Pre-Show Stalwart
Just watched Summerslam 2002 and have to say this is one of my favourites and probably the best ever. 2 awesome main events of HBK/Triple H and Rock/Brock and the mid card was very strong aswell...Rey/Angle, RVD/Benoit, Jericho/Flair, Eddie/Edge.
I wont go into to much detail but a few things I would liuke to point out about this event.
Cole & Tazz - Awesome work from these 2. I used to love Smackdown around this time, not just because it had the stronger roster but because of Coles enthusiasm. I preffered these to King & JR. Why is Cole such a dullard nowadays?
Kurt Angle - He was about to hit his prime around this time (2003 was his year for me). He looks huge at this event.
Undertaker - His American Bad Ass character! I actually preffered this to his Dead Man character. It is much more believable and it allows Taker to have personality, his promos are actually very good with the shackles of the Dead Man off!
Chris Jericho - The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla. I dont like Jericho nowadays, much preffered his "Rock Star" gimmick.
HBK vs Triple H - What a match for HBK to return to. It was brutal and probably the best match these 2 ever had against each other. A great co main event. Triple H also as a heel, where he belongs....oh and as The Game!
Rock vs Brock - The Rock passes the torch to Brock. For 2 big men, this was very fast paced. It was great to see The Rock put Brock over cleanly. The crowd were split on Rock! He got his ass booed! Kinda reminded me of Hart vs Austin from WM13. The face got booed, the heel got cheered. Rock was a tad stale at this stage, he left juts after and returned a new man. He was awesome as a heel in 2003.
The Crowd - Long Island were hot that night!
So is this the best Summerslam ever?
More indepth review here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SummerSlam_(2002)
The Card was so good there was no room for The Hardy Boys, Kane, Big Show and Hulk Hogan!!!
I wont go into to much detail but a few things I would liuke to point out about this event.
Cole & Tazz - Awesome work from these 2. I used to love Smackdown around this time, not just because it had the stronger roster but because of Coles enthusiasm. I preffered these to King & JR. Why is Cole such a dullard nowadays?
Kurt Angle - He was about to hit his prime around this time (2003 was his year for me). He looks huge at this event.
Undertaker - His American Bad Ass character! I actually preffered this to his Dead Man character. It is much more believable and it allows Taker to have personality, his promos are actually very good with the shackles of the Dead Man off!
Chris Jericho - The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla. I dont like Jericho nowadays, much preffered his "Rock Star" gimmick.
HBK vs Triple H - What a match for HBK to return to. It was brutal and probably the best match these 2 ever had against each other. A great co main event. Triple H also as a heel, where he belongs....oh and as The Game!
Rock vs Brock - The Rock passes the torch to Brock. For 2 big men, this was very fast paced. It was great to see The Rock put Brock over cleanly. The crowd were split on Rock! He got his ass booed! Kinda reminded me of Hart vs Austin from WM13. The face got booed, the heel got cheered. Rock was a tad stale at this stage, he left juts after and returned a new man. He was awesome as a heel in 2003.
The Crowd - Long Island were hot that night!
So is this the best Summerslam ever?
More indepth review here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SummerSlam_(2002)
The Card was so good there was no room for The Hardy Boys, Kane, Big Show and Hulk Hogan!!!