better off volume one-christian


Dark Match Winner
when christian came to wwe his first time he tagged with edge and they were portrayed as brothers. they did good as a tag team fueded with the like of hardys, team 3D and so on.But christian never really broke out as a singles star he was always an upper mid carder.then once he left for tna he was instantly a big deal and was a former nwa heavyweight forward a little bit and he returns on wwecw and he did his thing there was over with the fans fast forward a little more and he is back as an upper mid carder on my question is was christian better off in tna?
When you stack everything up side by side, I have to give the edge to TNA.

In the WWE, Christian was a great tag team wrestler and had the title wins to show it. He also had 3 runs as IC champ and he was one of the only ones making ECW watchable the last year or so it was on the air. Christian is a very reliable workhorse inside the ring but he's never made it to the top of the singles ladder in the WWE. He's won a lot of mid-card and tag titles, but never a world title.

In TNA, Christian was one of the top workers in the company and was given the chance to succeed as a main event singles wrestler and he did it. He had two strong runs as NWA World Heavyweight Champion in TNA and showed to a lot of people that he's got the stuff to be a headliner.

I think that Christian has probably gone as far as he's going to in the WWE and that's a shame. Christian turns 37 at the end of October, which means that his potential time to be a headliner in the WWE is fading fast and, in all likelihood, probably isn't going to happen.
I guess you could say he was. I mean he did after all prove himself in TNA as a main event player. He proved that he could carry the company and be over doing it. But that's perhaps the only part where Christian is anywhere near superior in TNA. I watched a bit of the stuff he had going for himself in TNA. He didn't seem to be as over. But it's mainly due to the fact that the crowds are very uneven obviously.

Christian never truly got the nod from WWE. But his career is made there. He's trusted with a big deal right now in putting over the younger talents. Sure it's not as big a thing as being trusted to wield the company championship (WWE championship obviously) But there's definitely a deal in being trusted to be the guy to put on great matches and make talents look good.

But even with that. It's ridiculous for me to assume that Christian is better off career wise with WWE. His legacy would become greater with more championships at the top through TNA. Sure Christian has a great WWE career legacy. But it fades a bit compared to the fact that he never held a world title.

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