton's character development has been a little sketchy since turning face. But I cannot honestly say that CM Punk is better than Randy Orton as an overall performer. And don't automatically label an Orton mark or a Punk Hater because I enjoy watching both of them work and probably list them as the my favorite current wrestlers, along side Daniel Bryan.

-Crowd Reaction- There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Randy Orton typically receives a larger ovation than CM Punk. I know that an army of people are going to start pointing to the reaction he received at Money in the Bank, but what did people's his home town for Christ's sake. I've been looking back at the Monday Night Raws of the past couple of months and the reaction he gets varies, sometimes getting to the point where I start to worry that his push is going to be taken away due to the reception he is receiving at some televised events. An example of this occurred this past Monday when Nash powerbombed him. A lot of the fans were cheering for Nash as he lay Punk out.

-In Ring Work- This one is a tough one for me because I love Punk's move set. It is unique and he has a better chance of pulling off something unexpected during the match that will surprise me when I'm calling the next move as it is about to happen. That said, as someone posted earlier, he is a bit sloppy. It's a given that this is going to be a problem when one uses innovative moves, but it is a constant thing with him. Before Punk got his major push people were always complaining about him botching the GTS. How can someone frequently botch their finisher. His counters are also hit and miss. He likes to try to do a flip and try to land on his feet ala-HBK when countering Cena's AA, but I don't think he's ever done it properly. This tends to take me out of the match because I have to watch the wrestlers hesitate and reset. I like his ambition to try to come up with new things, but you have to do them right on TV.

Randy Orton may be boring as hell sometimes in the ring(especially during the Legacy period), but he rarely screws up during a televised match. He is great when it comes to executing his moveset, and seems to be a perfectionist. I remember him flipping out on Kofi when he forget his spot. You cannot act like an ass when someone botches if you're always screwing up to, so he keeps it simple.

Both of them have great in ring psychology, but Orton does a lot more facial work. Is it exaggerated sometimes? You damn right, but it seems to get the live crowd going so what's wrong with a little mat humping and drool. Punk is more subtle and does the smirking, pompous act to perfection, but people automatically say that he is better than Orton just because he came from Ring of Honor and has a Japanese-Puroresu influenced style. Enough with that.

Go back to Summerslam and tell me that the Punk/Cena match was worked better than the Christian/Orton match. Punk/Cena was almost an exact copy of the Money in the Bank PPV. Orton/Christian have had about five matches at PPVs now, but each one was worked differently, similar to the Benoit/Booker T best of five series.

They are literally neck to neck in this aspect, but I just unbiasedly say that Punk's exciting style is better than the crispness of Orton. It's simply a toss up.

-Mic Skills-This is where Punk is always given the automatic nod. As well he should be. Orton's mic work is not bad, it's just not great. Although I will admit that his straightforward(and more often than not boring) mic style still gets the crowds riled up. Punk is a lot smarter with his words and does subtle things to get a rise out of people. Remember when he started calling Randy Randall Keith Orton. The only problem I have with Punk is that he sometimes alienates the general audience by adding comments that only hardcore wrestling fans understand. Sure it gives him brownie points with the IWC but his crowd reaction sometimes suffers because people get confused. It's still better than Orton's though.

Both of these men are at the top of their game, and this question is meant to divide people and stir up arguments, but we must remember these are two superstars doing playing separate roles and doing a damn fine job of it. Orton is the new face of Smackdown, while Punk is trying to become the bad-ass anti-hero that does not play by anyone's role except his own. If you people think that insulting either Punk or Orton's ability will increase the dislike or like for either one of them, well... you're probably right. But you shouldn't because they have both made watching a WWE PPV bearable. I personally think that Orton is an overall better WWE superstar but I have no problem with anyone making a case for CM Punk.
I can't believe the stupidity of this comment. CM Punk is sloppy in the ring? This is coming from someone who has Sin Cara as their picture. CM Punk makes fantastic matches, that's all their is to it. And also, learn to spell.

Randy Orton has been making great matches with Christian for the past couple of months. But how much great matches had he had the years before? Not too much. His matches with Miz, John Cena, Sheamus, and Wade Barrett were all crap. He was given fifteen to twenty five minutes with them, but they were ALL boring as hell.

CM Punk isn't perfect, of course he isn't. But is he entertaining? Of course, only a toddler would think otherwise. His matches last year were all terrible because WWE only gave him six minutes for each PPV match he received. But the funny thing is, his matches last year were ten times as good as Randy Orton's BORING matches.

I don't want to get off topic but I want to add John Cena to the topic. but as for John Cena, I think he's great. I really enjoy his microphone work, and besides the fact his matches with The Miz were crappy this year, I really think he's one of the greatest of all time. He has the entertainment factor, whether you love him or hate him, he gets people into storylines.

But as for Randy Orton, he's barely anything like John Cena and CM Punk. He's not entertaining on segments and interviews, his matches without Christian are all crap. He can only draw a crowd of idiots because WWE NEVER makes him lose. John Cena is a superman, but at least he loses. The only time Randy Orton lost this year was against Miz at the Royal Rumble. Otherwise, losing by DQ to Christian doesn't really count. That's fucking ridiculous, Randy Orton CANT put anybody over. John Cena loses to Wade Barrett, Sheamus, and CM Punk, but Randy Orton beats ALL of them and never loses.

Randy Orton always fucking wins, his promos are overlong, his victory celebration lasts for twenty minutes, his matches are slow and predictable, and he overacts his character. He needs to stop thinking that acting like a psycho or snake is cool, it's fucking ******ed.

CM Punk is better than him by a long shot, and I don't even like CM Punk that much.
Orton is slow and deliberate in everything he does. It's why people buy his character. Everything "fits". Also, what does how Orton is booked have anything to do with his ability?

"put someone over" and "get someone over" are two different things. Orton has gotten Christian more over than he was before.

"only draw a crowd of idiots" so if you own a business, and our competitor sells more than you, it's because "customers are idiots"? the customer is never wrong. Orton draws because he works the audience. Orton's ring psychology is some of the best ever, his character work is fantastic, and he always tells a story in the ring, plus Bret Hart says he's excellent in his technique. I get not liking a character, because honestly I'm more of a fan of the REACTIONS Orton gets than him (I love studying the crowd for some reason and how guys work it), however, your hatred for Orton is a tad ridiculous.
They're both awesome in the ring with very different styles. I'm a Punk mark and not a huge Orton fan so I may be a little bias in saying that Punk is better in the ring. Orton puts on some great matches and has some good spot moves but Punk is better all around.

Plus Orton's best matches recently have been with Punk

I'm no expert though and neither are any of you so these threads are kind of pointless.
@ TWJC: The Beginning

"plus Bret Hart says he's excellent in his technique. I get not liking a character, because honestly I'm more of a fan of the REACTIONS Orton gets than him (I love studying the crowd for some reason and how guys work it), however, your hatred for Orton is a tad ridiculous."

I know the forum rules, so I will try not to make this too personal...

1. There are more people and opinions in the world that count than Bret Hart.
2. For someone who says we can't judge wrestlers you obviously don't follow your own advice.
3. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and you are no more right than anyone else on here.
I think CM Punk is a better wrestler than Randy Orton.. in the beginning, i loved Orton.. but in the last couple of years, he has gotten boring and stale.. who cares if the the finisher is believable or whatever.. remember, this is pro wrestling.. nothing is really believable.. and no, I didn't start liking Punk after his famous promo.. i liked him back during the WWECW.. yeah, cause i couldn't watch TNA or ROH when he was with the companies.. that's problem with today's fans, you can't like or hate someone these days because then you're considered one of the sheep that do what everyone else does :(

and that line that Triple H says makes no sense.. "You're a skinny fatass?" Ok, if you're skinny, you probably have a small ass.. if you're a fatass, you're probably not very skinny at all
@ TWJC: The Beginning

"plus Bret Hart says he's excellent in his technique. I get not liking a character, because honestly I'm more of a fan of the REACTIONS Orton gets than him (I love studying the crowd for some reason and how guys work it), however, your hatred for Orton is a tad ridiculous."

I know the forum rules, so I will try not to make this too personal...

1. There are more people and opinions in the world that count than Bret Hart.
2. For someone who says we can't judge wrestlers you obviously don't follow your own advice.
3. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and you are no more right than anyone else on here.
I don't judge wrestlers on TECHNIQUE. I look at the guys who are over, study why they're over (belief in their character, selling, ring psychology, in ring storytelling) and apply it

Yes, everyone has a right to their opinion. However, I don't say "so and so is better than so and so because they are better in the ring" I say "so and so is more over, which is the job". Those are both factual statements. That's the difference.
I think CM Punk is a better wrestler than Randy Orton.. in the beginning, i loved Orton.. but in the last couple of years, he has gotten boring and stale.. who cares if the the finisher is believable or whatever.. remember, this is pro wrestling.. nothing is really believable.. and no, I didn't start liking Punk after his famous promo.. i liked him back during the WWECW.. yeah, cause i couldn't watch TNA or ROH when he was with the companies.. that's problem with today's fans, you can't like or hate someone these days because then you're considered one of the sheep that do what everyone else does :(

and that line that Triple H says makes no sense.. "You're a skinny fatass?" Ok, if you're skinny, you probably have a small ass.. if you're a fatass, you're probably not very skinny at all
It's a fitness term. He's basically saying that Punk is small and out of shape. He's a smaller guy but still has a gut. Punk isn't that athletic at all, but he's smart in the ring.
how can anyone talk bad about Randy Orton's mic skills? he's the apex predator . he doesnt have to talk , his name says it all .
thats like Batman arguing with Joker for 20 minutes before they fight , thats boring .

randy orton is the best wrestler in WWE , his mic skills are proven when the time is right .. like against Cena or Triple H.

cm punk has great mic work , but its only because he's not the top guy and he has nothing to lose like orton.

orton is the top guy next to cena , they both cant get reckless on the mic like cm punk because they have nothing to prove while being on top of the world .

in the ring , orton is wayy better than cm punk .. have you ever seen cm punk reverse countless attacks into a GTS like orton and the RKO?

who has cm punk beat that puts him about the legend killer? all the greats face undertaker at mania.. has cm punk did this? no
how can anyone talk bad about Randy Orton's mic skills? he's the apex predator . he doesnt have to talk , his name says it all .
thats like Batman arguing with Joker for 20 minutes before they fight , thats boring .

randy orton is the best wrestler in WWE , his mic skills are proven when the time is right .. like against Cena or Triple H.

cm punk has great mic work , but its only because he's not the top guy and he has nothing to lose like orton.

orton is the top guy next to cena , they both cant get reckless on the mic like cm punk because they have nothing to prove while being on top of the world .

in the ring , orton is wayy better than cm punk .. have you ever seen cm punk reverse countless attacks into a GTS like orton and the RKO?

who has cm punk beat that puts him about the legend killer? all the greats face undertaker at mania.. has cm punk did this? no

I feel this thread is going to be locked because of countless arguments but I have to say one more thing: This is SUCH a stupid comment. Look at the RKO compared to the GTS, the RKO is SOOOO much easier to reverse a move into it than a GTS. What do you expect, like when Orton RKO'd Bourne from an Airbourne, do you expect Punk to reverse an airbourne into a GTS......?
Like everything else, it all depends upon simply who you like more.

When it comes to in-ring ability, I personally like CM Punk a bit more and think he's a better all around guy than Orton. Punk is someone that incorporates some martial arts, high flying offense, submission & match techniques and a little bit of brawling. He's at least comfortable in all these styles but he doesn't use any single one of them too much. He's kind of a jack of all trades and is good enough in each area to get the job done. Orton relies a lot on brawling and high impact moves, not that that's a bad thing. Orton is very good at his particular choice and I like the fact that he's incorporated several new high impact moves to his move set over the course of this year. I just like Punk a bit more.

In terms of mic skills, again I give CM Punk the edge mostly because he seems so comfortable in his skin whether he's a heel or a face. His promos are smooth, they never have a forced feel to them and Punk's confidence shows each time he's on the mic. I like Orton on the mic in general, but he's much better as a heel. Orton is someone that just feels much more comfortable playing the bad guy and it just seems to suit his temperment and character a bit more. There are times, as a face, when Orton seems a little awkward and it noticably uneasy yet he usually manages to get the job done.

In terms of charisma, I have to give that to Randy Orton. Whether a heel or a face, Randy Orton always has the live crowds hanging on his every word, facial expression and mere twitch of muscle. He has a presence that CM Punk doesn't have. Now that doesn't mean that Punk isn't charismatic but he doesn't command the same level of response that Orton does. Punk has always gotten good responses and has always been over with fans, but he's not in Orton's league here. Maybe when Punk has had more time to grow as a main eventer, that might change. Orton has been consistently over for more than half a decade and time is the only thing that's going to determine whether or not Punk can do the same thing.

As far as the use of in-ring psychology, I think it's too close to call. Both of these guys are exceptionally good at using everything from the action in the ring to their facial expressions to their body language to tell the fans a good story. Punk & Orton are both just very capable of getting the fans to become involved in whatever they're doing.

Overall, it all just depends upon who you like more. Both of these men are extremely good professional wrestlers in my opinion. Contrary to what some might think or indicate, it takes more to be a great and succesful pro wrestler than having a flashy move set. Otherwise, every guy that's ever come out of TNA's X Division would be a household wrestling name and main event level guy.
CM Punk by a long shot. The only reason Orton has had better matches than Punk so far is because they gave him matches against opponents such as John Cena, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, and The Undetaker at Wrestlemania. Not only was he given house hold names to feud with but he was also given I Quit matches, Iron Man matches, Hell in a Cell matches(TV-14 Punk's match with 'Taker was during the PG era and it was given a very short time), and Hardcore matches(again TV-14 style).

Meanwhile Punk was given feuds with guys like John Morrison on ECW, Rey Mysterio, Umaga and Jeff Hardy. I think you get my point it's not Punk's fault he wasn't given a lot of huge matches in the past but it's all changing now. Punk is finally facing guys like John Cena and Triple H. And Punk's match with Cena on both Money in the Bank and Summerslam were both better than all of the countless matches Orton had with Cena in my opinion. Plus Punk is better on the mic has a great gimmick and no offense to Orton fans but he doesn't bore me to sleep during stuff like interviews and promos. I just think Punk is better than Orton in every single way possible except the look. Punk is kinda small for the typical top WWE guy while Orton is 6 ft 4 245 pounds but that doesn't really matter to me though it does matter to a lot of other fans.

CM Punk is hands down the overall better wrestler.
For those who are trying, in some way, to downplay Bret Hart's opinion. You're idiots. Bret Hart is not only a former wrestler, a legend in the business, but he's known as one of the BEST technical wrestlers in the history of the business. Everything that matters to IN RING wrestling are the very things Bret Hart excelled at. So yes, HIS opinions on the technical abilities of other wrestlers count the same as TEN THOUSAND internet fans opinions who know nothing about working a match, have never done it, and don't have any credibility in the least. That's fact.

That being said; they're both great. Anyone who discredits Randy Orton proves they know very little about the topic they're voicing an opinion on. Everything Orton does is smooth, fluid, crisp, and has meaning. His performance in the ring, in doing every move and action, is done better and done more realistically then 90% of the roster. He sells like a pro. He tells a story in the ring. And the crowd gets right behind him and REACTS to his matches. That's KEY. Orton does everything right. You can not like his style, but that doesn't mean he doesn't perform his chosen style to fucking perfection. He does. His style in the ring fits his character perfectly, also. That's why he's so good, and that's why he's a constant main event talent and one of the most over wrestlers in the company right now.

Punk has a different style but he's much the same. Punk is just as technically sound in the ring, and the crowd reacts to his matches. He's had some of the best matches on the roster, and throughout the entire year, recently. His praise, and the slogan "best in the world" is earned and fits him with far more truth then the Miz's "I'm the most must see champion", because the Miz certainly is NOT. Never was.

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