Best Heel Ever

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I agree. Y2J made a great heel. As a babyface/tweener he was witty and humours. Best of Y2J came when he engaged with the rock.

As heel he could really get under your skin and piss you off
I remember he used to come out with his long goatee and red pony tail ignoring the kids and fans who cheered for him on his way to the ring and dissing them back. Pinning his opponets with one foot and yelling Come on baby lol that what makes a good heel. Someone who can get the crowd going against him all the time. The great thing about y2j is that he knows how to play characters.
Vincent Kennedy McMahon - Look up "Heel (Pro Wrestling)" in the Dictionary, and you will find a picture of Vince.

Triple H - Evolution... You just hated him!

Cena - 100% Heel, would be a dream!
MVP - Will be one of the best
Orton - Heading in the right direction
Burke - See Orton
1. Ric Flair- arrogant, had a reason to be. Also had those damn Horsemen running down to save the day.

2. Mr. Perfect- everyone wanted him to lose, just so he would be proven wrong, but he never lost...because he was perfect.

3. "Macho Man" Randy Savage- feuds with Hogan and the Warrior in WWF were classic, later heel versions of Savage were damn insane.
Mr Mcmahon around 98/99.

Had real life hatred due to Montreal screw job, had on screen hatred due to his overiding power to screw faces over. And his association with stone cold, arguably the most over-wrestler along with Hogan. This all came at a time where wrestling was at an absolute peak
I'm gonna give love to a guy who doesn't get it much because he never got the strap (but shoudl have). For my money (there's a hint) the most underrated (and one of the best) heels of all time is the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. That was a great gimmick, and he had the smarm and arrogance to carry it off perfectly. I think DiBiase gets ignored far too much when talk of "greatest heel" comes around. If DiBiase had been in any other era than Hulk Hogan's (when the Hulkster carried the belt for years at a time) he would have been a multiple time champion and mentioned in the same breath with Ric Flair, Randy Savage and HHH as one of the top heels of all time.
No one remembers Shawn Michaels turning heel? When he threw Janetty throw the Barber Shop window? Now that was vintage heel. And SD81, Dibiase is definitely up there with the top heels.

I think what people forget too is you dont have to be a wrestler to be a heel.
Look at Bobby Heenan. Man was he the best of the best.

1. Bobby The Brain Heenan
2. Flair
3. Shawn Michaels
4. Triple H
5. I'll get major laughter for this one but Sherri Martell
Triple H is one of the better heels of all time. he just made you want to tune in every week to watch someone beat the crap outta him. Even though he was and will always be my favorite wrestler he could even get on my nerves at times.

Ric Flair was never really a heel in my opinion he was just too cool to hate a lot of ppl hated him but I always loved him from his days in the four horsemen to evolution he is simply the best.

Edge and Randy orton are oming along very nicely as heels. Randy is just a natural heel. He's Cocky arrogant and just an annoyance which is simplay awesome. I've heard he's that way outta the ring too which further leads to the ire of the fans.

Ditto for Edge although i feel lately that fans are starting to jump on his bandwagon. We will have to wait and see what happens when he returns it should be very intersting.
My favorite heel of all time is certainley The million dollar man, Ted dibiase..perfect character, and the perfect guy to play it...a guy that was so good at his character, that now he comes out to raucous ovations, out of pure respect...Mr.Perfect is another of my favorites...a guy that was so damn good, he actually carried off the cockiness, made u belive him, made u buy it...and both guys had massive amounts of charisma to pull these characters off, as no one else could...

as far as the biggest heat...Sgt slaughter before WM 7 of course...they had to change the venue becuase they thought someone might shoot him...this was back before a lot of people widely knew wrestling was just a show, and there was a legit chance of someone trying to kill him, bieng a turncoat to the US during desert storm...and I have to mention the dudleys during their ECW times...I havent witnessed it myself, but from what I have read on these forums, people used to WAIT TO TRY AND FIGHT THEM AFTER SHOWS...which is absurd lol....and of course when Hogan turned heel was insane heat...I was a kid at the time, and had never seen something like the scene at bash at the beach, with people throwing things into the ring....
Triple H is one of the better heels of all time. he just made you want to tune in every week to watch someone beat the crap outta him. Even though he was and will always be my favorite wrestler he could even get on my nerves at times.

Ric Flair was never really a heel in my opinion he was just too cool to hate a lot of ppl hated him but I always loved him from his days in the four horsemen to evolution he is simply the best.

Edge and Randy orton are oming along very nicely as heels. Randy is just a natural heel. He's Cocky arrogant and just an annoyance which is simplay awesome. I've heard he's that way outta the ring too which further leads to the ire of the fans.

Ditto for Edge although i feel lately that fans are starting to jump on his bandwagon. We will have to wait and see what happens when he returns it should be very intersting.

i agree you can say what you like about ortan and edge, theyve caused alot of controversy but are the best heels that the company has at the moment, as long as they dont slip up any time soon they will be the standing bearers of the company for years to come
MICK Foley was a killer heel when i whent into ecw, the whole pro wcw thing always made me laugh, youd love to hate old foley
Vince is definitely the greatest heel of all time... as a matter of fact, he's the only true heel... all of these other superstars mentioned have or will spend time as a face... Edge, Kennedy and Orton are not great heels because people consistently cheer for them... Cena would be a great heel, people want to boo him anyway... hes very charismatic and clever, circa the rock during the nation days, and could be hilarious if he went back to rapping...
My top five modern heels
1) HHH - love him either way, but nobody can touch him
2) Mr Kennedy - just hate him
3) Randy Orton - could be one of the greatest
4) Christian Cage
5) HBK - again love him either way, the only Show Stopper.

My top 5 old school
1) Rowdy Roddy Piper
2) Ric Flair
3) Randy Savage, especially around the Ricky Steamboat fund before WM3
4) Bobby Heenan
5) Rick Rude - had an arrogance you could not stand
I can't believe that no one has mentioned Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. This man was so good at getting heat, he often took it away from the guys he managed. Remeber when him and The Islander stole Matilda!

As for wrestlers, my top 5 are definetely "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage (initial IC run), Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard.

Really good list and nice mention of Heenan as he got grat heat in the AWA and WWF.
As for greatest heel's I would have to say Vince. He is the only heel who has consitantly been over with the crowd nnight after nigh. People just love to hate him and he is so good at getting people to hate him. Everytime he opens his mouth he gets boo'ed witch is a good sign he is a bad-ass heel.
I can't believe no one said "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert (RIP)!!! Back in his UWF days he was the best with his stable! How could you ever forget the angle with him apologizing to Cowboy Bill Watts and him and Krusher Korchenko (sp) laying out Watts and putting the Russain flag on him! Those were the good old days.
The best heels have managed to get real life heat. Triple H for example - everyone claims that he is where he is because he married the boss' daughter. Edge? Well, he got it on with Lita and then they paired them up on TV together to some massive heat.
The best heel is Santino Marella because he is really annoying. He bashed my heros such as Jerry Lawler, the Sandman (sort of) and most importantly, the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin! Triple H is a face
I think that the future of heels is Randy Orton. Sure, he has many fans, i guess, but the fans HATE him. Especially that RKO.
Mick Foley is my personal favorite. He knows what to say to get us to really hate him. He uses his past work and promos as a way to explain his hatred towards a wrestler, he creates a story and a journey for himself to travel as a villan.
Wow.. let's see. I'll list and why and these are in no particular order.

Vince McMahon- From watching him on TV back when he and SCSA and him had the rilvary you just wanted to kick his ass. He was damn good at being at the arrogant boss from hell that you HAD to work for in order to get your job. I had a serious hatred for him (at the time I thought the storylines were real, lol)

Triple H- Now, he's a heel but I've had a thing for him since he was with Chyna, and I believe it was after WM 15 that just turned me on to him more. He started doing whatever he could to get the belt from kicking JR ass (and HHH was the best at kicking JR's ass), lol. Then when he and SCSA had the Two Man Power Trip that to me was one of the weirdest yet best tag teams.

Edge- I think Edge is going to prove in the future to be one of the best heels of this generation. I think it started more so with the Matt/Lita thing and just continued to grow, Edge is just a good person to hate (that sounds so weird, lol)

Kurt Angle- Now, Kurt was a funny heel, he was the guy you loved to boo and chant "you suck" to his music but when you listened to him talk, he just sounded so clueless and oblivious to a lot of different situations PLUS he was talented. Kurt is one of the best at being a heel + knowing how to make your match tell the story.

The Rock- Now, he was good during the Nation but when he did his whole "i'm better than you, now listen to me sing a song about how sucky your city is" bit I cracked up!! One promo I will never forget is when he went to Toronto and wowwwww.... it was so cleverly funny yet so terribly cruel that wow, lol.

Umm.. who else?
Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and I have to say Randy Orton BUT it was only in one interview he had with Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle, and that to me was the best time Randy Orton actually got me to pay more attention to him other than his physique, lol.
Number One... Ric Flair. Because when he is heel. He does such a great job of playing his part. When Flair plays bad guy.. It seems like HE believes that he is a bad guy. And from the stories I hear about him backstage at WCW.. From Scott Halls RF shoot, and other sources.. He seems like he has the ability to be a legit heel.

Two.. Vince. There's no explanation there. When the Bret Hart "screw job" went down, the video footage of him being regular Vince still seemed like a heel character. Vince is meant to play heel.

Three, The Rock.... Rocky Maivia. I used to watch Raw solely to watch Austin attack the Rock. I hated him so much. And again with the legitimacy.. 8 chairshots to a handcuffed Mick Foley. Was that Rock getting a little too into his character?

Last, but certainly not least, Shawn Michaels, pre-98. Why was he such a GREAT Cocky Bad guy? Because he was the cockiest assh-le ever in WWF. But then again.. He had a right to be it. He was the best WWF had at the time. Nobody was near him before his injury. Noone will ever match the amount of attitude Shawn Michaels had at the point in his life.. Not even himself.

Honorable mentions: Chris Jericho (WCW Days), Ted Dibiase, Ravishing Rick Rude, Eric Bischoff (nWo Days), and Kane.
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